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Secret Bodyguard

Secret Bodyguard

Mystic dark


Jax was a secret agent who had been suspended by the secret service because of a mission before he was called for a private job, which would really test his patience as he had to be a bodyguard to a girl who does not want one, the only Daughter of Don "Cracker" Romano, one of the leader of the five big mafia family

Chapter 1 Meeting Don Cracker

**** in aa a beach house ****

The light rays from the morning sun shine into the room lighting every where up as it shone on the body of an almost naked man, hi slower body was still covered p with his blanket as his upper body was still naked

Looking enticing with all the packs looking so fine and perfect like they have been carved by an experienced sculptor to perfection

The young man quickly got up the moment the sun passed his face and quickly made way to his back yard as he started a set of hard exercises he first started with doing push ups

His sweats rolled dowm his almost perfect looking body, the tanned skin, and incredible looking smile he had on his face as she exercise made him look breath taking, he knew he was handsome, he knew he could take the breath of most ladies by just showing a little attention

He was a dangerous man who knew too well his effects and was confident in himself

but all of that could not help him out as he have been suspended from work, he is a secret agent but after he killed over twenty people in his last mission they made sure to give him a suspension till they called which he has been waiting on for so long

But it seems that call ain't ever coming, just as he seems to be losing hope

His phone rang and he stopped his exercise just to go get his phone only to see the number of the person calling him, he felt a jolt of excitement as he let his imaginations run wild, because it was his director who he had being waiting for to call him all this while that did call, jst the call he had been waiting for

" Hi Jax" the director voice came from the phone

" Hello Director X" Jax replied back as he unconsciously chest out as he was prepared to salute , only for him to realise that he actually didn't need to as he was on a phone call and the director could not tell his actions

" how have you been coping with your holidays?" the director asked

" director please don't make me laugh we all know alot of people want me out of the agency for killing these people, no offence sir but staying at home is no holiday but me being made a scape goat for someone in an higher power since they were angry I stepped on there interests, well I do wish I get a chance to kill more of there spies next time " Jax replied erisly at first before he added a little threats in the end

" what if I told you I have a new mission for you " the director said ignoring all Jax has been saying since as he felt the mission would interest him more after all he has been off the field for over 6 months

" Woah that's great now, have they finanlly decided to talk me of suspension "Jax asked with great joy, that he could not hide the joy on his face

" now that's where there is a problem, it's not a job from the agency " the director said as he waited for jax to take in the information before he continued

" then where is this mission coming from director " Jax askd confused

" Well I saw your files and I know your mom is in a critical condition and you definetly need alot of cash if you want to help her operate, that's when this offer came in i felt no one needed or could have it completed like you would " the director said

" Jax was touched by the director's words and good will, I don't know how to thank you sir, so what do I need to know about this mission sir" Jax asked

" well let's meet at our secret café joint and that's where you will meet the client offering the contract" the director said before cutting the call on jax not even bothering to say goodbye

" this man has to change seriously, who still cuts the call without saying goodbyes"


Jax entered a café and he saw his director seating at the far end just waiting for him as he sips his coffee, Jax had a defeated look on his face the moment he noticed his director beat him to coming early again, as no matter how many times he tried to make sure he comes on time

He always meets the man there on time like he was already there when he gave them the appointment , he remembered once when he Had gone to a meeting about 1 hour early only to still meet his director drinking coffee, and the man never spoke to him until the appointed time which was 1 hour later so since that time he had being only trying his best to come on time

" Hi, director x" Jax greeted the moment he got to the table

" take a seat Jax am sorry but I think I have to inform you that there is a change of plan" director x said

" and what's that Mr x" Jax asked

" the client requested we meet at his house instead as he just went through a bloody war with a rival of his and would not want to be seen outside for the main time as he would not want to be caught off guard " director x explained

" ohh I get sir, so if you don't mind how are we going to reach the clients house" Jax asked

" because they would be here for us" the director assured

Jax waited for about 30 minutes and no one came he was finally beginning to get uncomfortable sitting with the director for so long

" You dont have to worry am sure they are going to be here soon just chill, ohhh look here they are" the director was trying to ease his mind before a black range rover drove in with a licence plate saying 'Don Romano'

Jax and director x got down from the car and went outside as they were waiting someone came down from the drivers side dressed in an official suit looking all composed but his facial expression was one of a scary man and he opened the back door for both Jax and the director the moment he came out

" entrar( enter) " the driver spoke Spanish which clearly suprised Jax as he just realised his work might be quite complicated than he thought, his only assurance nw was that he knew the director was a good man and won't offer him a dirty job


The car drove into a very luxurious mansion that Jax was having a hard time thinking who was really interested in hiring him

The moment he stepped out of the car he felt the environment change as he saw alot of guys around with guns, some even had customized gun, it was at that moment it dawned on hm that he had enter a criminal den and his director might just be selling him out

As no top official of a state would parade his personal army as thugs who smoke or dress differently with almost all of the having the same tatto on there neck, which was one of he things Jax had noticed.

" Don Cracker is waiting for you guys in the garden" the guy who drove them in said but his Spanish accent was still present in his English, as it still had a lingering Spanish effects in them

" thanks" the director said and walked forward while Jax followed

The moment they got to the garden they met a man who was siting down and the atmosphere around him looked so peaceful but Jax was not fooled by that as his appearance said other wise he was clearly the Don of this gang he even a scar that run through his left eyes and that big cigar

Everything about him was practically screaming ' Don!!!!!' and what made that very clear was the 5 star pointed crown as that was the type of tattoo only a leader would have

" sit down X, thanks for accepting my ridiculous offer for you to visit" the man said and director X quickly took his seat while Jax still stood behind the director, he quickly looked around to get a fast survey of the environment

But his face changed when he was through, cause he just realised they were surrounded the whole peaceful garden was basically a killing ground as there were four snipers hiding in the dark and about sixteen other men hiding in the garden with cold weapons of different size as they blend with the environment

Hiding their presence making it hard for anyone to notice them in the first place

" i see you have a sharp eyes it's one of the reasons I asked for you, as I knew you were the best I was ever gonna get when I saw your past mission records traight from the academy " the Don said as he noticed the eyes of Jax filtering his assassins in the dark

Jax dropped his gaze Down when he heard the Don's words his last Misson was something he never wanted to talk about, as it still brought him baad memories but he had to do what he had to do

" seat down young man you don't need to be standing like that, as you are about to become family member soon" the don said with a strong Spanish accent and Jax almost shivered when he heard he was about to become a family member and he jt hoped it was not what he was thinking it was

But he also looked at his director as he never wanted to become a gangster no matter what and if things go side was today, his director was going to be responsible and he was not ready to start another carnage here

" hahaha, you should see your face Boy, I don't want you to be gangster Boy, I have way too many sons already, i want you to be my son for something else" Don cracker said as it was clear he was able to understand what Jax was thinking about the moment he saw his eyes almost pop out after all he was a Don situations like this might have popped up before in the past

" then what do you need me for, hire killer to wipe your rivals, case now I remember there was a bloody war between you guys recently ?" Jax questioned

" No!, I can kill my enemies myself am not that helpless, except when it comes to my daughter you are asked to come cause I want you to be the body guard of my baby girl Maria Romano" the Don finally exposed his intentions.

Making Jax shocked as in all the image that played in his head he never thought of this one at all.

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