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His Marriage of Convenience

His Marriage of Convenience

Jacqueline Turner


Betrayl, infidelity, and shame found Annabelle Winters thrust into a world unlike she expected after being married to her family friend at her mother's request. What were once petty family squabbles manifest into Family Empires waging war in a cut-throat world of greet, murder, and secrets. Annabelle must navigate this new arena of allies and adcasaries with her new partner, Sebastian Kungston ... whom she only recalls brief encounters with in childhood, unarmed and unaware.

Chapter 1 It's a MATCH!

By every measure it was going to be the the mosr fancy date of Annabelle Winter's life so far! Jaxon had brought Anna's favorite flowers, orchids. He had brought it a clumsy pot. Anna supposed that was part of his charm, little things like that seemed to evade him. Where others got jewelry or vacatuons she had an unusual growing collection of random things Jaxon got her. Jaxon always seemed a bit awkward when it came to love, especially with her.

She had always seen her best friend's older brother be smooth and swave when he dated other women. But around her he would often stumble over his words and end up doing things like bringing a whole pot of orchids instead of a bouquet. Anna supposed it was because she was different.

"So, you like them?" Jaxon asked, rubbing his neck.

Anna gave a genuine smile and nodded, sitting the heavy round plant aside at an entryway table, "It is thoughtful. You remembered about the orchids."

"Yeah, Maddie reminded me. They didn't have a boquet so ..."

Anna smiled to herself at this. Even the name Maddie made her smile. Madison Bailey, Jaxon's younger twin sister had been the best friend Anna has ever known.

A quick touch up in the mirror beside the door. Mousy brown hair that fell mid-back, and grey-blue eyes from her mother. She was not a slip of a woman, but by her measure - too curvy. Her glance from the mirror fell from her face to inspect the rest of her reflection. She was healthy, but told herself in that moment she was probably a few burgers short of the plus-size section. Anna could only see this version of herself in the mirror. As she fetched her coat. She missed the light gold highlights her hair. She ignored how thick her lashes were. She didn't even notice that her lips were found resting in a beautiful effortless pout. Instead she fussed over how her black dress fit over natural flesh. Pulling her mind from the warping image in mirror she glanced to Jaxon.

The radiance of her smile returned as she watched him. He was respectably tall, with a lean athletic build. With brown hair that fell juat past his full eyebrows and whiskey brown eyes. The entire Bailey family except their father Brent, looked this way, as if some artist took a particularly careful time sculpting the perfection in their classical features. Sliding her arms into her coat she told him so,

"Angel's are probably jealous of you. You look so handsome. "

Jaxon glanced at her and took his time to admire himself in the mirror before opening the door for them both, "Thanks. I just picked this suit up today."

Anna took his elbow as soon as the door shut behind them and he was finished fussing over his suit. By Anna's estimation it was probably worth more than her family made in a half a year. She glanced at her off-the-rack dress before smoothing his sleeve,

"I wasn't talking about the suit, silly. Jack, you know you're handsome. Attractive people know."

"Yeah, but it's nice to hear." Jaxon flashed a winning smile at her as a driver opened the back door to the black luxury car. Annabelle could never tell what they were but the Bailey family seemed to own a fleet of neverending luxury sedans. They always smelled new, looked new. Anna wouldn't be surprised if they bought a new one every time they needed to go anywhere.

As they settled in silence grew between them and Anna couldn't help but wonder if something wasn't wrong. Minutes drew out their distance from another until it was unsettling. Her thumb went to her lips and she reminded herself not to bite her nail. So she straightened out her hem of the dress and glanced to Jaxon once more,

"You havent told me much. There's big event tonight?"

"Yeah, you could say that. It's important." Jaxon responded pecking away at his phone.

Anna tried again. "Thanks for inviting me. I hope the dress is okay?"

Jaxon didn't even bother to look up from his device, and as id recitung lines practiced until they bored him, "You look like a model. The most beautiful woman who will be there tonight, you worry too much."

Anna frowned down at her dress. Black. A bit sparkly. Simple. It fit well. It seemed to flatter the areas it should. It was by no means extravagant, but had cost her over a thousand dollars. The most expensive garment she ever owned. She checked her jewelry in the reflection. She wore her aunt's diamond stud earrings, and her mother's small cluster diamond necklace sparkled well. Both brought attention to her dimples and decolletage.

