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The rare combination love of fire and ice, when two opposite poles collide, a hot sizzle arises "Do you think you can escape from my trap my dear little love" he asked while gripping her chin and pinning her body to the wall, "Please let me go" she pleaded him, He replied with a smirk on his face"you turned me on, now you have to bare the consequences" She gulped in fear to his words, his blue eyes had more darkness than any black eyes she had ever seen "You're perfect to be mine" his words echoed in whole room, while his lips landed on her rose petals like lips The man is none other than, Her guardian in society, Her professor in university, Her boss in office, finally, her husband in bed. He is the realistic meaning of dangerous She is the realistic meaning of innocence with cunningness He can make people shiver in hot summer She can make people to sweat in peaks of winter He is her rain to cool her anger and ego, she is his fire to give warmth in his coldheart Both loves dominance But she became his submissive mysteriously She hated him, she hated his existence once but now he is her everything, Daniel knight, the king of business and fear of dark world fallen for an extraordinary girl called Luna White, world fears to him, he submits himself at her feet, he became a wife's slave Luna White, the princess of White's family, the real meaning of kindness and purity at the sametime the most cunning person, the girl who hates to bend her head infront of anyone, she submitted herself to her husband completely wholeheartedly The Luna before rebirth and after rebirth was different, in the past life she died as his mistress though he loved her she ruined her fate, now she was reborn as a completely different Luna to get back what she deserves In the past she is sweet and kind girl now she is more intelligent and cunning than all in this life. she have two missions Now Mission A : to accept him and making him to dote on her Mission B : to seduce him before he hates her and making him to fall in love. Can these missions change her life or will her destiny remains same? Addictively Dark and Seductively Sexy. Dramatic and full of Suspense that will have you guessing at every turn, to know more get ready for exciting roller coaster ride.



Laying on the floor with unbearable pain, struggling for the last breath, is the most miserable condition.

Luna is looking at the person whom she called as family hurting her still a hope that the other person might feel guilt and let her go but no, she got stabbed again mercilessly,

Listening to the voice of the person we loved gives a soothing feeling even in hell Luna also felt the same when she heard her stepmother's voice though for the world she is her stepmom but for Luna, she is equal to her birth mother.

The lady hurriedly came near Luna, as soon as Luna seen that lady, she felt deep inside her heart that the lady came to help, "oh my god! Who did this to my precious daughter? Who dare to hurt my daughter?"

Tears of happiness left from Luna's eyes thinking her stepmom will protect her but all her emotions got stabbed with a single sentence from her stepmother "I told you to kill her properly, see she is still alive."

Luna's eyes got widened in shock, "is she the woman whom I called mother all these years like a coward?"

Looking at Luna's expression her stepmother who understood the situation sneered, "you're such a fool because you believe an outsider more than your father and brother now see as a result you're going to die in our hands.

Die fast dear we don't have much time left you to need to die before arrival of our son-in-law then only we can make everyone to believe that you eloped with some stranger."

Luna requested "I wi...will lea...leave eve...ev everyone and everything, please spare me I'm pre...pregnant I just wa...want my kid I will go away."

The reply of her stepmother with a cunning expression stunned Luna, "that's the main problem, right now you're pregnant though we made him to hate you enough still he loves you.

Even though he made you as his mistress for revenge, still he didn't gave the position of his queen to my daughter, just because you're in his heart until now, if in case he knows that you're having his child who knows, he might forgive all your mistakes and makes you as his queen then what about my daughter?

He'll never make my daughter the queen of his estates, if I let you go, all her dreams will be gone in vain as a mother I can't let that happen, so you should die for my daughter's happiness, I'm helpless my dear stupid stepdaughter."


This is the final statement that left from Luna's mouth, at the moment she collapsed down with heavy breathing.

Her whole 22 years of life revolved in front of her, the chapters of foolishness in her life teased her misery.

She costed an innocent life believing the poisonous people she disrespected her father and brother by trusting fake people she hurted the man who loved only her by listening to the toxic people.

She hated herself for calling the snakes as mother and sister, she hated herself for making an asshole as the love of her life, mistakes happen and regrets arise in the moment of last breath, but what is the purpose of regretting when everything was ruined?

