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Love, or maybe not...

Love, or maybe not...



When Nathaniel Norman is forced to get married by his sick grandfather, he decides to hire any random girl willing to pretend as one. But when he sets his eyes on the alluring journalist on television, Joyce Rivera, all he could think of is how perfect she is for the role; her features seem exactly what the character needs to make them believable, even though he has never seen her before in real life. It is absurd enough when he orders his men to go find the lady on the screen that has just captured his heart but is more ridiculous and confusing to Joyce when a helicopter comes flying to her house with a stranger demanding to marry her at first sight.

Chapter 1 Bring me Joyce

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Nathaniel Norman walked in, his hand traveling to his neck to pull out his tie. The only thing he could think about during his parent's little remembrance party was about getting home and removing the fucking tie that was suffocating him.

He dropped the tie into the palms of the bodyguard that was already patiently waiting for it. And then his big black coat and similar dark sunglasses followed. He also removed his exquisite wristwatch and only decided to keep his earrings. He gave out a dismissal wave to the guard and only retained his personal assistant to be left alone with him.

His eyes flickered over to the mentioned man and looked at James who just stood like a ghost behind him, silently watching all his moves. His hand ran through his red hair deliberately, ruining the 'royal' hairstyle that made him look way too responsible for his usual look, all in the name of impressing his grandparents.

Speaking of grandparents, he remembered how his sick papa still managed to attend his parents' remembrance. He didn't get why the old man wouldn't stay in the hospital instead and stop bothering himself over some people that caused him nothing but pain when they were alive.

He didn't think his parents deserved all love they received when they were alive and even after death, after everything they had done to his grandparents and their own children which was him and his twin sister.

Trinity cared less though. She didn't show up for the remembrance and she had never shown up since they lost their parents. Ever since she got married and had her surname changed, she never cared about whatever shit like remembrance or birthdays. It was no surprise though. Ever since they were kids, Trinity had always acted like the older child even though they were twins. She had this sort of cold and indifferent personality he always liked to say she inherited from their son of a bitch father.

As for Nate, the only reason that always made him attend the party was because of his grandfather. He was that one person that stood by his side ever since he was little, believed in him, and made him the person he was now.

"Sir, about what your grandfather discussed with you." James decided to drop the invisible act, breaking through his thoughts like a tidal wave.

"What's that?" Nate began to unbutton his inner shirt, returning his gaze to the television before them in which a male journalist was talking about some news stuff he wasn't listening to.

"The matter concerning you getting married."

"Oh, that." He replied, his back turned against James, and the other man was surprised at his nonchalance.

"So what about it?" He added as his hands reached for his belt and began to unfasten it.

"You told me to remind you when we get home, sir." Jame returned in his still calm tone.

'Marriage.' Nate thought as he slid down his trousers and pulled them off exposing the boxers he wore underneath.

James turned his face away immediately because he knew within a few minutes, Nate might strip himself naked in front of him. He knew there was that possibility since the young guy was super comfortable around him, having been by his side ever since he was a baby since his parents always chose work over him and his sister. He had graduated from a family chauffeur to Nate's personal assistant over the years.

"Don't flatter yourself. I won't do whatever you are thinking." Nate stated casually, reading the older man's mind as easily as reading a book."Give me a minute and we will resume this conversation, James," he added, already heading towards the bathroom. Turned out that removing his tie wasn't the only thing he was thinking about at the funeral, he also couldn't wait for a damn streamy bath to cool his mind off.

James simply nodded in response, even though he knew there was nothing like a minute bath for his neat freak boss, more like an hour. His prophecy turned out to be true, as always, when Nate came back from the bathroom after sixty minutes.

After what seemed like forever, a strong cologne filled the air, and when the man turned, his tall boss dressed in a white robe was walking back to the living room.

His deep red hair was wet and glossy, making the natural waves stick out on the sides, and his charming face held a dissatisfied frown before letting out a complaint. "The water is almost out." Nate declared while drying his hair with a face towel.

"Really?" James raised his eyebrows, immediately ready to get rid of any problem surfacing in the younger man's life. "I'm sorry about that and I will make sure that it gets fixed as soon as possible," he added, bringing out his tablet to alert the workers at the penthouse about the problem.

The only reason why they were lodged at the penthouse for that week was because of the special renovation going on at his estate. Nate suddenly woke up one day and wanted his living environment to be similar to that of space. It was absurd when everyone heard but his insane amount of wealth proved there was no impossible wish he couldn't bring to his feet.

