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Her Sweetest Revenge

Her Sweetest Revenge



Have you ever wanted to do something, so badly that you went to an extreme level to do it? Could anything stop you from doing it? Her Sweet Revenge is a story about Julissa Raymond, a beautiful calm girl with crazy imagination who works as a delivery girl In Pizza Hub with her bestie Iris She also has a crush on everyone's sweetheart - Dexter Brooks the famous billionaire. A great actor and a director. Juli has always dreamt of meeting him but luckily, it came to pass. She met him face to face but things didn't go well between them as she always unfortunately ruined the moment. Dexter did his worse and made her cry and she swore revenge. But how will she be able to get this revenge on a famous billionaire? Could anything stop her from getting this revenge? Find out...

Chapter 1 Red Carpet

I rang the doorbell for the hundredth time still no one is coming to claim their order.

It's been 5 minutes, are they perhaps gone or something?

They can't be gone! I thought despairingly. I furrowed my brows trying not to get so worked up.

I mean, who orders something then leaves the house it's not that I even arrived late, I arrived on time.

I banged the door furiously this time till my arms hurt. I'm getting fed up like seriously, I have other orders to attend to. I guess I'll just have to take the order back.

I wanted to leave but on second thought, let me try one more time. After that am gone.

I knocked at the door then placed my ears on the door - No footsteps.

"Alright that's it, I'm leaving" I voiced out turning to leave, that's when I heard the door clicked and I adjusted my face cap.

Are they kidding me? So someone was inside and they didn't hear when I rang the damn doorbell? Or did they choose to ignore. I scoffed then I turned back facing the door.

Just then a woman came out, she was wearing a skimpy gown with her hair all messy and disheveled. Was she seriously sleeping? Gosh! I rolled my eyes.

She stood akimbo placing her hands on the doorbell, I raised a brow looking at her, I'm sure that bell is ringing repeatedly inside, doesn't she know that?

"Erm, ma'am your hand is on your doorbell" I told her pointedly

"It's alright, It doesn't work" she said and I looked at her slightly agape. Of course, no wonder. I groaned inwardly.

"Ma'am Your Order" I said stretching my hands with the pizza box to her.

"Oh thanks darling, I almost forgot I ordered those," she said to herself. As if! I scoffed.

I looked at the time on the watch on my left wrist, It's 7:00pm sharp. Two more deliveries until I'm done.

I hopped into my scooter bike

"Ma'am please fix your doorbell" I had to give an advice before I drove away.

I went to the next house, the delivery there was quick and finally the last house. It was smooth too, they all had working doorbells although they complained of lateness.Well, it wasn't my fault, it was little Mrs Skimpy's fault.

I finally returned to the Pizza Hut. So exhausted. I removed my face cap as I approached the counter and kept on a standing hanger close by. I dragged a stool close to the counter.

Iris was cleaning the place, here is always empty at night because people rarely come but rather they will just order online and I'll have to use the scooter to deliver.

Gosh, they should buy a van for late delivery, the night isn't safe for driving with scooter and it's terribly slow and stressful. We'll this is the last time I'll let my shift reach 7

"A glass of water please" I told her as I buried my face on the counter. What's stressful day. I heard a light thud on the counter, maybe she kept the water, I raised my head up and took the glass then drank it, it was cold and definitely wasn't water. I spilled it out

"Jeez Iris! what's this?" I asked almost immediately as I looked at the glass. It was transparent like water but had bubbles, didn't notice that earlier.

"Come on, drink up, it's energy booster..." She said and I squeezed my face, looking at the glass, I don't want any energy booster, I want to be tired. She pushed my hand with the glass to my mouth

"Drink up, Or have you forgotten you are going out with Chase?" she reminded and I spilled it again.

O M Goodness, I totally forgot. I sprang up from my seat and rushed into the "Employee's only". I removed my uniform and dress up, gosh if I remembered my date with Chase, I wouldn't have gotten tired.

I made sure I combed my straight brown hair and made it dangle on my shoulders, and my light blue eyes were just too perfect in mirrors, it looks like it makes mirrors sparkle. Hehe.

In no time I was done. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked good with the red gown. I took my coat and finally left after much admiring of myself.

I saw Chase already seating on the counter talking with Iris. I approached him.

"Hi baby" he smiled as he saw me then he hugged me sideways delivering a peck on my cheek

"Shall we?" he asked as he got up pulling his arms out and I clutched my hands on his. I waved at Iris as we went out.

He boarded a taxi for us, he opened the door for me and i entered, then he used the other side. His fingers were clutched in mine as we drove quietly to our destination.

It was a nice bar, we prefer drinking and dancing than pretending to love going out and eating in restaurant, I mean why does a date have to be having dinner in a fancy place instead of having fun and getting drunk, hehe. The dinner is just so boring so we rather dance and have fun.

When we arrived we realized the bar is a clubbing ground today. Well, lucky for us, we enjoy clubs. The music was hot and loud, this can make a full party girl like me crazy. And I fell like I'm gonna go bonkers if Chase doesn't stop me.

