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mafia passion

mafia passion

mary leterman


Zander walked through the wide doors Demetrou glazing Investments. _ Good morning Mr. Demetered. _ said Helena, one of your receptionists. _ Good morning Helena. is even more beautiful than yesterday. _ he said to him giving a wink, making the almost fifty year old lady blush at the praise. _ And you are more gallant than yesterday. _ she returned, smiling while the other two receptionists warned the hair to get your attention. _ You deserve the best of me. _ he teased and then turned to the two other women. _ Good Morning Amber, Alexa... But it was a polite greeting and nothing like what he dedicated to Helena. After all Helena was a woman of older and happily married. Zander wouldn't risk playing the same way with Amber and Alexa, who did everything to call their Warning. Never get involved with employees satnodp tpheedy t arylli nkng etwo cita,l lb yuotu nrever Warning. Aa two replied in unison as he walked away to the private elevator. Enter your password on the panel and the doors started to close while listening to the sighs and girls comments. _ What envy, Helena. _ said Amber. _ If he greeted me like that way every morning would have to bring extra panties. _ commented Alexa, making others laugh two. _ Shut up girl. If Zander hears something like that could get her fired. Him does not engage with female employees. _ Helen explained. Zander didn't hear the rest of the conversation, but I didn't need to. The look the two threw at each other him every time attended the company already reported his thoughts. The elevator stopped a few minutes later at the penultimate floor where your office. Lucca, his secretary looked up of the documents on your desk and to the see him got up quickly. He was a man of almost forty years old, tall and muscular worked for Zander as secretary and security.

Chapter 1 Best friend

Keeping my eyes on the screen, I press the buttons on the joystick almost instinctively, while looking for bugs, glitches and

other failures. Besides, of course, wanting to beat up the guy who is beside me and playing as a second player – and not happy,

worth mentioning. Normally, we would hire a game tester, but we need to introduce the beta version in three days. We are

working on this project for almost a year and we have to convince investors that the game has the potential to be a blockbuster


And everything depends on this presentation. Everything!

"I think we should adapt that part. - Jean, my best friend and co-worker, he comments - Or maybe

there is a bug in the transition between scenarios. - I thought the same thing. - I answer - Let's include that

in the fnal report. We remain focused on our work, making several

breaks and writing down what needs to be corrected, but as soon as I notice

there are no more mistakes, I allow myself to relax and give the beating that

intended from the beginning and my friend also gets into the mode

competitive. It's just not enough to stop me. Jean practically throws the joystick on the couch and groans.

I chuckle at her irritated – and hilarious, expression.

ticket. "I can't believe you won again.

- Well, I developed the game.

"Me too, damn it!" "So you're just a bad player anyway.

My friend gives me the middle fnger and mutters "asshole"

when getting up. Of course I burst out laughing. the way he is moody and hates to lose is ridiculously funny. Although,

I admit, I can't judge him too much, as I also hate losing. I'm quite competitive. Too much, sometimes.

We organized the sheets with the notes in a folder and

we leave the meeting room, aware that we have a lot of work to do

ahead until this Thursday's presentation.

"I think we're going to have to stay overnight." Jean says,

sitting in your chair. "Let's try to streamline a few things here after

pass the report along to the rest of the team and make a

video call when we get home.

He agrees and, without further ado, we place our hand on the

pasta. I graduated from the 'Game Design' course three years ago and

I got a job at the company where I am today, still in my

last year. I started as an intern and reached a permanent position of

designer times later. This is also where I met Jean. He is

four years older than me, as is my wife,

But that didn't stop us from becoming great friends. Being

honestly, he's pretty much the only friend I have besides

from Hajime and Nath.

I was a bit of a recluse in high school. was always

dressed in band t-shirts and all in black. he was shy

too much with strangers and preferred to keep to myself while

listened to Linkin Park albums – my favorite band –

on MP3, hidden in the classroom. Not that I was completely

Isolated, far from it. He did have some colleagues with whom he used to

go out from time to time, but it wasn't uncommon for me to choose

company of books or music. Let's say I was what they called "dark". Being around girls then was an impossible task.

for me. He would get so fustered and fustered that he'd run away before

of being able to say a measly 'Hi!' , which apparently caused

that I would become popular with them. My embarrassed way was

strangely attractive and, while I wanted distance, they

wanted to approach.

