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The Four Legendary Alkaldrias

The Four Legendary Alkaldrias

Armoniel Melixar


There were two goddesses who granted man the ability to do magic and to maintain peace and order Four Legendary heroes were created. A mage, an assassin, a warrior who wields a sword and a warrior who wields a shield. Years of peace prevailed, but then one of the goddesses became evil. She created monsters to torment humans, but then the legendary heroes stopped her and as years go on she continues becoming stronger and finally the gates won't be able to hold her. Each month a strong monster is sent to terrorize the humans and the more terror it spreads the greater chance she stands to break free. During this time nothing can grow to the next level till the monster is defeated and nothing will go back to normal till the monster is defeated and what if they fail to defeat a monster in any of the months? The four heroes where reborn but the shield hero was no way to be found. A hero is supposed to be reborn already wielding the weapon, but that was a different case for the shield hero. He finds himself being sold as a slave with other slave with no past memories and after some encounters he becomes the shield hero, but all this happens four months after the other heroes were reborn. Rumors say that he was in hiding for the four months, but what really happened? Was he reborn? Or was he chosen from being a slave? And why doesn't he have his past memories? And if that's not enough, more bizarre things continue happening in his life. How will he become strong and catch up to the other heroes? Only if he got something that could make him stronger. But finally ............... he found ..................... FINALLY AM STRONG.

Chapter 1 One

(A narrator speaking) "There were two goddesses by the names Azerosth and Malhdrean. They saw that humans were ruling the world with careless action as they misused natural resources by starting fires or killing animals for their own pleasure and engaged in a war against each other and so, they gave nature the power to defend itself."

"Then, that's when monsters started appearing and attacking humans without remorse. The humans realized that some plants became with sense, smashing, and killing the fragile bodies of the humans. Countries and nations which were at war were now coming together to fight their new threat, but the monsters were still stronger since most of them were more muscular and they could use magic."

"Azerosth asked, 'Did we make nature stronger? If we don't help the humans, they will become extinct,' but anytime they granted power to anyone, they become weaker. They decided to grant the humans magic to defend themselves. The humans started winning some battles since now they could use magic and they regained their decentral attitude of using resources imprudently and engaging in war against each other."

"Azerosth said, 'We have to do something, the humans will come to bring an end to their kind. We need to create strong heroes who can rule the humans,' and that's how the four Alkaldria heroes came to be."

"First, a Mage who had a staff appeared in a place where humans were fighting with a gigantic tree that was protecting the other trees from being destroyed. The mage created a barrier between the humans and the trees."

"Then a person who wielded a shield appeared in a village where humans were being attacked, he created a spherical barrier that protected the humans. Thirdly, a person who would create ranged weapons appeared on a battlefield."

"He created a canon which he fired at the monsters, making some of the monsters burst open, and then created a gun which he shot at the monsters and when the bullet hit the ground it created a depression and an explosion. A hero who had a sword appeared on another battlefield and started slaying the monsters."

"The four heroes were named, The Four Legendary Alkaldrias. Years went on and the four Alkaldrias brought peace and harmony in different areas. 'This can't be happening,' said Malhdrean, 'the humans are living quite a harmonious life, we must stir up a war against them,' but Azerosth answered, 'No! This is what we wanted to see the humans living in peace,' starting to smile," Malhdrean said, "because of them we are almost reaching the ranking of a Demigod, just because we helped those pathetic humans."

"When the two goddesses couldn't agree any longer, they separated. Azerosth united with the humans while Malhdrean became evil. Malhdrean created evil creatures which ravaged the humans, but the four Legendary Alkaldrias working together with Azerosth the goddess were able to seal Malhdrean away and harmony finally prevailed over darkness."


Monsters were stomping on a large spherical rock, as dead bodies of fallen soldiers lay on the ground. The rock started cracking and Malhdrean said, "Yes, yesssss, my pets, break the seal, set me freeee." Azerosth arrived and told her, "Stop it!" Coming nearer to her, "you can't win this battle. You are yet to recover completely."

Malhdrean said as she smiled, "Yes you may be correct, but, um yet to get stronger. It is not as if you can out win me this time since the Legendary Alkaldrias are yet to be reborn. Your puny army was just a snack to my pets. They are yet to eat the actual meal. Don't forget, never mistake a sleeping lion for an ordinary cat."

Azerosth said while smashing the monsters to the ground and throwing them backwards while going towards her, "It's over." Malhdrean said, "I am just getting started," moving backwards, "one thing you do forget is that I was once strong and I'll finally be stronger than before." Suddenly Azerosth was pierced on her back by one of the monsters and it penetrated to the front.

Azerosth started breathing heavily and she fell to the ground. Malhdrean started moving towards her and putting her leg on her head, "What did I tell you, I was just getting started." The monsters stomped the seal one more time and it broke. The seal started emitting light, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I am starting to feel my powers coming back within." She put her right hand in the light and it started turning black.

