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Divine: Angels do fall in love

Divine: Angels do fall in love

provy kings


God has decided to send a weapon which will be use in slaying the devil on the last day, but this weapon is in the body of a human girl who knows nothing about it . They call it the Armageddon sword and this powerful weapon is trapped in the body of Dianna Smith an 18 year old girl . Who's life is at the edge of collapsing , having an abusive father and a terrible stepmother and sister who hate her like plague . She has to endure hoping that a day will came when she will be free from her pending pain . Angel Raphael is asked to go down to earth and protect Dianna from the claws of Lucifer who wants the sword for himself and to use it for his own selfish desire . Raphael job becomes hard when he start developing feelings for Dianna and on the other hand Dianna is attracted to the handsome lustful Lucifer morning star . Lucifer and Rachael are cut up in a clash which now attracts other heavenly host to intervene .

Chapter 1 Her Misery

"wake up you useless fool it's morning already " Dianna heard a very familiar voice and next she felt was water which was poured on her and she jolt up with eyes wide open in shock , cold morning breeze gush on her skin and she shiver . She look up only to meet the angry glare of her stepmother Mrs Kat Smith and behind Mrs Kat is Stephi and Stella her twin daughters who giggle in delight .

"What the hell are you doing staring at me like that go start doing your chore " Mrs Kat yelled and Dianna quickly got up from her bed ignoring her wet dress she ran out .

"haha that serves her right " Stephi said and Stella nodded in agreement ,Mrs Kat walk out and her daughter's followed behind her .

Dianna did the cleaning and wash the plates ,she started preparing breakfast while trying to beat time in order to go to school early .

"Good morning Dad " Dianna greeted the moment Mr Smith walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water ,he grit his teeth and shot her a dead glare .

"And who are you calling dad huh " he holler and Dianna flinch and step back ,he massage his forehead and glare hatefully at her .

"Come here " he spoke up and instantly Dianna heart leaped into her mouth ,she knew what is gonna happen next . She knew he was gonna hurt her like he always does .

"Dad please am sorry " she begged while stepping backwards

" I said come here Dianna "he yelled and she shiver and almost fell ,tear roll down cheek as she approach him with a shaky step . As soon as she got close to him he grab hold of her hair and pull it roughly

"Ahhh ,it hurts it hurts " she cried but he cares not after all her wail was nothing but a melodious song to his ears ,he grip her lower jaw tight so tight she wince .

"I have told you countless of time to stop calling me father ,I stop being your father the day you killed your mother . You're nothing but a witch a curse ,bad luck you're everything that has to do with evil "he yelled and his saliva spill all over her ,he push her roughly and she fell and hit her head hard on the tile floor .

"Ouch! " She groan and look up at him but he was already gone .

"When will all this end ,when will I feel a little spark of rainbows in my life "she lament and more tears roll down her cheek ,she rose up and wipe her tears before going back to the what ever she was doing .

After preparing breakfast Dianna eat her own breakfast inside the kitchen then took her bath, she wore her hood and black baggy jeans and after staring at her fragile reflection on the mirror . She sigh and grab her school bag and walk out of her room .

The entire Smith family gathered at the dinning table enjoying their egg stew and rice ,Stephi wore a blue off shoulder gown while Stella wore dark blue swing dress which is extremely short . They both look beautiful in their dresses no doubt about it

"Dad I wanna get a new phone mine is old " Stella pouted and Mr Smith shrug and took a sip from his coffee

"That won't be a problem dear how much do you want "he ask and she giggled .

" $799 " she said and Mr Smith sigh and look at his wife who gave him a funny look ,he nodded .

"That's alot but am gonna transfer the money to you ,my beautiful baby sure need a new phone "he teased and pitch her jaw and she giggled all eyes turn to Dianna when she walked into the dinning room . They all frown in disgust ,she exhaled and look up at her father who didn't spare her glace as he eat his breakfast .

"Sir " she called and he sigh and put down his spoon and look up at her

"What's it witch " he said in an unpleasant tone , Dianna heart skip at his awful response .

" Are you just gonna stand there like a zombie ,geez what the hell do you want "Mrs Kat snap

" Dad I need money to buy maths text book ,it's for assessment with out it I might get an F in the subject "she spoke up

" Haha "they all laugh except from Dianna and Mr Smith who just stared at each other for long time

" Why don't you go out there like other girls and work for the money ,I don't have a dime to give to you "Mr Smith said

" But dad you just promise to give Stella $799 and all I need is just $100 and .."

" Hey fool don't compare me to yourself , am prettier and better than you " Stella said and Dianna clinch her fist and glare dagger at her .

"This isn't far dad why are you treating me like am not your daughter ,Stella and Stephi aren't even your biological children but your treat them nicely and treat me like a trash "Dianna holler in tears

" At least we didn't kill our mother " Stephi said

" I didn't kill my mother ,she died in a car crash "Dianna scream out

" And who's fault was it huh , it was all your fault if hadn't emphasize on going to that bloody fun park that day then your mother would have been alive . It's all your fault " Mr Smith roar while pointing accusing fingers at her ,she shook her head and step back allowing more tears to pour down her cheek .

She could still remember the scene of the accident like it just happened yesterday ,she could still see her mother face covered with blood .

"Mom "Dianna whimper

"You should be glade we still keeping you in this house "Mrs Kat said glaring at her ,Stephi and Stella laugh enjoying the fact that Dianna is crying . Dianna turn around and walk away with head bow and she could hear their loud mockery laughter , she slam the door shut and walk out of the house only to be greeted by chill winter wind which gush on her face .

"I can do this ,I can do this " she encourage herself and made her way towards her school direction ,it took almost 30 minutes before she got to school and as usual she was already late . If only see had transport fee then it would have been lot more easier .


" The clavicle otherwise known as the shoulder bone is..." Mr Tom the biology teacher trailed off when he saw Dianna standing at the door post

"Mrs Smith you're late again " he said frowning and Dianna exhaled and look down at the tile floor not knowing what excuse she could give

" She's coming back from her boyfriend place " Veronica Jackson the school queen said

"No one will wanna date an ugly pathetic ass girl who always hide her ugly face behind a hood and lacks fashion sense "a guy said from behind and the entire class laugh ,Dianna eyes instantly we're clouded with tears but she stylishly wipe it and sniff .

"Enough class and you Mrs Smith you know I hate it when students come late to my class so for your punishment you will clean the school toilet , is that clear "he ask and she nodded slowly

" Go seat down "he said and she rush in ,she walked towards her seat but to get greatest surprise her desk is no longer where it use to be . She knew Veronica and her cohort we're behind this but what was she gonna do now

"Mrs Smith why are you distracting my class ,seat down "Mr Tom hollered and Dianna turn to him

"M-my desc i-it's m-missing " she stuttered and he sigh and glare dagger at her

" Your desk is missing so who took it huh " Mr Tom ask

" I don't know "she replied

"If you don't know then how should I know ,pair with someone else or leave my class . I hate distracted"he snap , Dianna bow her head and look down at the empty space where he desk was supposed to be sited . She could hear giggles coming from Stephi and Stella who were seated far ahead , no one allowed her to seat with them they all refuse and with no other option she sat on the floor and fold her legs in a meditation position with her books place I front of her .

"Hahaha all hail the queen of the floor " a guy by name Jerry yelled and the class laugh and many took pictures of her ,she pull her hood to cover her face properly .

"My life sucks " Dianna thought with a sad smile ..

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