Even though my face was considered pretty, my body

was slight and I looked way too young for my age – what

it hasn't changed despite my current 26 years. I just started to

develop even at the age of eighteen to nineteen, when I had

a sudden growth and my muscles were developing

because of boxing. I practically became another guy when I joined

at university, when I decided to really change, to be

more sociable and maybe have my frst kiss and lose my virginity –

I wasn't lying when I said I had serious problems with me.

approach girls. Jean and I extended an hour after hours, however,

we decided to fnish the changes at home. I check on my cell phone

gave Ève time to leave work, planning to meet her for

back together, and it's only then that I notice that he's sent a message

minutes ago saying she's going to be late because she's wrapped up in


"I left your favorite dish in the fridge. Love you!" , is what she

responds after I ask if I should buy or prepare the

dinner, followed by "I'm having dinner with the boys". I stay a little

surprised, yet immensely grateful. She must have done before

to leave in the morning. I need to think of something to repay her later.

I have some very interesting ideas in mind. - Is Eve coming to pick you up? my friend asks. - Not. - I put the backpack on my back - You'll have to tell me

hold on to the subway.

"How lucky for me, isn't it?" In addition to spending the whole day

by your side and doomed to spend the night too, now I'm

forced to look at your face until you go home. -

fakes a sigh - I'm starting to suspect you're married

with me. I laugh. But it's a fact that I'm spending more time with

him than with my wife because of the project; we go to the

elevator and greet the security guard.

"Want to stop somewhere for dinner, then?" - Not worth. Eve left my favorite dish prepared.

- Okay. No restaurant can compete with that. "You should come over for dinner one of these days. What about

after the presentation?

"Aren't you going to run?" I mean, Eve has the job

her, and it would be kind of last minute. - That is true. But whatever, I cook.

"Now that I'm not going anyway." - do one

queasy grimace - I still haven't forgotten what a disaster that was.

thing you insisted on calling fricassĂȘ. I have nightmares

until today. "Fuck you!" - I rage - It was the frst time I

I cooked a dish like that. Of course, it wouldn't be perfect. I

I'm not a culinary genius like you. Sorry. - All right. I apologize. I control myself not to curse him and say with conviction: "Believe it or not, my fricassee is much better.

now. - Sincerely? I prefer not to risk it. Jean makes the sign of the cross and kisses her fngers in a fgurine. And me

I want to punch him.

- Wants to know? Forget the invitation and don't even think about

show up at my house. Idiot. My best friend bursts out laughing, calling out to

people's attention on the platform, and puts his hand on my shoulder

before saying: - I wonder how Eve puts up with a person

as moody as you. I point down, and as soon as he looks up even though he doesn't

understand, I show the middle fnger surreptitiously. He laughs again and

I end up imitating; the train fnally stops at the station. Due to the timetable, the carriages are not full, which is

a real relief.

Jean and I said goodbye at Charles de

Gaulle Etoile. Each one goes their own way. I get off the subway and

I decide to take a taxi to the 10th arrondissement [1], the neighborhoodfrom EntrepĂŽt, where our apartment is located. It's not a very nice place

large, considering that space is a real luxury in Paris,

but it suits our needs well. It's our corner. Our home. The main stage of our adventures. As soon as I get home, I fnd the silence of the

Eve's absence. The atmosphere is completely different when

she is. Receptions are noisy and full of kisses, which I

I love it, I have to admit. Besides the occasions I meet her

arguing with the tv while watching series or experimenting

some new recipe in the kitchen. We both take turns preparing

of meals, though, she's a thousand times better at cooking than I am. Their apple pie literally makes me lick the plate. I look at our wedding picture hanging on the wall and

I smile, before walking into the bedroom to rip off her clothes.

a whole day and take a shower and then have dinner.