"I have to stop the mage from being reborn, he is my worst enemy," creating a portal that was showing the figures of the four legendary heroes. Azerosth shot a beam of light at Malhdrean and a piece of Malhdrean fell into the portal and the portal disappeared. "No! What have you done," the monsters pierced her again and brought her body nearer to Malhdrean, "You are going to pay for that."

Azerosth said, "M-m-my jo.... job here I..... is done. It is up to the four legen...... Alkaldr........." She had all her powers come together in her left hand, forming a spherical ball, and throwing it into the dark light and part of the light began to have some light. Malhdrean said with anger, "DIE!" She created a large rock and smashed Azerosth's chest and she died.

Malhdrean said, "This round, I'll make sure I will be at the top, and if any hero is to die, there won't be a reborn to replace the dead one." Starting to laugh, "Last time I was only able to kill the shield Alkaldria, maybe this time I might have sympathy and kill him the last."

An eighteen-year-old boy woke up in shock. His name was Zeomora. "Where am I?" Looking at his surroundings, but was not able to recall any of it. He was pierced softly by the end of a soldier's spear, "Hey keep moving." He asked, looking at the chains on his hands, "And why am I in chains?"

He fell to the ground in pain as he started seeing visions of an epic battle, "Fire!" shouted a soldier. They were attacking a person in green armour with a shield, but his face was not clear. The person with a shield shouted, "I don't want to," creating an invisible force that pushed the helicopters behind, "hurt anybody!"

The tanks continued attacking him. He used his hand to create a shield. The jets fired missiles at him, but before they could hit him, he stopped them. A man asked, "What is that thing?"

He created a circular shield which he put the missiles inside and forced them to explode. The military continued attacking him. He started floating in the air making clouds gather. His eyes became white and he stretched his hand and lightning came out from the clouds, striking the ground, making the ground crack, and collapsing some buildings.

The soldiers tried to stand on their feet, wondering what could defeat him. A building started collapsing, falling on the person with a shield and there was total silence. A soldier asked, spitting out blood, "I....is he d-d-de..... dead?" another said coughing, "Um not sure." The ground started shaking where the person with the shield was and the rocks started floating. He started floating again with his eyes glowing green, "I told youuuu, I don't want to," throwing the rocks at the soldiers, "FIGHT YOU!" burying the soldiers with the rocks.

Zeomora opened his eyes, and his vision became blur, "Get up!" Shouted a soldier, "I, I can't, they feel so heavy," "What do you mean?" Forcing him to his feet. Zeomora started taking heavy short steps as he breathed in and out deeply. He asked himself, 'What really happened? And what am I doing here?' Suddenly a monster that was large, hairy, and walked on four legs with large claws appeared from the dense forest.

The commander shouted, "ATTACK!" The soldiers started attacking the monster. It hit a soldier in a nearby tree with its paws, breaking his neck. They started throwing spears at it, it growled in pain, stood on its two hind legs, and stomped the soldiers with its other two legs.

Zeomora fell to the ground, he was motionless, caused by the shock of seeing a monster. The monster bit off a soldier's head and started running towards the slaves and started killing them. The commander shouted, "Protect the slaves," they started tying the monster with ropes, but it kept resisting.

Zeomora asked himself as tears rolled down his chin, "What is happening?" They tied it until it could no longer move. The commander climbed on top of it and said, "This is for my fallen soldiers," he pierced its spine, killing it. They started unchaining the dead slaves and leaving their corpses behind. Zeomora couldn't help himself but look at the dead bodies behind them.

"We have finally reached Hoardgha," looking at Zeomora, "What will happen to us?" asked Zeomora. The soldier laughed and answered, "Here, you'll be sold at different prices and, by the looks of you, you look quite energetic and muscular." Looking forward, "you might end up being sold for a high price."

When they entered the city, their faces were covered with black clothes. Minutes later, the slaves were uncovered and they were forced to their knees. There were different wealthy men who were in front of them who started selecting the slaves whom they desired. One of them chose Zeomora and he looked in terror, not knowing what fate awaited him. When they had finished selecting their desired slaves, those who were selected were covered again with black cloth.

Zeomora asked them, "Where are you taking us?" "That's not your concern, all you ought to know is that you have been sold and tomorrow you'll have a new master." That night Zeomora couldn't sleep, he kept wondering what would become of him tomorrow.

He was trying to sleep when he started having visions of a muscular man in battle. He woke up immediately and started examining his hands, 'I have to escape tomorrow morning, I can't allow myself to be sold,' starting to do press ups, 'I have to prepare for tomorrow.'

He was distracted by a metallic thing that fell from his ragged cloth. He took it and examined it, 'This seems like it belongs to a spear,' looking at the sealing, 'what was I doing with it?' The following morning, two soldiers entered their cell while one remained at the entrance.

"Hey wake up," kicking Zeomora countless times, whose head was between his knees. He reached down to force him to his feet, but Zeomora pierced him by his throat which he was holding in his hand. The other soldier started running towards him, Zeomora kicked him and he fell crushing on the floor. He took the sharp thing that he had pierced the previous soldier with and he threw it towards the other soldier piercing his eye, and killing him.