"How is the renovation going, by the way?"He inquired once his assistant was done with his task before settling himself on the couch and gazing at the wide television half-heartedly.

"Almost complete, sir. You will be back home in no time." James assured, and the other guy inhaled silently.

"So, tell me..." Nate began after a brief pause, his light grey eyes finding the man's face once again. "What do you think about the idea of getting married? You know I am not ready for that type of shit," he added, shrugging dismissively as if he really wasn't that interested in the whole thing.

Which was true, really, he was fine dating girls without any special commitments that would lead to marriage and all those kinds of bullshits. And he always made it clear before every relationship, but it turned out girls just can't resist him even though he made it obvious all he needed was sleeping with them and raining cash on them. Nothing like special attractions, nothing like settling down with someone.

"But your grandfather said you must show him your fiancee by the ending of the week." James tried

to persuade him in a soft voice, trying to avoid arousing Nate's temper, his eyes searching his face for any sign of change. "He also said your singleness and unseriousness are the real cause of his high blood--"

"Don't rub it in, damn." Nate cut in, groaning slightly and wrapping the towel across his broad shoulders.

"Instead, look for a way out for me. Come on, pal. Should I play sick on Friday or escape to some city till papa cools downs, what do you think?"

There was silence from James after the question was asked, the other's grey eyes boring at him intensely, like his response were the most crucial answer to his problems. "I have a suggestion, then, if you say you are not ready for a real relationship yet." He finally suggested, and Nate immediately grinned in anticipation, his dimples exposing themselves effortlessly. "Why don't you hire someone to play the part? You know, pretend like someone you are dating...like an escort?"

The suggestion made his smile sag slowly until his lips formed a thin line, his eyebrows squeezing slightly. "You want me to hire someone to pretend as my fiancee?" He asked carefully as he sat back and crossed his legs as he stared at the screen, waiting for an answer, his expression serious yet curious.

"Ye-yes, sir." James stammered, hoping his idea hadn't offended his boss judging by the serious look on his usual playful expression.

"Are you kidding me?" Nate's round reply broke out, startling the older man. "You are a genius, James! What a splendid idea! Consider yourself a raise." And then his mood suddenly lifted, clapping his hands in delight.

"I am glad you like the idea, sir." A wave of relief washed over him hearing that his boss appreciated his plan. "I will begin to arrange things right away."

Nate chuckled lightly, nodding his head in agreement before giving James a playful wink. Then, he proceeded to look at the television standing before him, and at the exact moment he did so, the female reporter appearing on the screen caught his attention.

Her hazel eyes gazed into the camera with such gracefulness and his breathing slowed at her mesmerizing beauty. Her long, wavy, raven-colored hair cascaded down her smooth, flawless skin, and the way her chest rose slightly with each breath as well as how her lips curved downwards. Even the slightest movements of her body revealed how exquisite she truly was. The image of the girl appeared in his mind like a mirage of perfection.

And that particular word made his lips curl upwards into a small smirk: perfection. "Look no further, James." He whispered under his breath, his attention focused on the woman on the screen who appeared to be giving a talk in front of a crowd of people."I think I just made your job easier."

His assistant stared at him confusedly, not understanding anything about what he meant, especially since he didn't have the slightest clue who she was."What do you mean, sir?"

"Can you see the lady on the screen?" Nate asked without taking a glance behind him.

James drove his sight toward the mentioned object, nodding at the sight of the people on the screen. "The journalist?" He guessed with a puzzled expression, still not understanding the point his boss wanted to make.

"Yeah. I want you to find me that woman. And I want you to ask her to pose as my fiancee for the visit." He gave his assistant a sly smile, and the older man batted his lashes furiously, completely taken aback.

The next second, he snapped out of his daze and tried to reason with the young man. "Bu-But, sir? She is not an escort and you don't even know anything about her."

"Well, I know her name is Joyce," Nate answered smoothly while staring at the bottom part of the screen where the journalist's name was placed."And it doesn't have to be an escort. She is one in a million, James. The perfect person."

James could only stare speechlessly, his eyes traveling aimlessly between his boss and the TV.

"So, it's a plan," Nate concluded after a few seconds of thinking, raising both arms and leaning deeper against the sofa, watching James' reaction carefully. "Bring me, Joyce."

"...Okay, sir."

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