I always believed that when you fnd true love,

bells would ring the instant my eyes came across

this person. It's kind of silly, I know that, I just got this idea

fxed after watching a movie. And, coincidentally, that's what

happened when I met my wife. However, instead of

bells, it was those bells over the door that rang and that

it didn't even resemble a bloody bell. But, well, I guess so too

it was valid. After all, we got married.

The way we met, in my sophomore year at

Game Design course, it was funny and unexpected. followed

a colleague to the garage where she worked, close to campus, and

not even the grease-stained overalls made it lookless attractive to my eyes. Her hair was long

time and were tied with a blue bandana. There was one

grease smudge on your cheek too, and yet, when

the doorbell rang behind my back, I knew

would fall in love with that short woman.

Whether I want to admit it or not, I am a very romantic person,

those who believe in love at frst sight and soulmates.

Everything that most consider balela or even a little tacky.

Eve was my frst in everything. My frst kiss, my frst time, my frst

girlfriend. And today, more than my wife, it is with her that

I share my other frsts. Although my parents were a little reluctant with the

our decision to marry, considering my young age in

time, they adore Eve and say the best thing I did,

went to marry her. Sometimes it even seems that she is their daughter, instead of

from me, from so much that they pamper her. all attention

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Other books by mary leterman

Fake marriage with CEO

Fake marriage with CEO



dreams of love. Scarlett Baker is a humble young woman who has just lost her sister in a tragic car accident. Noah Thompson is a cold CEO who enjoys his solitude and likes to live as a recluse, even avoiding going to his own brother's wake. Noah swore to his brother that he would take care of his niece and will do everything to fulfill his promise, including marrying Scarlett, who also insists on custody of her niece. It was supposed to be just a contract, but they ended up getting involved and now she's pregnant, but Noah swears that Scarlett wants to hit him, after all, a few years ago he had a vasectomy. What you will find in Fake Wedding: Romance with differences in age, social class and customs, breaking taboos in Californian society. PROLOGUE Today the day didn't dawn sunny and I didn't hear the birds singing. The wind is cold and the many clouds in the sky show that the storm has arrived. My heart is broken. I look at the coffin and the pain is almost suffocating, the tears that roll down my face are not enough to wash away the pain in my soul. My only sister is lying there, pale and serene and beautiful as always, but she had no life. How it hurts to lose someone we love so much! I remember our simple childhood and that we were always there for each other. Until the day she fell in love, she got married and went away to live her life with her husband. Despite having completely different lives, Siena was happy with her relationship and for me, that was all that mattered, her happiness. I look at the people around and it's all so superficial. People who seem to be here just for position and to show off their expensive clothes, as if it were a fashion show. The way they look at me can be disgusting, I can see the contempt from afar, but I don't care, I'm not here for money, I'm not here to show off my clothes, shoes and jewelry, I'm not here just because my wife's husband sister had a lot of money. I'm here because I love the person lying in that coffin, I'm here because I can't accept that she's gone, because I can't imagine a world where I can no longer hear her laugh or see her. Life is cruel! Most people are around Zac's coffin, they quickly pass Siena's, looking at me and then leave. I tie my hair into a bun on top of my head and look around, looking for my niece, Charlotte. How it pains me to know that now she is without her parents, just like Siena and I were, the cycle repeats itself. I saw my niece a few times, just like my sister, the two of us no longer had frequent contact due to the incompatibility of our lives, but in fact, the love never changed. She offered me help several times, but I didn't want to accept it, even though I knew she was from the heart, she didn't want money, I could very well continue working and achieving my own things. I can't find Charlotte and I wonder where she must be and how she must be feeling. I wish I could hug her now and tell her with all the certainty in the world that she is not alone.

