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Finding my way to you

Finding my way to you

Raahi Banerjee


25 year old lawyer, cold, heartless, ruthless, doesn't give a fuck about dating or love and just focuses on winning cases doesn't matter what. Made her earn the title "Black Ghost", most people only know the name Black because inside news says she wears nothing but black and have never seen her face in public which made her the Ghost doesn't matter how successful the judgments or decrees came she never showed up for an interview and her secretary denies each and every request to be in public. What happens when she goes on her one 'every Friday-night hunt' and sleeps with the most dangerous man of the city who also happens to be her first and last ex-boyfriend who she loved with her everything and the next day she wakes up to a note 'Found you Queen of the Courts! Stay just where you are under covers on my bed, I will see you in a bit, you still taste just the same'!

Chapter 1 Prologue

*Alarm Blares*

"Vida! wake up we got to leave in 30 mins or else there will be traffic and you won't get to see your cousin for another year" I woke up listening to my mother nag and shout from downstairs, irritated yawning and rubbing my eyes I get out of my bed dragging my feet to the bathroom "God! It's so cold" I muttered to myself and got freshen up, well I was always a night owl which made me wake up late and made my mother nag about how late I sleep and how late I wake up and I ran downstairs with my mother giving me death glares and my dad smiling brightly at me as he says "Good Morning, little Sunshine, I guess you were up late again yesterday huh?" I reply rolling my eyes back "Yes Papa as usual" and winks at him. Me and my dad share a great bond, but I cannot exactly share my teenage problems with him right? So, I ran towards the car as my mother start to honk I kiss my father goodbye on his cheek and wave at him as he stares at us and gives a small smile and waves back and we go off to a two days torturous tutoring math session.

Sorry for not introducing myself, I am Vida Larson 16 years old Junior High School Student I am pathetic in math but good at other subjects so my mother drags me to my cousin's every Saturday and get me tutored from my uncle who is a math teacher at my cousin's Sappy's school well technically my aunt and my uncle both are teachers in my Cousin's School and since he is just 16 days younger to me we are pretty close more like he is my one and only best friend with whom I can talk and share stuffs about my life.

Well thankfully with Sappy being there makes it little better since we talk a little and my mother did not know that we were planning to sneak out tonight after everyone slept with his friends and some seniors from school to a private house party! Well me being an introvert I had actually no interest in going to the party but Sappy was one of the most popular boys and he begged me to come with him well cant say no to my only best friend but who knew that day unfortunately my life would change for the worse and I will be someone whom I wouldn't even imagine in next 10 years.

As we go I notice how the winter night is extra silent with only blinking light posts by the side of the road and hardly any cars and definitely no motorcycle on the road which made me shiver a bit but as Sappy notices he stopped the bike and brought out the long warm jacket from his bag and gave me saying "I knew you were dumb enough to only wear a hoodie so I sneaked in this jacket from wardrobe room, now wear this and we will be off" I gave him a small smile and hugged him thanking for the jacket now I know why his girlfriend was so obsessed with him as his 16-days-older sister I was proud of how he had grown up these years.

As we reached this so called private house partyI hear loud music, see people already throwing up on the porch when its just 11:37pm as I check my phone and fancy sports cars and bikes lined up I mentally note "my brother really studies in a fancy school no doubt now! Stay away from his peers and let's not make my brother lose face since he is like my best friend and twin" as we go in his girlfriend Amelia comes flying from somewhere and hugs him tight and says "babe! you are so late, I missed you" he smiles and hugs her back and whispers to her something which made her look at me with sparkling eyes and she smiles huge and comes to hug me almost choking me saying "hey, there my future sis-in-law I am so glad you could make it" she turns to my brother and says "it's the best second gift you could give me thank you for finally introducing her to me" I literally snap at my brother with death glares indicating him why he did not tell me it was his girlfriend's bday party I should have brought her something he picking up my signals comes beside his girlfriend snaking his arms on his girlfriend's waist saying "it's okay there sis, I got her a gift on your behalf you chill and enjoy the party" I say "Amy I am really sorry I didnt know it was your birthday I would have definitely got you something" she smiles and comes and hugs me saying "its okay vids you are here that's all that matters", yes, we know each other as Sappy made me video call her every now and then after their fight so I could work as his "wing-woman" to patch things up for him, this is the first time we met and I hugged her back I wish her Happy Birthday and nudge my brother to take her back to her party and assure him I will be fine so I wonder around and find myself a corner couch where I sit and start scrolling through my social media with anxiety dancing around my head "If my demon of a mother wakes up at night and suddenly thinks of checking up on me I would be as good as dead".

I see my brother making out with Amy in the other corner and sighs to myself and then I look up to see other people dancing around, laughing, drinking making out and think to myself how lucky they are to be finding someone who matches their wavelength as I think about the novel I was reading earlier in the car spacing out I feel a burning gaze as if someone was watching me which made me snap out of my own head space as I start to look around where the scorching gaze was from, but unfortunately I never found out but I definitely found one Dark Brown Haired, Blue-eyes, Sharp Jawline, standing at 6'2"-6'3" guy who looked at me as if I am an alien. So I walked up to him and asked him shouting as the music was too loud "Do you know me?" as he looked right into my eyes and gave a white pearly full teeth smile whispering back in his deep voice "Come, dance with me Sunshine, I might even tell you if I know you or not" and days of me being doomed to eternity starts from their.

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