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It All Happened In A Heartbeat

It All Happened In A Heartbeat



Evelyn Isley's name might sound like an angel but she is the polar opposite of it. More like a devil with a angel heart. She lives with her mother only. In the last year of her high school she learn some hurtful news about her life. At the same time her boyfriend of five years also broke up with her. Being completely broken she thought damn them I will find another one and more better then one. That's when she met Aiden Wright, a student who transfer just before the year end. By fate they entangled their life with each other . But little did Aiden know Eve's little secret. Can they live their live as a normal couple or they have to face consequence for their love.

Chapter 1 The Hard Truth


The pin drop silence in the doctor's room is killing me.

I didn't want to be here in the first place. My mother who never cared for me in her whole life forced me here today to come. The doctor is reading the test

result silently. I just want to get out from here. After reading the nurses the

doctor sigh and then said

"I do not how to say it but it looks like you have Lung

Cancer and it's stage 4" The doctor say and hand us the test result . Suddenly

my ear start to ringing as I start to space out after hearing the news.

"It probably start from a long time ago. Do you have any

family history of cancer" The doctor ask.

"No we don't but she do smoke and take drugs" My mother

replied in an annoyed tone.

"I see. No wonder it grow more fast. You don't have much

time to live. At least two or three month. Please try to enjoy your time these

two or three months. I am writing down some medicine please take these and try

to visit us frequently." The doctor says. I did many bad things but dying? I

never thought about this. Is this how my life is going to end.

"I-isn't there any way to cure this?" I ask in a shaky

voice. I do many bad things but I never wanted to die.

"No there isn't sadly. Since its already in stage four.

Sorry to say" The doctor says as he writes down some medicine on paper.


When i wake up in the morning it's already seven thirty a.m.

My school usually start from eight but I don't care about that. I get up from

bed and wash my face. Then I wear my school uniform which is very wrinkled . I

am probably going to hear a lot from teacher about this. There is only three

months left to finish my last year of high school. I don't know what I am going

to do then but I will see that later. I go down to see a piece of bread on the

table and my mom is no where to be seen. She probably left. I only live with my

mother. We ran away from my alcoholic abusive dad when I was little. I take the

bread and eat it. Then I went out to the school. My chest is aching from

morning for some reason. Probably for the drugs I take yesterday night. When I

went to school the class is already started as the homeroom teacher finish

calling the attendance. I enter from the back door and take my seat.

"Evelyn you are late again today. And why is your dress is

wrinkled like that. Meet me after the school finished" She said to me in a

stern voice. I scoff and look the other way. My seat is in the last row of the

class . There is a empty seat beside me. No one dares to seat beside me.

"Okay class before we start I want to announce something. We

have a new student who will be join us from today. Please come in" The

teacher says. New student at this time? That's strange.

A boy came in as he stood in front of students. He is good

looking that's for sure and looks like she is not American.

"Introduce yourself now" The teacher says in a happy

tone. The boy node and face the class.

"Hello my name is Aiden Wright. I hope we can be friends for

the rest of the years" He says and bow down a little. Every one is looking at

him with a admiring face. Disgusting.

"Okay then take your seat. The only seat is empty is..um in

the last row. Will you mind seating there?" The teacher said. The seat is beside me. Damn it.

"Yes sure I don't mind"

"Okay then take tat seat and we will start our class . And Alaina please help Aiden with the school work if he face any problem" The

teacher says as the boy take seat beside me.

Alaina is the class leader of our class. I can't stand her at all. She is beautiful intelligent teacher love her and probably will going

to have a bright future.

"Hello I am Aiden. It's nice to meet you. Looks like we are going to be seat mates for the rest of the year. What's your name" Aiden ask

me. Why he wants to know my name? I don't want to answer anything to him so I scoffs and look other way. But for some reason I only answer my name-

"Evelyn" I replied and then look other way.

"So your name is Evelyn. That's a nice name. Don't mind if i call you Eve. Hoping to get along with you Eve." He says. I don't care. Then

the class start. I just want to get out already. After what feels like a year

finally class finished.

"Alaina take the home work from them and submit me that

after tiffin hour" The teacher says and leaves. I told Reisa to do my homework. After that another teacher came and then another. At least it's finally free hour. I got up from my seat and went to Reisa's seat.

"Hey you did my work right? Now hand it over other wise you know the consequences." I ask her in a stern voice.

"Y-yes I did here you go" Reisa said in a shaky voice

and hand me the work over. She is the nerd of this class. After that I submit

the work to Alaina

"Here take this" I said and throw my work on her desk.

Then I left the room to find Brad, my boyfriend. On the way I meet Liara.

"Hey you got the stuff right?" I ask her with a wicked grin

on my face.

"Yes meet me at the usual place" She said smile back

"Alright." I replied.

"You have to pay for this time remember that. So arrange the

money" She say as she leave. I need to ask money from that bitch today. Just

making me think about this is making me throw up.

When i went to Brad's classroom he wasn't there. Some one

told me that he headed towards behind the building with a girl. With a girl?

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