My stupid CEO

My stupid CEO



marriage contract created to unite two large fashion companies. A fantasy created to feed the insane desires of newlyweds. A bride who didn't want to get married and soon found herself accepting a bet to be her husband's lover. Is it possible to fall in love with all versions of a single person? Is it possible to love your lover so much that you chain him to the bed? How Christopher was able to drive her crazy, Melanie couldn't say, but after she got married, she was never the same. Ariana Grande - 7 rings Justin Timberlake - SexyBack Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber - Stuck with U Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic - Leave the Door Open Kiss - Peter Criss - Don't You Let Me Down Steven Tyler & Nuno Bettencourt - More than words Bruno Mars - Nothin' On You Ariana Grande - pov Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same Guns N' Roses - Get In The Ring PSY - Gangnam Style PSY - Daddy PSY - Gentleman Katy Perry - The One That Got Away 1 Signing the terms anhattan, one of the best-known and economically famous boroughs in New York City. Home to the sexiest and smartest man voted by People magazine. Christopher Rogers, CEO of Rogers Corporation, is a man world famous not only for his attractive face, but also for having made his first billions before the age of 25. Now, in his late thirties and with a vast empire on his hands, Christopher was just minutes away from marrying Melanie Williams, the heiress of MD Will's. A renowned and respected company in the fashion industry, but which was about to fall into decline. Rushing into the elevator, he ends up meeting his fiancĂ©e, looking more like he's going to work rather than getting married in a civil ceremony. Melanie, is a very attractive brunette with brown skin, her hair was a very dark chocolate color, almost black, long in an extreme straight line reaching halfway down her butt, brown eyes that met colorless prescription lenses and a height of 1.55 , but she always wore heels that made her much taller than she really was. Today she was wearing a tailored black suit, with a very generous neckline in the front as she was wearing nothing more than the blazer. Two golden hoops in the ears, one of which was filled with earrings of the same color. Her feet were wearing thin red-soled heels and her hair was thrown back, making her look incredibly sexy. — I thought we were going to get married, not go to a funeral — Christopher says just so she can hear. — This will definitely be my funeral, as there will be no possibility of me wanting you to be alive after marrying you. — Melanie, don’t be naughty! — Her father scolds her. — I only told the truth. Christopher laughs hoarsely at the answer, making her roll her eyes. He loved that explosive temper his future wife had. He knew she was against the marriage from the beginning, but he never said anything or objected. The heiress of MD Will's was aware of how important those marriage ties were for her company. That blonde bastard with the beautiful smile would not only be her future husband, but also her current business partner. As much as she didn't want to get married, she wasn't blind and was fully aware that her fiance was sexy. The problem is that he knew this and imagined that this man had more wheels than a bicycle tire. With straight, dark blonde hair of medium length, John Wick style and a slightly woody perfume. Christopher drew gasps wherever he went, driving anyone crazy with his deep voice. With his square chin, accompanied by a well-shaped beard of the same color as his hair, he made him even more masculine. The man was 1.93 meters tall

CEO Lifetime Contract

CEO Lifetime Contract



Christopher, made it clear with every possible line, the attraction he felt for his future wife's body. Melanie, seeing the perverted way her fiance was towards her and targeting what she read in the gossip columns. She thought her future husband had more wheels than a bicycle tire. As soon as she got married, she committed a very serious offense towards her husband and because she felt ashamed to apologize, she puffed herself up to gain courage and swallow her pride. Christopher ended up doing it anyway, trying to hold back the urge he had to grab her, which was multiplied when he discovered that underneath all that makeup, the woman he married was much more beautiful than the woman he engaged. Things become very dangerous when the two are drunk and soon the blonde can't resist the chance to make an indecent proposal to his wife. A marriage contract created to unite two large fashion companies. A fantasy created to feed the insane desires of newlyweds. A bride who didn't want to get married and soon found herself accepting a bet to be her husband's lover. Is it possible to fall in love with all versions of a single person? Is it possible to love your lover so much that you chain him to the bed? How Christopher was able to drive her crazy, Melanie couldn't say, but after she got married, she was never the same. Ariana Grande - 7 rings Justin Timberlake - SexyBack Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber - Stuck with U Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic - Leave the Door Open Kiss - Peter Criss - Don't You Let Me Down Steven Tyler & Nuno Bettencourt - More than words Bruno Mars - Nothin' On You Ariana Grande - pov Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same Guns N' Roses - Get In The Ring PSY - Gangnam Style PSY - Daddy PSY - Gentleman Katy Perry - The One That Got Away 1 Signing the terms anhattan, one of the best-known and economically famous boroughs in New York City. Home to the sexiest and smartest man voted by People magazine. Christopher Rogers, CEO of Rogers Corporation, is a man world famous not only for his attractive face, but also for having made his first billions before the age of 25. Now, in his late thirties and with a vast empire on his hands, Christopher was just minutes away from marrying Melanie Williams, the heiress of MD Will's. A renowned and respected company in the fashion industry, but which was about to fall into decline. Rushing into the elevator, he ends up meeting his fiancée, looking more like he's going to work rather than getting married in a civil ceremony. Melanie, is a very attractive brunette with brown skin, her hair was a very dark chocolate color