Luna regretted every moment of her life in the time of death the stabbing of the knife didn't pain to her but watching the people she loved killing her passed the pain to each and every inch of her body.

Leaving the body and as a soul watching one's own death is the most unfortunate thing, the person whom she tried to kill trying to save her but the people whom she protected her lifelong watching the way she is struggling for life with a great pleasure.

What she got for loving the snakes apart from the death, not normal death but the worst demise!

She has everything, and she ruined everything with her foolishness, she is laughing mockingly at her pathetic condition!

The flow of the blood turned ground into red, the tears of her stopped as she felt she doesn't even deserve her own pity too.

Her so-called sister, nahhh the stepsister stabbing her lifeless body, again and again, while saying "this bitch and the baby in her stomach shouldn't be alive", that's when her stepmother sighed, "leave it, baby."

Luna felt at least then her mother Nah cunning stepmother felt guilty or pity for killing her, but no, she misjudged this snake once again again.

The step-sister of Luna questioned, "why mom? Why do I need to stop? Do you feel pity for her? See, no matter how many times I'm stabbing she is still alive, why?"

Cunning stepmother left an evil chuckle, "not even in my dreams I'm ready to show pity neither towards this bitch nor towards her mother,

I always wanted this bitch to die since from the day I entered into that house, but because of that old man, her so-called father I let her survive all these years, finally she will die most bitterly as a culprit, why to waste your energy by stabbing her again and again?"

Both her stepmother and step-sister started laughing, meanwhile the so-called man who was loved by Luna came near them and kissed her stepsister while pouring a chemical on the face of her lifeless body and said, "this bitch don't deserve a beautiful face while dying."

Three of them burst into laughing, one more person who is striving so hard to take a breath pleaded, "ple, please spare her" while the evil step sister of Luna mocked "this loyal dog! See, mom even after knowing that this bitch poisoned her still wants us to spare this bitch."

Natalie the stepmother of Luna rolled her eyes, "yes dear, people like these both don't deserve earth, especially in front of us even if this so-called my stepdaughter becomes alive still after knowing everything just by watching a single drop tear from my eyes, she will get melted and says it's okay mom I can die for you, such a poor pitiful soul!"

The trio started laughing like mad people once again while the other person also left her last breath in pain watching her best friend's death miserably.

The two bodies are lying lifeless on the ground, watching the cruelest act of three merciless humans.

Luna's only wish is, if she gets another chance to live once again, she would like to correct all her mistakes and to cherish the people who loved her, she wants to show the place of the few people where they deserve to stay.

The soul of Luna was sitting right beside her body and watching everything, she wanted to hit and shout at them, but everything went in vain as she is unable to touch them at the same time her voice is not reachable to anyone.

They dug a gutter and buried her alive covering the mud on her, they felt that they covered their sin, but what about nature, who witnessed this painful death with bleeding heart? Will they ever gets forgiven?

Luna felt deep inside her heart while shredding the tears, "the world crumbles around me, I'll be fine, and then I won't be, just like that, that quickly, my entire life changed.

I become engulfed in this storm raging inside my mind, I forgotten how to smile, how to laugh! All I know is that I'm not okay.

I'm not okay at all.

All I know is that the pain in my head

somehow becomes a pain in my body,

my muscles ache, and my limbs became weak and heavy.

My mind spinning a thousand thoughts

into one single moment of emptiness,

and yet I keep it to myself.

A secret kept to the grave, fear takes over and silence ensues, my struggles are my own, not the cares of others.

Why burden anyone with pointless that even I can't make sense of? So, I just lay here,

alone, I'm buried alive."

Watching the man who loved her came in front of her, she wanted to burst out everything in front of him, but she can't as he neither can see nor can hear her.

He caught a glimpse of the lifeless body of his sister, and collapsed while holding her, "who the hell killed my sister? What happened to her?"

Watching him in tears because of her made her sense the pain of thousands of stabbing in her heart.

She kneeled beside him while sobbing, "it's me who harmed her by being blinded with fake people around me, you're right I don't deserve the devotion,

You did right thing by making me as your mistress instead of your wife, but you're also believing a snake and made her your wife, all I could say is I do apologize, but I don't deserve your forgiveness,

At first, I killed your trust on me and criticized your tenderness by misjudging your character, now I failed to protect her and you from these evil people."

