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The Alpha's Hybrid Doctor

The Alpha's Hybrid Doctor

Sully Raff


Adela was born into a royal Vampire family but lived her life as a commoner because of her parent's sins, according to the laws of the Coven. Her Father who was the King, fell in love with a human and even got married to her, thereby leading to his removal and he was replaced with his younger brother, Mabon. Few years later, after the birth of Adela, the former King and his lover dies mysteriously, leaving their child into the hands of the cruel world. Adela grew up in the coven as an orphan and so learned to be a physician, to continue the legacy of her mother who was rumoured to have magic hands as a healer. Turns out fate had more surprises in store than just making her into a healer as the fulfillment of a long time prophecy came up and she meets with the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, the Coven worst enemy. He kidnaps her and forces her to confess that she's the prophesied Hybrid that is meant to bear a powerful son. She refuses to talk although she knows that she is the one and is therefore kept in captivity for weeks. A plague broke out, Bergan contacts the disease and she is suddenly passionate about helping him heal, changing her mind towards him. Their relationship goes from complex to romance and soon they begin to fight their way to their destiny which is to both bear a son that will make everything come true. Will the prophecy come true? Will they successfully unite the werewolves pack and vampire coven together? Will there love conquers the battles and challenges ahead?

Chapter 1 The Coven


(The coven)

"I'll just get the barley and lemon grass tea for you, Pa. Cunningham. I'm glad you're getting better." Adela's soothing voice could be heard in the room filled with the young and the old hinged up against the walls, obviously sick.

Adela is known to have healing hands which she inherited from her late mother and she hopes to pass down to her kids. After taking up the only small inn-like wooden built house situated near the Sushi lake, she set it up and began taking in the sick to take care of them. Born into a royal Vampire family, it was weird that Adela chose to be a healer. However, being an outcast and a hybrid was enough to kick her out of the coven, talk of being recognized as royalty. She would hear stories from the royal story teller, Mortha about how her Father had met her mother and fallen in love at first glance. Nobody approved of course and her Father was replaced with his brother to be the leader as punishment. Now, all she has left is the impact of her parents choices, the inn and her healing hands. She also wouldn't forget her dream. A dream of meeting the one she loves and who loves her back. Her knight in shining armor.

Well, that's what most young girls believe but would any knight come for her? Or maybe she has no use for any knight or a prince in shining armor but she can be her own saviour. She had snapped out of her fantasy to reality long ago to focus on her healing career.

The portable inn room contained three other rooms apart from the larger room that contained small beds where the sick laid. One room is used as the labour room, the second one as her room and the last one is used as the kitchen where she makes concoction and the rest. Two kids that look no more than eight or ten are hauled against the wall on one of the small beds where a patched sheet covered them. On another bed, a very old man with barely speckles of white hair laid on his back, movement static. Adela had just finished attending to him. The rest of the beds were filled with several other sick vampires. Some with broken bones, some with burning temperature and some coming to treat the scars they got from sun burn. Unlike high-profiled Vampire doctors, Adela doesn't give her patients blood as tonic. She believed sucking blood from humans will only hurt them even though she was just a half breed human-vampire.

"You've got yourself quite a room full of patients, Adela!" Someone's voice caught her attention. She was too caught up in the rush she didn't have time to look back.

"Looks like your spell has finally gotten a strong hold of the people. They believe in your magic hands now."

Now, she realized with the sarcastic tone and mockery that it was no other than Pa. Cunningham's grandson, Earl. He and his friends made her childhood hell and always took delight in bullying her for being an outcast. Sometimes, it makes her wonder if getting banished from the coven wouldn't have been fair.

"Get away, Earl." She stated coolly, not wanting to welcome any form of nuisance. "I'm quite busy as you can see."

"Yep. Busy killing people with your poisonous concoction! It's a pity these people are blinded by your deceitful smiles and cunning words."

Adela gripped the bowl she was holding, trying everything within her power to not throw the wooden object at his head and watch him beg for life. How dare he call her work a deceitful act?

"For the last time, Cummingham, get away." She moved to one of the sick children and gave the little boy the concotion she had just made.

"Take it sweetheart..."

A clatter, splatter of black mixtures on the floor and gasps from the people in the room and the last thin rope that held her comportment snapped. She looked back sharply at the spiky haired boy with dark eyes and like lightening grabbed his neck. He lifted his arm to hit her but she hit him back right under his jaw, rendering him weak and she took an advantage of this by taking his arm to his back, arm wrapped around his neck.

"Try that again next time and I won't think twice about snapping your neck!" She hissed into his ears and when she looked to her side where her eyes caught a slight movement from Cunningham, she added. "Or consider your grandfather."

"Just know this isn't the end. I'll continue to torture you even in death! Your spell must be broken...Ah!" He was interrupted by her grip tightening around his neck.

"I'll be glad to be your guest. That's if you manage to kill me."

She let him go and he scurried out of the inn leaving her breathless. For how long will she continue to put up with this? The bullying, the teasing and the pain. If only she could do something to stop these problems and maybe one day, ask mother Universe why she decided to punish her.

"Adela?" The small kid's voice brought her back and she gave a wry smile to assure him.

"I'll get you another one."

Later that evening, Adela had decided to make another concotion after that encounter with Earl but she realized pounded parsley had finished and she needed to pluck some leaves. The sun was setting already by the time she would fill up her basket but a sound stopped her in her tracks.

"Who's there?" She asked and stopped to listen again.

A sound of snapped twigs was heard and she turned sharply, her fangs set in place and her nose pushed up to pick up smells. She could perceive warm blood. Right. A living being. And then, she could smell a woolly texture as if this being was super hairy. By the time, she would conclude, a huge weight fell on her and she hit her head on a rock so hard she blackened out.

Before her eyes were shut, she caught a glimpse of grey wolf eyes looking down on her fiercely.

A wolf?

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