Rules Of CEO

Rules Of CEO



clothes, refusing invitations at the last minute and not having sex, under any circumstances, on the first date. Although difficult and boring as hell, she was convinced that VinĂ­cius was worth it. That's why she worked so hard to study the “Rules” to get to the altar... with him. Learning seemed to run into operational problems. The cover of The Speech of Voluntary Servitude didn't line up with the instruction manual for marrying the man of her dreams. It was already the fourth attempt and when it seemed, wow, perfect, the cover of one and the book of the other mismatched. KĂĄrita sighed uneasily. Again, she re-aligned and adjusted the pink clip that marked the last page read. Mental note: I need to change this cover. Book on the table, she inventoried the objects that awaited her. In addition to the philosophical cover, which suggested a refined intellect, there was a bottle of mineral water, a cup of coffee, a stuffed churro and a smartphone. The device's display read fifteen thirty. The coffee still retained its heat, but after the third cup it was difficult to feel tolerable. The churro, on the other hand, lay intact, as it was part of the cinematic script she had put together for her “casual” meeting with VinĂ­cius. In her scene marking, which included La BoĂ©tie's book, she would be carrying the churro in her hand, as if she had just bought it before leaving the airport. Strategic stop, to check out an excerpt of the work with great interest, as soon as she looked up from the pages she would come face to face with VinĂ­cius crossing the lobby, heading towards the parking lot. Vini... what a surprise! Between a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek – on the cheek, just on the cheek, so as not to appear too interested – she would comment on the wonderful churro that was sold at Mister Coffee. She would put a piece in his mouth and then, already anticipating that the extra dulce de leche filling would drip down his chin, she would recover the excess with her index finger and bring it to her own mouth, in a gesture of calm and joyful complicity. Finally, the two would walk smiling to the parking lot, where their Cooper was waiting. She had decided on the itinerary during the trip, driving from Zermatt, district of Santa BĂĄrbara dos Pinhais, in the south of Minas, to Guarulhos airport, in SĂŁo Paulo. As soon as she arrived, at fourteen o'clock sharp, she discovered that fate had not memorized her role. The flight that brought VinĂ­cius from Campo Grande, and which should have landed at fourteen thirty-five, was delayed. As a result of her being from Minas Gerais, she always arrived early “so as not to miss the train”, it was already an hour and thirty wait. KĂĄrita looked to the end of the wide corridor. She had found a small refuge, a table at Mister Coffee which, in addition to being strategic, was away from the hustle and bustle and the comings and goings of passengers.

