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Valentine Gese


Jimmie Rodgers is a ruthless businessman, at least from the outside. What he cares about the most, is piling up his wealth and uniting the Mafia gangs. His life and general perception about the other 'trivial' things of life such as 'love', takes a different turn after series of encounter with Christine Tommy. Unlike the sophisticated ladies he is exposed to, Christine, who is from the lower class, is rather reserved, and very stingy with her money. Surprisingly also, she hates men. ... "Males friends? No, I don't have any. I once had, but I remember abandoning him the every next day after he compelled me to pay for his shopping expenses. Friendship should be symbiotic; both parties should be able to benefit from it." ... Jimmy Rodgers is therefore, extremely stunned when he finds out later, that she is seeing a man; a young, rich, powerful CEO. It is why investigating about her mysterious lover, her background and the events behind her principles, that he becomes aware of the fact that she has offended Don Jones, the leader of the second most dangerous mafia group in the world. Knowing fully well that his life and businesses would be in danger, Jimmie Rodgers still, is definitely not going to let Don Jones have Christine's head. Don Jones would have Christine's head only, or both - Christine's and Jimmie. How will it all unfold? Plus, Christine would not let Jimmy win her so easily. Even after putting his life on the line for her, what must he do to reaffirm his non-changing wish to woo her? And what about her mysterious lover?

Chapter 1 The Man, Jimmy Rodgers 1

It was past mid-day, and the CEO's eyes popped out of their sockets as he stared at the three director who stood before him, their eyes averted and unblinking, like dummies.

"What is the meaning of all these, directors?" The CEO asked them for the sixth time, staring at them with eyes which failed blinked.

"Sir..." One or the directors started, and paused. Perhaps, it would be best if he remained silent.

"Yes?" The CEO prompted, thinking that the director was waiting for him to give him the approval to go on with whatever it was, that he wanted to say.

"Sir... We really tried. There was just nothing we could do to change the investors' minds. They were all saying that the world's largest economies would soon go into recession...." The director was saying when the CEO cut him off.

"And what did you tell them? You did not just stand with arms folded, watching them in amusement, did you?" He thundered.

The directors shivered.

"We did, sir. We told them that our company is the most secure out there; that the demand for green and renewable sources of energy is high, and that even if the world's largest economies fall into recession, the demand for our company's renewable energy products would not be affected." The director said with mustered courage.

The CEO was silent. He simply sat down in his chair, and removed his medicated eyeglasses. He was unbelievably young and handsome. Roughly, he was in his late twenties and even in his Italian tailored suit, he appeared to be every inch, muscular. The directors were all older than him, roughly by twenty to twenty-four years.

"I see. Tell all the investors who were here yesterday, to come to the company tomorrow morning. It is my fault l, after all. I should not have left such a serious matter to lazy fools like you. And believe it or not, you people are going to pay for the three-hundred million dollars they would have invested in the company's renewable energy project. And tell one of my desk secretaries to prepare the car, as I will be paying an emergency visit to the car manufacturing plant near the airport." He said.

The directors bowed and left. Their dammed CEO! He was not suggesting that they will actually pay for the 'lost' investment, was he? None of them would be willing to part with a hundred million dollars, inasmuch as they could afford it. Even though it was not so big an amount, it was simply not justifiable. But anyways, they knew that there was nothing they could do. If the CEO insisted that they should pay the money, so be it!

Inside the extremely large office, the CEO remained behind his chair. He stared at the business newspaper just in front of him. He read one of the headlines almost inaudibly.

"Youngest Billionaire of all times and the richest person in the world, Jimmie Rodgers, losses $60bn Dollars in less than twenty-four hours, set to slip to second place in the coming weeks."

"How did I lose so much money? Sixty billion dollars!" He exclaimed.

Unconsciously, he stood up and walked towards the door, his expensive leather shoes making the least noise against the expensive Swiss rug which graced the floor of the office. He was tall, with straight legs. He had no hairs under his chin, and his brows were dark. His spiky hair complemented it all, awarding him the look of a god. He reached for the door's handle and pulled it towards him after turning it down.

The room he walked into was also spacious, and had several people in it. Neatly dressed men and women sat behind huge desks, attending to people who were evidently employees of the company.

The employees bowed deeply as the CEO walked past them, his dark and fearful aura hanging in the scented air. The CEO paid no attention at all, to them. He simply walked out of the room and was soon in a large corridor. All he could see in his mind's eye was money... Sixty billion dollars! He would not have minded if he had given it to dozens of charity homes over and over again.

"Sir, this way please." A feminine voice said.

The CEO looked up. It was one of her female desk secretaries.

"You can go back to work. I will go there with mark." He said and walked into a secluded elevator.

The secretary went back, dejected. The other female employees stole glances at the CEO. His handsome features were irresistible. The CEO saw them all, but paid them no attention. He was too engrossed, thinking about his lost fortune to think about his lazy employees. Yes, he would always deal with them later.

Several minutes later, the elevator came to a halt and the door opened automatically. The CEO walked out of the elevator and four men dressed in matching brown suits walked to him and ushered him out of the building. The employees looked at him with undivided attention. Inasmuch as they saw him each day, they were never satisfied. The females, especially. They were just obsessed with wanting to see him all the time. They felt lucky, for the hottest bachelor who was always making waves on local and international news, was their boss! He walked through the very same door as them!

Meanwhile, outside the company's building, The CEO was already in his car, and as one of his men made to close the door, he objected, raising up his left hand to the effect. He glanced at the company's building - a huge skyscraper - and muttered under his breath.

"DMK Global, I will resurrect your name from the mud." He said.

The bodyguard closed the door afterwards, and hurried towards the other side of the car. When he was in, the driver let in the clutch and the car lurched forward, and after gaining balance, got into the highway. The CEO was too engrossed in his thoughts to notice anything. He was thinking about his lost sixty billion dollars!

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