Anna usually wasn't this hard on herself, but something about being next to Jaxon always made her feel insecure. She rarely voiced this except to her journal and sometimes Maddie. Anna took a breath and steeled herself throwing on a genuine smile. Enough was enough, this was an important event to Jaxon.

As they slowed, Anna tried to peer out Jaxon's window toward the venue but instead saw the reflection of Jaxon's phone illuminate a reflection there. Inverted names and images bounced to her vision as he casually tapped a photograph of a smiling bikini clad woman and a her breath stopped and before she could even inhale again - and so did the car. The word "MATCHED" dominated the screen in the reflection. Anna's heart sank.

The phone's reflection tilted away as Jaxon tucked the phone inside his tailored jacket. Anna shook her head and demanded, "Jaxon, what are you doing?"

Jaxon played stupid. Worse. He wasn't stupid, he knew what she must have seen, but played stupid anyway. "What are you talking about Anna-banana-bells?"

The driver dutifully opened the door as Jaxon smiled at her, as if he was genuinely confused by her question, "We're here!" And with that Jaxon exited the car.

Any bravado Anna had vanished when she saw what was awaiting her. Every ounce of confidence drained from her face. Even the shock and confusion that were waving red flags moments before were all stolen under the scene before her.

Jaxon waved to flashes and cheers. Anna stayed frozen. A red carpeted column split an aisle between a swarm of people, cameras, and reporters. He adjusted his suit and smiled in particular at a group of young women bouncing near the crowd barriers. Anna felt a vertigo, she wasn't told about this. She was uncomfortable but now she panicked. After several long seconds of this eventually Jaxon peeked back into the car and held out his hand for her.

She reached for it, against her brain and heart's protest. She slipped her hand into his and stepped from the car. Not only was it brighter but louder. People speaking everywhere. Strangers demanding answers to questions like who designed her shoes. Anna had known what the Bailey family experienced but rarely was exposed to it.

Frozen there as Jaxon moved again, gallant, suave. Just as he had for his girlfriends of the past. Jaxon was a showman, he knew exactly what to do and say. The sweethearts of the press, the Bailey Twins. The young millionaire heirs to the Bailey Family fortune. They had degrees, a reputation as darlings. Anna couldn't have stood out more.

She had met Mafdie in high school. Anna had transferred in the middle of her Freshman Year. After her father had passed away. Anna's mother placed the money into trusts for their children. Anna had used her trust for a private tuition for school to gave her the best shot at a full scholarship. Every last cent was spent at Glennborne Acandemy. Genevieve, Anna's younger sister, was set to graduate from there this year too.

Anna met Maddison and at first, Anna felt as if Maddie had found a charity case to work on, or some poverty glow-up project. But as the years went on the two developed a deep and meanungful relationship. Anna loved Maddie, who had been nothing but generous, lively, and accepting of Anna. Even the Bailey Family, who loved the celebrity that came with wealth, welcomed Anna with open arms. Anna thought of all of this while staring at Jaxon's hand holdung hers.

Even with Jaxon's urging and reaching hand, it was difficult for Anna to move from that rooted spot. That was until she saw Maddie. She looked picturesque in a gown that was colored as if reminiscent of a peacock. Rich blues and greens in a sea of pattern that swirled round her feet. Her petite stature stood on expensive designer heels with countless hand-cut crystals Is catching every move in the light. If Maddie moved, the world would see this glimmer.

Anna felt her senses return to her and she smiled, nearly trampling over Jaxon to her to her friend. She clasped Maddie's hands who returned the gesture and added and enthusiastic smile. Soon all courtesy was dropped as Maddie enveloped Anna in a huge hug. Anna closed her eyes and smiled embracing Maddie. The press, naturally, captured the reception from every angle.

Anna took the opportunity to tell Maddie, "Something just happened in the car. I need to talk to you about it."

Maddie could tell from Anna's tone it was serious, yet maintained that brilliant smile. She managed through her teeth, "Wait until we get inside." Anna didn't argue.

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