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The Bad Boy’s Obsession

The Bad Boy's Obsession



Axel russel is the bad boy of Crown high school. He is hot and sexy :)the bad boy every girl is love with. Every girl except Roselle Micah. She's the school nerd, the most intelligent girl that no one ever noticed cause she's the shadow of herself... But the bad boy and the good girl crosses path.... Roselle was asked to tutor axel for some personal reasons and they started getting along roselle found out he's actually a softie and axel found out she's also a baddie in a good girl's form He dragged her out of her comfort zone And the bad boy fell

Chapter 1 1.

Roselle Point of View

I got to the back of the class with no one noticing me as usual except my best friend Mira

"hehe the nerd is in school already "she teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you M "I whispered in her ears and her eyes widen

"Omg you and this your bad mouth, no one will know you have such a dirty mouth "She said

"Omgg Roselle it's axel, he's looking extra hot today "she said and I stare at Axel, the badboy Every girl want a taste of. I watched him sat down with his friends Cam and Royce while Tessa lurks around him. Tessa is the school bitch and probably think she's Axel girlfriend while Axel just fucks her

The teacher arrived and started teaching some paid while Others do as they like.

The principal assistant walked into the class

" huhhn"she coughed we all faced her

"Roselle Micah and Axel Russel report to the principal office"she said before walking out

"Did you kill someone and hid the body"Mira asked

"If I killed someone I'll feed to the wolves than hiding it "I said before walking out of The class with Axel behind while the student murmured among themselves

"hey why did you think she called us did she figure out we killed her cat "I asked Axel making out a stupid joke. He didn't even answer me and I rolled my eyes

"Rude spoilt brat " I said and he glanced at me glaring

We got to the principal office and he knocked before going inside I followed behind him

"Good morning please sit down "the principal said and we sat

"I know you two are confused on to why you're here... mr russel your grades are too poor and I don't think you're going to graduate with that poor grade of yours so that's why I had to call miss Micah here and ask her if she's willing to tutor you "Mrs Cassel Drop the bombshell

"I don't have time for that cassel " Axel said rudely and I shook my head

"You don't have a choice Axel Mr russel asked for you to be tutored "Mrs cassel said before turning to me

"Darling I hope you don't mind you'll be getting paid for this " she said and I smiled

" Uhn I'll think about it ma and report to you tomorrow " I said and she nodded.

"You two can go "she dismissed us and we walked out of her office.

"Hey nerd "Axel called and I ignored him, he stood in front of me making me look up to him "Hey are you deaf "he asked.

"Are you dumb?can't you see I don't want to talk to you. Ohhh I forgot you're dumb "I said before shoving him away he yanked me by my hand

"I want you to say no "he said and I chuckled

"Why should I?? I'll be getting paid " I said and he glared down at me

"Just do as I say " he commanded

"I do what I want Axel Russel so you don't get to command me understood"I said before walking away leaving him shocked I got to the class and the student continue murmuring shit.

"What happened "Mira asked.

"I'll tell you lunch time "I said then Axel walked in his eyes roamed the class until it met mine I glared at him before looking away.

It's lunch time already

"Whattttttt"Mira screamed and some girls glared at her

"Keep it down M" I said and she nodded "Omgggg Mrs cassel wants you to tutor him and he asked you to reject it"

she repeated what I said and I nodded

"I wish I'm intelligent like you tell her yes don't ever say no " she begged and I smiled

Okay ma "I said

It's closing time some drivers came to pick the student up while I walked to the bus station it's not like we don't have cars in my house but I'm the unwanted child of my parents they prefer my siblings to me I don't even know if they remember I'm alive

They just don't like me. The only person that talk to me is my twin brother yess I'm a twin and the reason my parent and older siblings hate me is because I almost killed my mom ....

From what I heard my mom scan says she's giving birth to a boy cause I was hiding behind Michael's body so the day she gave birth to us after birthing Michael I was next and she almost lost her life ..

I know absurd reasons.How can they hate me for that . My siblings schooled abroad because my parents want the best education for them I'm the only one schooling here and they are not even the one paying for my school fee, because My father's parents are the one paying for it stupid right

They just abandoned me as if I'm a piece of trash over something that's not my fault

I miss Michael so much. I got home and went through the back door I don't like passing the front door at least they gave me a room to stay in and food to eat

I opened my door to my room

" surprise"someone yelled and I saw Michael sitting on my bed

"Mich "I said running to hug him as he engulfed me in his arms

"I miss you Mia" he said

"Me too "we disengage from the hug and sat on my bed

"Hope your parent won't talk about you visiting me"I asked

"Our parent "he corrected and I chuckled

"You and I both know they are not my parent " I said and he sigh

"Just got back today I brought you a lot of things for you "he said and I grinned

"Guess what?" He asked

"You got a girlfriend "I said and he shook his head

"I'm going to Crown high school from tomorrow henceforth "he said and I widen my eyes

"What?? Did your father approve of this " I asked and he nodded.

"Omg I'm so happy I get to school with you now "I said and he chuckled

"I'm glad you're happy " he said before bringing out a small bag handing it over to me I smiled at him before opening it

Wow he bought me a phone I never had

The new iPhone 14 model tears bricked down my eyes

"Thank you so much Michael "I hugged him and he pat my back

"There's this movie I want to watch with you " he said before bringing out his laptop and popcorn 🍿 we both lay on my bed

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