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Contractual Marriage

Contractual Marriage

Moonlight Demon


Blaire Rothman and Nicholas Astor both came from a different family background. Blaire was born with a diamond spoon. Since she was a child, Blaire was taught that everything can be solve with money and money is king. Nicholas was born in a quite special condition in which he has to witness a lot of bad things happen to people around him. How did these two individual met? What sort of secret does Nicholas hide? And how did the two individuals decided to have a contractual marriage with each other even though they have no idea who each other was? Read to find out.

Chapter 1 What is Love

Blaire's POVs

My name is Blaire. I am twenty-seven years old and the only daughter of the Rothman family. Others might see and assume that my life is perfect, and they're not wrong. I do have the best life; a loving family and a good job are one of the perks, but there's always something that doesn't seem right.

I just came home from horseback riding, and one of my older brothers, Dominic, didn't even wait for me to settle myself as he started lecturing me about my new purchase. I have no idea why this man thinks it's appropriate to yell at his sister, but by now, I should get used to it.

"Well, what do you say? I don't find this funny, Blaire. Why are you smiling?" I couldn't help but smile at my brother. It's too hard for me not to smile.

"I'm sorry, Dom, but don't you think it's funny? I mean, I didn't even say anything when you bought that super-expensive liquor from your last trip. All I did was spend millions on my lover. What's the problem? Benedict is going to be my husband. I don't see why I shouldn't spoil my future husband." Dominic sighed.

"Please, don't allow anyone to treat you poorly just because you love them! How often do I have to tell you to be wary of Benedict? And what is this about marriage? I don't think our parents ever agree to it." There he goes again. Seriously though, I am twenty-seven years old. I should be able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Dominic is looking at me as if I'm a child. Besides, I didn't even use his money.

"But buying that man a sports car is not how you show you love the man! Blaire, trust me, just this once. Stop spending your money on that pathetic man. And will you continue paying for his things once you two are married? You're going to regret it." I sighed before smiling at my brother.

"Sure, Dom. Anyway, I'm tired, and I need some rest before getting ready for the party tonight." Dominic was about to say something, but I decided to walk towards the stairs. If I wait even for a second, the conversation will never end. That's how Dominic is. My second brother is more to being observant. Even though he never said anything but I know he's watching me like a hawk. I hope they stop treating me like a child sometimes. I mean, I'm old enough to start my own family! They should be looking for a wife instead of getting worried about me. I don't understand why both my brothers hate Benedict so much. They have never been a good host whenever Benedict came to our home. And when I confronted them, my brothers would brush me off, saying I was too naive. Well, whatever. At least tonight, I get to spend some time with Benedict. Luckily he's not too busy and willing to accompany me to the dinner tonight. This event is important for me because I need to socialize with a certain amount of people that would likely be the company's future investors. And I-

"Blaire, are you decent?" What now? "I'm decent." My second older brother, Damien, walks into my room.

"Mama and papa will be home the day after tomorrow. I asked Dominic if we should do a small party for them. After all, mama did have her surgery oversea. I'm sure she'll be happy to see us prepare a small party for her." I'm sure mama will be happier if one of her sons brings a woman home. "That's a great idea. What should I do?" Damien thought for a moment and said,

"Since you like shopping, why don't you be in charge of finding a suitable gift for mama and papa? I'm sure they'll like it. Dominic and I will prepare the other things." I see. That's easy. I gave my thumbs up and watched my brother leave my room. I should clean myself and take a nap before getting ready for dinner. What was I thinking, going horseback riding before the sun even rose? I must have been going insane. But with the amount of work I have on my plate, the only time I could relax was when I did something I love. If I stayed home, doing nothing, my mind would wander to what sort of work I should get done with.

For example, I may be lying on the bed now, but my mind can't help but think about the amount of work I have on my desk at the office. It was a mistake that I said I could handle any challenge alone. No- I should try to close my eyes and rest. Yesterday I was slaving myself with work and today is the day I'm supposed to rest but-

"Lady Blaire, it's Kelly." Huh? Why is Kelly here?

"Come in." Kelly walked into my room as I got up to a sitting position.

"Here are some photos were given to me by the private investigator. He has been following Benedict, and you must look at it." I know; hiring a private investigator on my lover is weird. But I want to ensure my lover and future husband don't trick me with all his sweet words and tactics. But-

"Is this why my brothers keep warning me about him? Is Benedict seeing other women even though we're about to marry each other? Kelly, what's the meaning of these pictures?" Wait- I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Perhaps these ladies are just Benedict's clients. I, for one, should know this better than anyone else.

"Should I give the man another chance to explain himself? These pictures show he's helping someone as they get out of the car. It shouldn't mean anything, right?" Am I being delusional? I-

"Blaire, I am speaking not as your assistant but as your best friend. Benedict is cheating on you. Here's the proof your brothers had been trying to tell you. I-" I raised my hand to stop Kelly from continue speaking of this matter. I can't accept this. I've known Benedict since we were both in high school. I know everything about him and what kind of person he is. I-

"Blaire, wake up! You're delusional! Face the music, Blaire- Benedict is cheating on you with other women right under your nose. Why can't you accept that?" I- I trust Benedict with my life. There must be a misunderstanding. I-

"Do not mention any of this to my brothers. Please, Kelly, let me handle it." Kelly sigh.


