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Once Upon A Billionaire's Wife!

Once Upon A Billionaire's Wife!



Ariella's simple but difficult life changed in an instant when she met a wealthy man named Anton in a famous bar where Anton was always there. The night they met, fate seems to have tied them together. In Ariella's desire to get out of poor life, she accepted Anton's offer. She married Anton even though she didn't know him much and she didn't love him very much at that moment. But over time, she learned to love Anton until she felt comfortable in the her luxurious life and in Anton's company. But with the return of Cindy, Anton's ex-fiance, the course of their relationship changed until their marriage and love grew cold. Thinking that Anton loved her so much, she did everything but that was not enough because Anton still loved Cindy. They divorced after just one year of marriage, and Anton returned to Cindy. Is there still a chance for them? Or will they end their love for each other?

Chapter 1 Honeymoon


Ariella Quintana is still in the bathroom, wet, and staring at the shower.

Tonight will be her honeymoon with her husband, Anton Villaverde Wang, the son of the most billionaire in New York City. They got married 2 days ago, and Anton planned to do their honeymoon at Vegas Inn.

Thinking deeply, she coldly said, "This is my new life with a stranger man I just met last month."

One month ago, she was desperately walking alone in the middle of the night while her tears were falling, when she found out that her boyfriend betrayed and cheated on her.

Feeling broken-hearted, lonely, and unworthy, when a man suddenly approached and handed her an umbrella. It was Anton who unexpectedly saw her walking alone despite the heavy rains.

Nowhere to go and don't know what to do, she stayed at Anton's house for a night. Due to the pain, she got drunk again and went to Anton's room.

In the end, something unexpected happened to them. Ariella knew what she was doing even when she was drunk, and she was the one who made the first move...

"Ariella, are you still there?" Anton asked gently.

Upon hearing this, Ariella came back to her senses, and lightly turned her head to the door, saying, "I'm coming out."

She covered her body with a quilt and took a deep breath before opening the door.

Sighing, she gently said, "Sorry if I took so long, Anton."

Anton looked at her in the eyes in surprise, then slowly looked down at her body.

Ariella felt a bit shy, so she lowered her gaze. Seeing her body covered with a quilt, their first night of making love came back to her mind.

Reminding herself that she was just drunk during that time, she couldn't help but force a smile and accept the fact that she is now Mrs. Wang, Anton's only wife.

"Uhm..." Ariella looked up and saw him staring at her with a heart-warming smile on his face.

Anton realized that he was staring at her. He approached her. He's seductively looking at her, saying gently, "Can you unbutton my polo shirt?"

Upon hearing this, Ariella felt something strange in her chest. It is something like pounding in.

Tonight is their honeymoon, therefore, she should expect these things to happen tonight. Even if it's not their first time making love, she's still hesitant and shy.

She stammered, "M-me?" and pointed herself to make sure Anton is referring to her.

His smile widen, and nodded, gently saying, "No one else, Ariella. Only you."

His words sent a tingling sensation down her spine. It is something like a cold wind for Ariella upon hearing that.

Looking at his polo shirt, she took the courage to unbutton it.

She doesn't want something to happen to them again even when they are husband and wife now. Only now she felt she can't give herself fully to him again. She knew to herself that she doesn't love him, but she agreed to marry him to get out of her poor life.

Staring at Ariella, feeling confused about her, he asked, "What are you thinking, Ariella?"

She looked up and forced a smile so Anton wouldn't think of something else. She coldly said, "Nothing."

He just nodded but didn't believe her. He could feel that she was doubted, so he turned back and remain to stand. He said coldly, "Go to bed." He sighed and continued, "...and sleep." He started walking, going to the bathroom.

Ariella just watched him walk away. She sighed. Whispering in annoyance to herself, "What kind of wife I am to him if I can't please him and do my job as his wife?" She let out a deep sigh and lightly turned her head. Thinking, "Should I follow him inside the bathroom?" She softly and weakly chuckled at the idea that comes to her mind.

She examined herself in the mirror. Staring at her body covered with a quilt, she remembered how she lost her virginity. If her ex-boyfriend didn't betray and cheated on her, she wouldn't lose her virginity to a stranger man who is now her husband.

She put her hand over her chest, thinking deeply. She coldly said to herself, "I don't own this body anymore." She sighed deeply.

All of a sudden, she heard Anton's voice calling her, so she approached.

She remained standing outside the door of the bathroom where Anton was. Something entered her mind, so she evilly smiled.

She could still hear Anton's voice. She slowly opened the door and saw him naked.

She was shocked by what she saw but pretended she wasn't.

Showering, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Ariella seductively looked him in the eyes and slowly looked down at his naked body. She pretended she wasn't affected by his six-pack abs.

She smiled widely, and softly said, "I am here to warm my husband." Then, she took off her quilt.

Anton's eyes widen in shock. Didn't expect that Ariella will be like that tonight. He thought she will avoid him again just like what he used to feel from Ariella.

He admitted that he convinced her to marry him because of what happened to them not just once but twice. He's overthinking that he might impregnate her, and he's wholeheartedly willing to take his responsibilities if ever.

All of a sudden, he didn't notice Ariella in front of him, touching his wet skin. She touched his cheek and moved her hand down gradually from his neck to his chest.

The way she's touching him is seducing him.

They are both naked in the bathroom and both wet.

He focused his eyes on her face so that he couldn't see her naked body.

Ariella softly said, "You own my body, and I own yours." Then, she looked down at his body and stopped at his private part. She looked up again and took one step forward. She pushed herself to him, so their chests pressed together. Seducing him, she whispered in his ear, "You love me, don't you?" Then, she waited for what he would answer.

Anton, on the other hand, was feeling something strange that he couldn't understand. He could feel Ariella's breasts and nipples, but he is trying to focus on her face.

Silence surrounded the bathroom while Ariella is waiting for his answer. Only the lapping of the water could be heard.

Ariella noticed it, so she didn't give him any chance to speak. She took one step backward and lowered her head.

Many things entered her mind.

How could he love her so easily? They just met a month ago in a very strange way. They just got married 2 days ago, is Anton already love her? Is he loving her?

"Why you're asking me? Can't you feel it, Ariella?" Anton asked causing her to give him a cold look.

Looking coldly at his face, she didn't say a word but just stared at him. Trying to search for an answer through his eyes.

Suddenly, Anton sneered. "Come here." He didn't wait for her to answer or approach him again. He grabbed her waist and she sank into his chest.

"You said you are here to warm your husband, isn't it?" he asked softly and weakly.

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