We went to the counter

"4 cups of beers" he ordered.

"Daaaamn" I smirked biting my lips and he winked at me. I must drink 3 cups

I gulped in two beers, gosh this is so great and I think I'm feeling nauseous a little. Do I want to puke or it's getting me high, well that's just what I like.

I didn't mind, I took the third cup and drank all the content then got up to dance as my favorite song was played. Chase joined me afterwards.

We danced and danced until we were tired and I started feeling dizzy so we returned to the counter.

Chase's phone rang, everything was just twos but it seems that chase wasn't even affected, I mean duh, I drank three mugs of beer while he took one

"I'll take this outside, it's noisy here" he said and left but I heard 'Blah blah blah, blahblah'. I smiled and looked at the person that was sitting beside Chase tilting my head sideward

"Wooow! You have a tw..twin brother" I giggled and pointed at him, then my phone vibrated from my back pocket .

Hehe "Hey everyone my phone tickles" I chuckled as I removed it from my pocket.

"He.. Hey Ch...Chase my phone tickled me" I staggered as I tried walking outside to where chase said he'll be. I think I'm drunk because I'm going nuts.

I went there gawking at him. He was standing with a lady holding her hands.

"Ch...Chase why are you holding that lady's ha...hand?" I charged at him angrily about to give him a punch but rather I fell onto his chest. He held me tight preventing me from falling.

"Leavwe me, I'm gowing" I disengaged from his chest and started moving to no way in particular.

"Julissa come here, you need to go home, you're drunk" Chase held my hands as I was staggering while moving. I removed my hands from his grip

"Leavwe mwe" I yelled then continued moving, he couldn't stop me because I kept pushing him away. But he didn't stop following me.

Then we came to a place where crowds were gathering and cheering loudly. Chase finally caught me because I paused on seeing the crowd

"What the heck is happening there" Chase said looking at the huge crowd. It looked like it was a Red carpet event. Well what do I know, I'm drunk

"I want to gow" I pouted pointing at the place.

"No, let's go home. You are too drunk, you might create a scene" he said and I frowned then bit his hand, grimacing he let go of me

"Find Me if you can!" I giggled and ran into the crowd.

I moved around trying to hide from him, I couldn't move perfectly, as I was hitting and stepping on people.


I heard his call and I giggled running further into the crowd. Running in this state is making me feel funky inside. I ran and fell injuring my legs, but as they say you can't feel pain when you're drunk.

So I just giggled as I saw my leg bleeding

I quickly got up and continued moving. Until I felt something preventing me from moving further, it was a barricade. It looked like I was at the front row now, I could clearly see the red carpet right in front of me.

I wanted to go over but someone held me back

"Hey! Dude, what's wrong with you! Don't do that" he said and I tilted my head looking at him

"I'm nowt a duwde" I said and punched him on the chest, I wanted the punch to be hard but It landed softly on his chest and he scoffed

"You're drunk"

I saw people clapping, I followed them not knowing what's going on.

"Yeawh! We're clawping" I giggled. Then I saw two cars packed at the end of the red carpet, then twins with the same clothes alighted from the cars and everyone cheered as they walked down the aisle. I couldn't really see who it was but I clapped too.

Four different cars packed in pairs too with people alighting as well. I tilted my head as the forth person alighted it's so weird how everyone is coming out and walking the aisle in twos.

Then the fifth car packed, the ovation was very very loud now. Then someone alighted, I couldn't see who it was but as he got out and started walking, I was beaten by his fragrance. Then...

O M Goodness, it's Dexter Brooks, my Damn Celebrity Crush. He is a cute actor, so young and famous.

I love him so much, I can't believe I am seeing him face to face, but how I wished I wasn't so drunk.

I just wish he will notice me now and perhaps give me his autograph. Well, all this drooling wasn't for me alone the whole place was on fire too. Him and his twin brother wearing the same clothes walked together down the aisle. Gosh I'm seeing things in twos and I can't see his face well.

I stretched my hands trying to touch him, but couldn't because of the barriers. I wished by just touching him, I'll have the chance to date him.

I felt that funky feeling again then I belched softly, but that didn't stop me.

I continued pushing myself stretching forth my hands to at least touch him because he was close to me. But unfortunately for me, I tumbled over the barrier and landed on the floor right in front of him.

I grinned as I looked up to him. He was wearing shades and I couldn't see his handsome face.

"I.. I..wawnt...yowr autograwph.."

I stretched forth my arm for him to sign his autograph but a man held my arms and carried me up, just then I couldn't control myself again. I puke on Dexter's clothes and immediately the cheering seized. Everyone gasped

"Ew! Get this imbecile out of here" I heard him say and I think my senses returned to me.

Oh no what have I done? My first impression with my Celeb Crush was a disaster.

The entourage dragged me away from the red-carpet to the pole on the streets.

What have I done?! I dragged my hair almost pulling it out.

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