Benedict and I decided to meet at the venue instead of him picking me up. At first, I was confused about doing so, but it's pointless of me even to ask. Besides, after I saw the photos, I needed to recollect my thoughts and perhaps ask him directly after the party. There must be a logical explanation behind those photos. I refuse to believe that Benedict would betray our relationship because we've been together for so long. At this age, it's better to ask what happened than to think of the worst-case scenario. I had my fair share of experiences when it came to misunderstandings. I mean, whenever I went out with any of my brothers, people assumed that we were a couple instead of siblings.

It's inevitable since they're overly protective of me since I am their sister. And I have to blame my parents for their behavior. Since my brothers were a child, my parents often told them to look after me. Maybe that's why they keep doing something like this even though I am an adult.

"Lady, we have arrived." The driver said as he opened the door for me. I was deep in thought that I couldn't even notice my surroundings. I thanked the driver and went inside the building to find Benedict. "Honey, you made it. I was about to call since you seemed a bit later than usual. Did something come up?" I can't tell him I took some time to get ready because of the photos. I smiled at the man and apologized. "I have something to discuss with both Dom and Damien. That's why I was a bit later. I'm sorry that you have to wait for a while." Benedict waved it off before offering his arm for me to hold.

"Let's go." Benedict smiled. Somehow, I feel like that smile isn't for me. I don't know how to feel what's inside my heart. Seeing my lover like this makes me even more curious about what sort of things happened after the photos were taken. Did this man cheat on me? I gave everything to him. Everything! Not to mention, I helped him to get his current job. I'm not even bothered that he came from a middle-class family. I accepted his family with open arms, and I gave my all to him without hesitation. If it's true that Benedict had an affair, is this how he repaid all the years I spent loving him? "Blaire- your complexion isn't good. Are you alright?" I smiled.

"I'm a little dehydrated. Would you be so kind as to get me some champagne?" Benedict nodded as he went away. I have to collect my thoughts. I need to make sure to introduce myself to all these guests for the future of my company. I- "Lady Rothman, it's a pleasure to have met you finally." A man introduced himself. I smiled and shook hands with him. "Pleasure is all mine." We continue to talk about what's happening with the current stocks and how inflation is the main problem for all business owners. Benedict then joined us, and we had a decent discussion, and it seemed the man was impressed by his opinion. As we were deep in conversation, Benedict had to excuse himself to use the men's room. I continue to walk around and introduce myself to the guests before greeting the host. "Well, look at what the cat dragged in. It's Blaire. Why are you alone? I thought you came here with Benedict." I told the host Benedict's whereabouts before hugging him.

"Gosh, Blaire, you look beautiful! The dress is to die, for no wonder, everyone is keeping an eye on you tonight. Benedict is a really lucky man to have the country's most beautiful socialite princess." I can't keep up with the host's praises. I wonder if he wants something in return. "Alright, tell me- what do you want?" The host smiled. "You wound me! Can't an old friend praise another friend out of goodwill?" Goodwill? "I have known you since we were in kindergarten. There's always something that you want if the praises are too much. What is it?" The host sighed in defeat. "Can you invest in my new project? I asked around, but none seemed to see the vision I had in mind. They're all too closed-minded, and I need someone like you who care about the future generation. This is about the survivability of art in the form of fabrics. So, what do you say, Blaire?" Well, no one can beat the host when it comes to fashion. "I need to see the proposal before agreeing to anything. You know that." The host placed both hands on my shoulder. "The industry is dying, Blaire. And it needs someone who can bring it back from the dead. Have you seen a recent design from the oh-so-call famous designer? It needs a touch of the future. They're making a bad name for fashion." The host is so desperate, and it's amusing to see. "As I said earlier, I need to look at your proposal. Once you get it done, then we can talk." The host sighed. "It's better than nothing. Anyway, Benedict seems to be taking his time. I wonder where he is." The host has a point. It's almost been half an hour since Benedict left for the men's room. "Excuse me." I excused myself to see if Benedict was around the men's room. While searching for him, I met with a couple of guys whom I recognized. "Have you guys seen Benedict anywhere?" The guys look at each other. They seem uncomfortable for some reason. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I hate to admit it, but I did notice this one woman who kept looking at both Benedict and me since the party started. Even though the woman tried to hide it, it was too obvious that she was checking out my lover. "If you two saw something, it's better to come to clean rather than keep it to yourself." One of the guys decided to tell me the truth. Reality suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. And I didn't know how to act as I made my way towards the room that Benedict was seen heading to with another woman that is not me. A lot of things are currently playing in my head. I want to stay positive, but the current situation doesn't seem to share the same sentiment. As I arrived, I didn't even bother to knock on the door as I kicked it open with my foot. And when I looked inside, everything seemed to turn dark as I saw Benedict on top of another woman, both naked.

"Blaire?!" I stood there, wondering what have I ever done to the man I loved for him to act this way with another woman. What have I done to deserve this? I gave everything to him, and this is how he repaid me. I-

"Here is your ring back. It seems it looks better for that woman to wear it instead of me." Benedict picked up the ring I had thrown and tried to reason with me. "I was tricked! Blaire, you have to believe me! I don't even know this woman!" Liar! That woman was in the photos! Without waiting for Benedict to explain himself, I decided to leave. I-

This relationship doesn't mean anything anymore.

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