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Taming the cold billionaire-A marriage contract.

Taming the cold billionaire-A marriage contract.



Kim Tan is a handsome Korean billionaire, he's cold and arrogant, he hardly smiles, being heartbroken has made him hate women, he doesn't want to be with any woman and he doesn't want to love anymore and has vowed never to love again. Elizabeth Ying is a medical student, she's beautiful but crazy, she detest arrogant people and tends to put them in their place. Under unpleasant circumstances, Kim and Elizabeth meet and have to be bound to each other by a marriage contract. What happens when Elizabeth refuses to stick to the 'No love part' in the marriage?

Chapter 1 A fake wife

Chapter one.

Ying's house ***

"Mom this is so beautiful" Lola said while smiling at the beautiful red dress.

"I bought it for you, you deserve it honey" Mirabel(mom) smiled.

"Where's mine?" Elizabeth asked as she walked into the sitting room.

"Mom didn't buy any for you, you haven't been a useful daughter" Lola ranted with a pout.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by that comment?" Elizabeth asked and marched to her side, she grasped her hair from behind and pulled it.

"Ouch!!" Lola winced and slapped her hand.

"Don't hurt my precious daughter," Mirabel scolded.

"Your precious daughter, what of me?" Elizabeth asked, hiding her hurt.

"When you become a decent girl and stop getting into fights and dress like a girl your age, then we can start talking, '' Mirabel said and smiled at Lola.

All her life she has had to live with her mother, having a weird hatred from her, she wondered if she was really her daughter?.

"Go hawk the fruits I couldn't sell" Mirabel ordered.

"But Momma, I'm tired, I went yesterday and I haven't eaten anything yet , I'm not going" Elizabeth refused.

"You are going whether you like it or not," Mirabel insisted.

"But mom, I'm tired," Elizabeth insisted, feeling exhausted.

"I missed school today, remember, that's a whole lot of lectures," She complained and tilted her head to the side.

"Don't argue with me, I don't care if you are tired, get your stup*d feet out of this place and work, that's what I ordered you to do" Mirabel yelled with a serious face.

"Get working b*tch!" Lola smirked. Elizabeth clenched her fists and stormed to the kitchen. She reached there and picked up the fruits and put them in a bucket.

"Ahh!!" She screamed inwardly.

"I'm so frustrated!!" She screamed inwardly and stormed out of the house with the bucket of fruits in her hand. She entered the streets and sold some of the oranges, then moved to the main road.

"Come and buy your oranges, sweet oranges" She yelled and continued walking down the road reluctantly.


"Bro, drive slowly," Micheal urged Kim.

"Mr Tan is going to explain the rubbish I saw, how can he say I'm getting married" Kim yelled angrily, he was driving like a mad man. There was news publication about his anticipated marriage to God know who, the news was released through his father.

"Isn't it high time you get married and move on from Bianca" Micheal yelled, his driving made his hair stand.

"You are saying rubbish, Mr Tan has no right in the world, no right to say I'm getting married soon, I'm not a kid, I can make decisions for myself, he's going to get it from me" Kim yelled and turned the steering wheel to the side.

Micheal closed his eyes in fright.

"I don't wanna die!!!" Micheal screamed. He wished he had been dropped off with the driver and guards.


Meanwhile Elizabeth was hawking on the road, she's by the side of the road walking tiredly.

"I feel so tired," Elizabeth muttered and wiped the sweat off her forehead.


She's still walking on the side of the road, she began going off the pedestrian lane unconsciously.

"Kim, slow down!!" Micheal screamed, he looked and saw Elizabeth. Kim without caring to stop, the car is approaching Elizabeth.

" You are going to hit her!!!" Micheal yelled at the top of his voice..


The car was almost close to Elizabeth's body. Micheal closed his eyes, he couldn't witness the tragedy. Someone suddenly grabbed Elizabeth off the road on time, they both rolled to the side of the road, the oranges scattered all over.

The car sped off.

"Ahh!!" Elizabeth screamed with her eyes closed. After feeling no pains for a few seconds.

"Am I dead?" Elizabeth muttered, feeling frightened.

"No you aren't" Jimmy chuckled lightly, she opened her eyes and was shocked. Her eyes widened like saucers to see her classmate, not just her classmate but her crush being so close to her.

"Jimmy," Elizabeth muttered with a shocked face. She was underneath him and he was on top of her, just her hands separating her b**bs from his chest.

Her heart is racing so fast,seeing his s£xy pink lips close to hers, his perfectly shaped nose, His beautiful deep black eyes she could feel his hand under her waist, she wished she could kiss him. He smiled gently and stood up from her, he helped her stand as well.

"Thanks for saving me" She muttered and dusted her body.She touched her elbow and groaned.

"Are you hurt?" Jimmy asked to touch her arm.

"He's touching me" Elizabeth smiled inwardly.

"No I'm fine" She smiled shakily. He took away his hand.

Jimmy walked away from her a bit and picked the oranges, she picked up the bucket, he helped her out with the remaining ones. Elizabeth felt ashamed that he is seeing her hawking, in shabby and ragged clothes, it's so embarrassing.

"Thanks for saving me, I swear that if not for you I would have been crushed like a pie" Elizabeth said and he laughed. That handsome laughter of his.

"You are so funny, no need to thank me" He smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Why didn't you go to school?" She asked.

He was about to reply.

"Jimmy!!!" Karen called from the car window while waving.

"See you later" He winked at her and walked to his car.

Elizabeth's heart skipped a bit.

"Did he just wink at me?" She gasped, her eyes widened.

She turned and caught him staring at her, he smiled before entering his car.

"He saved me, touched me, he smiled at me,he winked at me!!! " She screamed but covered her mouth.

"He smiled at me!!" She jubilated and twerked her waist happily. She swung the bucket of oranges around making some fall on the floor.

"My crush smiled at him!!" She laughed loudly, shaking her hair crazily.

"I love you so much" She said not so loudly and touched her chest.


Tan's enterprise ***

"Mr Tan is lucky he isn't around"

"You almost killed her," Micheal scolded.

"I'm not getting married to any woman, that specie ruined my life" Kim yelled and brushed his black hair backward.

"You aren't even listening, you almost killed someone" Micheal reminded.

"I don't care!!!" He yelled.

"What are you turning into Kim?" Micheal gasped.

"Because she's a woman doesn't mean you have a right to kill her, Bianca left you on the altar fine. You won't be the first nor would you be the last '' Micheal yelled and rolled his eyes.

His words hurt like hell, he hates remembering how he waited all day in the church and she never came.

"I know you are hurt but that shouldn't define you or your life, am so sure Bianca is out there f**king some guy and moaning his name..."

"Enough!!!" Kim yelled, feeling hurt.

"They must be sipping champagne together and mocking you..."

"I said stop!!" Kim yelled as tears filled his eyes.

"They must be laughing at you now, that fool I left at the altar she would say while the guy is sticking his d*ck into her p*ssy..."

"Stop please!!!" He yelled and ruffled his hair.

Micheal sees his words having much effect on him.

"Move on from Bianca" Micheal said and sighed.

"I can't, I can't get her out of my mind. I can't seem to forget her" Kim said, fighting back his tears.

"I have an idea to get your father off your back for the marriage " Micheal said and faced him.

"An idea? "


"Get a fake wife" Micheal smirked and Kim gasped.

"A fake wife!!!"

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