Her evil stepmother and step-sister put a fake act, "it's none other than Luna, she poisoned your sister as your sister tried to stop her from eloping with that man, after succeeding in her act of killing your sister she eloped with him, we are unable to protect your sister we failed to protect her."

Watching the hatred in the face of the man who loved her almost killed her again and again painfully he shouted, "Luna even the hell can't save you from me when I find you."

He shredded the tears while holding the dead body of his sister in his hands' Luna who is beside him watching everything but couldn't do anything, mumbled "all I want is to go back once again not to protect myself but to save an innocent life."

Suddenly heavy breeze started slowly the breeze became the heavy wind and Luna's soul was floating in the air and the soul was pulled in backward direction forcefully she screamed "ahhhhhhh" out of fear.

She opened her eyes after the wind thrown her somewhere, but she noticed a familiar place it's her room and her home, she felt everything like a dream but not sure whether to believe it or not!

Luna felt like her throat got dried due to the nightmare so the thought of having the water popped up in her mind, but there is no water in her room, so she headed towards the kitchen for water, but her steps stopped when she heard few voices in a low tone.

"Mom, I can't handle it anymore why she gets all the attention every time? I hate her" it's none other than her stepsister, Luna listened carefully without making any noise.

Her stepmother tried to console, "do you think I'm liking it when she is taking all your attention too, I also hate that bitch but what we can do?

After all, she is the only princess of this family, though that man married me for the sake of his daughter, still I'm like a mere mistress of him, and you're like an illegitimate child.

But don't worry, didn't you told me that she messed with a rich man make him hate her more and lure him you'll become the queen what if she is a princess here, you'll become the queen of a rich family."

Both of them laughed evilly Luna felt "they're behaving just like in my dream, so it's not a dream, whatever I've experienced is my future, I came back to the past, did I got a chance to change everything?"

Luna ran inside her room and took the mobile with shivering hands, by breathing heavily she checked the current date, but her eyes widened in surprise, that's when she understood that she was back to 2 years before the incident of her death.

Not only that but also it is the beginning of her bad phase it means she already messed with him, the man who is her biggest nightmare, it's him none other than Daniel Knight!


A young man with alluring beauty was tied to the bed, the man tied to the bed is not any ordinary man but Daniel knight.

His name itself enough to bring terror in people's heart, but who dared to tie a man like him to the bed? He opened his eyes as the intoxicants started finally decreasing.

No matter how hard he tried to move, still he failed every single time as he got tied strongly, a growl left in frustration.

By lifting his head, he looked around the room, that's when he found himself in a girly and childish room which was filled with toys and girly items.

Out of anger, he screamed, "who the hell did this to me? I, Daniel knight swear to kill you, if you keep on hiding."

That's when he heard a soothing sound of a girl laughing, a delicate figure stood right in front of him, his eyes gone wide when he observed the person in front of him.

He mumbled "Luna" she smiled brightly whereas he didn't understand anything as the girl right in front of him is the same girl who always loves to escape from him,

The girl who never liked to be in his presence and the same girl who never wanted his attention, abducted him moreover tied him like he is a personal toy of her still, strangely he is not angry with her.

Hiding his surprised expression with fake anger, he shouted, "what kind of childish games are these Luna?" She replied while sitting on his torso, "love games."

His eyes were widened once again with shock, he wanted someone to slap or punch him in order to know whether it's a dream or true because she is the person whom he wishes to spoil each and every second, but she always chooses to insult him.

He asked in a low tone, "repeat it again?" she giggled, "Nah I, Luna white never repeat the same sentence" he sighed in frustration, "fine do whatever you like, first untie me."

She replied with a cunning smile, "never" he is controlling his anger but finally burst out helplessly "you little girl, first untie me otherwise, I'm going to call your father and brother to show your bratty actions."

Luna gave an evil smirk, "fine then show my brother and father how I'm going to make love to you! Oops I'm sorry, I mean show them the way I'm going to take the virginity of great Daniel Knight."

Daniel screamed in astonishment, "WHAT" the next minute his lips were sealed by a delicate, smooth, yet honey tasted lips, she is kissing him like a wild cat endeavoring its prey, the king of knight enterprises became a pet to a little girl.....

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