The other slaves in his cell woke up in shock, but he told them, "Don't worry, I don't mean you harm." He took a spear from one of the soldiers and then took the keys and started freeing the other slaves. A slave was shot with a crossbow by a soldier on his chest, killing him.

Zeomora threw the spear at the soldier and it pierced his stomach. Zeomora started running towards the other soldier, kicking one on the head and he fell down unconscious. When all the slaves were free, a girl who seemed the same age as Zeomora said, "Follow me, I know the way out." They started running using another route while more soldiers started running after them while attacking them.

One of the slaves was shot on his back and he fell. A soldier said, "Don't kill them, we need them alive." They continued running to the top of the building, which did not have a roof. There was a square-shaped object which had a cable to help people travel to the other side.

She said, "We must enter now!" The others started entering the object. Zeomora started attacking the humans while saying, "Go on, I will catch up." The girl used magic to push the soldiers backwards and said, "Harry." When he reached the object, he pushed the lever and the object started moving downwards, leaving him behind.

He smiled at them and then said, "I'll be fine." He then faced backwards and said, "It's now you and me." The commander grinned and asked, "What good will one slave be of worth?" he pointed at Zeomora with his finger and then shouted, "FIRE!" They shot him countless arrows with their crossbows and he fell backwards, falling from the top of the building to a forest that was below the tall building, as he hit the ground blood splattered all over the ground.

The girl shouted "Nooooooooo!" The commander said as he looked at the ground, "He is as good as dead." A soldier was about to cut the cable but the commander raised his hand and said, "Leave them, they are long gone." The girl and the slaves disappeared deeper into the forest while Zeomora's body remained motionless.

"You are a chosen warrior.......... All you have to do is believe in yourself ................ Have you got the potential to wield the power ............ who are you? And do you have what it takes?" All these thoughts were running through Zeomora's head, 'Who am I? And what really happened? Why is all this happening to me? It's funny how so many questions run through my mind, but with not a single answer.'

Zeomora's body started floating in the air, tiny blue specs appeared from the ground as they floated towards the sky. His wounds started healing, a bright light appeared on his right hand, a shield was formed and then he stopped floating. He woke up as he breathed heavily and touched different parts of his body. 'Am OK and not dead. What really happened? Why am I not dead?' looking at his shield, 'and what am I doing with this shield?'

He was about to stand, but spikes from underneath the shield pierced his right hand, connecting his hand with the shield. He cried in pain as blood started dripping down his hand. Seconds later, blue specs appeared and his blood started flowing back to his hand and his wounds finally healed. He stood up and explored his new environment.

As he was walking, he stepped on a branch that attracted the attention of a carnivore that was feeding on its meal. It walked on all four legs and was a large cat and had a stained bloody mouth. It looked at Zeomora and started going towards him. He started going backwards but tripped on the ground. It jumped on him and was about to bite him, but Zeomora blocked its attack with his hand, blood started coming out of his hand as the animal continued biting, adding more force.

Zeomora kicked it backwards picked up a large stone, starting to run towards it. He jumped, hitting the animal on its skull, and making it move backwards. It scratched Zeomora's chest using its claws and sweat started dripping down Zeomora's head. It jumped on Zeomora, but he guarded himself using the shield and it started hitting the shield countless times.

Zeomora smashed the stone into the monster's eye and it moved backwards as its vision started becoming hazy. It became angry and started running towards Zeomora again, but he blocked the monster's attack with the shield.

'I can't win this battle, it's too strong for me,' he kicked its right front leg, making it fall to the ground. 'I have to jump into the river, but the pressure seems to be too strong,' looking at the monster, 'that's better than having to fight this monster.' The monster started running after him as he ran towards the river, but stopped following him when he jumped in the water.

Hours later, he finally struggled to come out of the river as he held rocks that provided stable support. When he finally came out of the river he said to himself, 'That was too close,' looking at his wounds, 'the wounds seemed to be healing.' He started rubbing his hands to generate heat, "It's so cold," folding himself in the corner of a cave, "I need to stay warm."

He accidentally opened the status and above it was showing his level, "Hu! Am I at level five?" When he looked at his abilities, he saw that he had two abilities, Heal graded and Mlist. Heal graded had to be cast in order to heal himself or others, while Mlist's effect was that it causes difficulty in seeing and it temporally eliminates all physical and magical status. He started losing consciousness and finally, he collapsed.

He was awoken by the howling of wolves that had surrounded him. He was terrified on seeing the wolves. He stood his ground waiting for the next move of the wolves. One of the wolves took the first brave step and moved forward to attack him, but Zeomora punched it and it hit the wall. The other wolves started attacking him in unison and he could not attack them, since they were continuously biting him.

They finally stopped biting him and Zeomora fell on one of his knees, as he had bite marks all over his body and used his left hand to stop the bleeding in his neck. Zeomora asked terrified, "What am I to do now?"

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