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My hateful ex-husband, my dear alpha mate

My hateful ex-husband, my dear alpha mate



A romance story about a girl who does not know the truth about her family - a werewolf pack - and they hate her because she does not have wolf blood. Her husband - a powerful Alpha - loves her and wants to protect her, whatever it takes. His family does not content with their Alpha'partner, so they force him to leave her, or they will kill her. What challenges await them ahead? Can they be together and happily ever after?

Chapter 1 Unexpected secret

Rebecca de Tulum walked briskly down the street filled with sunset. It rained all day today, making the evening filled with showers. She turned down the offer of a driver because she wanted to breathe fresh air outside the mansion of her and her husband. Rebecca did not know when their sweet home had become so quiet and breathless like this.

Thinking of Maxence, Rebecca's heart seemed to constrict in excruciating pain. She did not understand what was going on between them anymore. Lately, Maxence had been behaving strangely, sometimes cold and fearsome, other times gentle and looking at her with hurt eyes. The time he returned home became less and less. The business trips away from home and the all-night meetings kept him almost entirely in the company. Rebecca knew his company had an extremely important business case. This case could affect the future of his company, but she thought something was strange.

Rebecca clutched the box of pastries in her hand. She hoped the cake box of their favorite Red Velvet would help their conversation nicely. After a terrible argument last night, the only thing Rebecca wanted now was the only thing. The reason why Maxence was behaving so strangely. She could not even remember what caused them to be harsh, only that they both raised their voices silly. Then it all ended with Maxence tossing his whiskey glass against the wall and rushing out. And Rebecca burst into tears with crystal shards on the floor.


She entered the company of her husband. This company was a giant building that totaled dozens of meters. This building stood in the center of the city. It was always crowded and bustled and never without people, even though it was almost 6 pm.

The words Golden Age gilded in bright gold in the late afternoon sunlight. Rebecca took a deep breath and headed towards the front desk. Maxence had said he needed to work very late today. He couldn't come home for dinner with her, so Rebecca hoped that this sudden visit wouldn't disturb his work.

"Good afternoon Lily. Maxence is still in the office, right?" Rebecca happily waved to the blonde receptionist.

"Rebecca! My God, Rebecca! Oh, oh yes, boss... He is still in the office. Yes, Rebecca..." Lily startled and panicked at her arrival. Her freckles turned white for a moment.

"Lily? Are you all right?" Rebecca stunned. The strange reaction of the blond hair made her feel uneasy. Her heart was pounding, the cold air flowing back from her heels to the top of her head. Was there something wrong that made her should not be here?

The girl at the front desk stammered and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a man with chestnut hair come out of the elevator: "Secretary Norwood! Daniel!" She waved her hand frantically, looking like she was about to cry.

Rebecca knew that person. He was the secretary of her husband. They had talked to each other several times at year-end parties at the company. Daniel is always calm, even cold. She had never seen him so startled before. Looking at his averted, even a little pitying gaze, Rebecca confirmed that a bad thing was going on here. And it was related especially to Maxence!

Rebecca dashed towards the elevator, repeatedly tapping the number 28. Daniel returned to the elevator with her. He took a deep breath and said: "Rebecca, I want to tell you that no matter what happens, trust Maxence. He loves you more than anything in the world."

She turned to look at Daniel. Her hand was holding the box of cakes was white: "What do you mean? What is going to happen? Or has it happened?"

Her husband's powerful subordinate said in a low voice: "I mean that sometimes things are not what we see them. Some things are not what they appear to be. Do you understand?"

Rebecca did not understand what Daniel was saying, nor did she want to. Now she just wanted to know what was going on with her husband. She was not in the mood to say philosophical things to him at all.

Daniel looked at the tightly furrowed eyebrows on her beautiful face. He sighed lightly. Daniel did not understand whether the choice of Maxence was right or wrong. He objected to that thought of his boss, who was also his best friend. No matter how good that purpose was, the hurt Rebecca had to suffer now was extremely cruel.

The elevator bell rang, and the cold, shiny metal door opened in front of Rebecca. The thick red velvet carpet, which was once luxurious, was now like the blood-red mouth of a monster waiting to pounce on Rebecca and crush her. Her legs trembled. She felt she had never been so scared like this in her life.

But instead of hiding, turning away, and pretending nothing happened, she closed her eyes and counted. 1, 2, 3! Rebecca stepped outside determinedly. She might look very slender, but the truth was that she had never been weak. Rebecca knew well that if Maxence did that. If he had done something wrong with their love, the more she would hide, the more she would be hurt. She would not allow herself to be in such a false love!

Rebecca walked down the big red carpeted hallway. A massive glass chandelier costing hundreds of thousands of dollars sparkled above her head. Crystal mirrors hung on either side of the wall reflected her pale face. The door to the room of CEO was just half-closed. The closer Rebecca got, the more she could hear the sweet laughter coming from inside. The laughter of a young girl.

Rebecca stopped in front of a mirror right next to the office. She smoothed out her slightly tangled bangs, tweaking her favorite beige cashmere sweater-this was a birthday present to her last February-and a white linen skirt-another Christmas present the previous year. All is perfect. Ridiculously perfect.

She would not allow anything behind that door to knock her down. Anything! Rebecca grabbed the silver doorknob, shivering from its cold, raised her head, and entered.

The first thing that caught her eye in this room was a red oak desk in front of a glass wall. Papers and files that laid off on the tabletop and the ground. A girl with shoulder-length platinum blonde hair wearing a blood-red dress was facing her back, and she had a body like a supermodel. This girl was putting her arm around the shoulder of Rebecca's husband and kissing him. Hearing the noise, Maxence looked towards her with amethyst-purple eyes. Those eyes once looked at Rebecca with warmth and love. Now those eyes were as cold as a snowy night in winter.

Perhaps Rebecca had overestimated her stamina. She felt like the surroundings were colorless, leaving only black and white and the emotionless purple eyes of the person she loved.

Maxence Allen had sworn to love her forever. But now he kissed another woman. Rebecca knew she had to accept one fact: her husband was having an affair.

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