Fearless Billionaire

Fearless Billionaire



Seven months earlier.. "Oh, my God. It's not possible. Not my sweet Chloe," Ellie Winters said to herself in an urgent whisper. She was alone in the doctor's office where she worked and no one heard the torment in her voice. She was horrified by the videos she had just watched on James's laptop, completely by accident, while looking for a file her boss had asked her to do. Initially, she had been looking for a medical document, something he had asked her to print. She had been distracted by seeing an icon called “Chloe Videos” and she hadn't been able to resist the temptation of seeing what she assumed were happy images of her best friend, even though she knew she was clicking on something she shouldn't have. She had expected to see some moments of joy from her friend, a smiling Chloe that Ellie, in all honesty, hadn't seen in a while. Her friend had recently been distracted and unusually nervous, and Ellie wanted to know why. Chloe Colter was one of those people who was naturally kind and sweet. Unfortunately, the scenes had not been joyful. The videos were terrifying. Ellie had only been working for Chloe's doctor fiance for a week. He was demanding, but what she had just seen made her realize that James was much more than just a scumbag. He was pure evil! Tears streamed down Ellie's face as she logged off and turned off her laptop, knowing that she needed to talk to Chloe as soon as possible. I need to talk to her. She cannot marry him. Why the hell is she still engaged to him? The idiot should be in jail! Shit! Ellie was furious with herself for not pushing harder to find out why Chloe looked so different since she'd returned to Rocky Springs. She had assumed her friend was just distracted and adjusting to her being home again after being away for so long to train as an equine veterinarian. Or maybe she was stressed about her marriage to James. Getting married and planning a wedding was stressful, right? Especially when Chloe was still trying to establish her career. There's a lot more to this story that I don't understand. I need to talk to Chloe, find out why she's hiding the fact that James is an abuser. A feeling of fierce protection made Ellie's stomach tighten. She remembered all the times Chloe had jumped to her defense in their twenty-plus years of friendship. How many times had Chloe offered to help her out of poverty when they were children? Ellie had lost count. Just as she couldn't remember how many times Chloe's family had fed her when her mother had to work. Or that she had given her new shoes or clothes, with Chloe claiming they didn't fit her and that she wanted Ellie to have them. There were so many sweet things Chloe and her mom did for me over the years. Suppressing a sob of sadness, Ellie was determined to make sure her best friend didn't end up married to the devil himself. Chloe deserved the most amazing husband possible. Why? Why is Chloe covering up what James is doing to her? Ellie didn't have the answers, but she intended to find them. If necessary, she would drag Chloe out of that relationship, kicking and screaming, before sitting back and watching as godmother as her friend signed a life sentence with Satan. Frantically, she grabbed her bag, ready to go to Chloe's house. Ellie considered

CEO love infinity

CEO love infinity



sister was already too upset with him not to go. The night before, Ashley had called and he had to listen to his sister's long lecture for over an hour. If he didn't show up, Ashley would never forgive him. His sister was sweet, but he knew that when she said something, she meant it. And, he loved her too much to hurt her like that. In the midst of all this confusion, the only thing that was going through her head was that he needed to find someone to go with him. An escort, but who? He had no idea and couldn't just hire any woman. The girl he was looking for had to be worthy of being his bride. Someone he knew the whole family would praise, but the women he knew and had involvement with were futile, who only cared about money, gifts and how much men could pay them, without even caring if they were being used or not. His mother would never support it and even though Evelyn was slightly similar to these women — except for the fact that the money was really hers — he wanted to show that he was with someone sweet. Someone his parents would support, as well as his family, so he could come out on top of his brother. His head hurt just thinking about the scandal when Evelyn left him for her brother, Andrew. He felt his family's pitying eyes on him, except for his mother, who never liked her. Knowing that he had been cheated on for over two months was the final kick he needed to move to New York and found his own company. A broken heart made him become a successful businessman and that was the only reason he was grateful for what happened. He got up from his chair and threw the invitation on the table, he needed to get out of that office before he became suffocated with his thoughts. By God, why was all this shit so hard to get over? That's what he was asking himself for the thousandth time, but he wouldn't get an answer. He walked out of his office and noticed that his secretary was not at his desk. He needed to talk to her before leaving, but he had no idea where she was. He decided to go to the bathroom, maybe she was there. He took the elevator and went down one floor, the upstairs bathroom was closed due to renovations and the girl refused to use the one in her office, which he had already offered thousands of times. However, Melanie was too shy for that. As he approached the two doors, he looked around before poking his head into the women's bathroom and seeing if Melanie was there and, BINGO! There she was, but something intrigued him, she seemed to be worried. She walked back and forth with her cell phone in her hand. — No, Mrs. White — she sighed — I will pay, I promise. I'm finishing up collecting the money — She closed her eyes as she heard the woman say something that Christopher obviously couldn't hear. He knew it was wrong to be snooping around, but he was too curious to leave without knowing what it was all about — This time it's serious,

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