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My Tormentor

My Tormentor

Hayat Khan


She got a bit drunk and was coming out of the club's restroom when someone dragged her and placed his hand on her mouth. She was screaming but couldn't even make a bit of noise. The area of the club was abandoned. It was too dark. She couldn't even see the person who was treating her like that. After a while, she tried to hit him but it didn't work. Before anything else happened he removed his hand from her mouth and she screamed a bit but before she reached her full strength someone locked her lips. He wasn't letting her say anything. She tried to resist but couldn't when she heard someone calling her name. It was her Finance waiting for her so they could return home. She tried to touch anything, to give a signal but in vain. The kiss wasn't just a domination trick of the stranger but as he deepened his kiss and held her close to his heart she felt that it wasn't any stranger. It was her Ex Finance who left her on her wedding day. How could he be back??? She was going to marry in a few days and there he was. She tried stopping him but Even after hating him to the core she still couldn't resist him.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Put the gun down. You don't even know how to hold that thing!"

"No, I won't. I am going to kill you today."

"Oh, really what would you do after that??? You know that you are going to die here after a few days. Without me, you won't survive, not even for a few days.

He was just trying to scare her but she had been over this. The brutal torture every night. This giant house was no less than a cage for her. She had been allowed to do anything but had no connection with the outside world. How long she had been there??? She even has forgotten the counting. She decided to kill the monster once and for all. She was trembling while holding the gun. She had never held once before.

She was scared and afraid and who better than the guy on the other side of the gun knew that??? He tried to calm her down. He was going to tell her the truth about everything but something else was written in his faith. He was the villain of her story and he had to pretend like one.

"Give me the keys. I am leaving your hell right now."

"Trust me babe that's a bad idea.''

''Do you still think you can scare me??? I am the one with the gun now. I am not going to ask again. Just give me the keys now.''

She pulled the trigger and he stopped. He was staring at her and thinking of the possibilities of his survival even after being shot from such a close distance. After speculating about the consequences he decided to move. Although the survival chances were very low from being shot such a close range. He still wanted to try. He had a little hope that she didn't hate him that much. She once loved him so much how could she let him die? She can't hate him that much.

She was shivering and even in that cold, she was sweating. He started walking towards her.

"I told you to stay away from me. Just stay there and give me the keys."

"I am not gonna give you the keys. Do whatever you want to do."

He was ready to take all the chances even if it involved him getting killed by the love of his life. He was back again in his beast mode.

"You think I am joking??? I will shoot you. Just stay there."

"Give me the gun babe. Give it back to me. You can't kill me. We both know that."

She realized that her warning wasn't affecting him. She had seen him being a monster and she knew how would he treat her after getting the gun again. She decided to play the card in reverse although she was scared as hell.

"Stop there or"

He was getting close to her with every step.

"Stop there or I would shoot myself."

"Don't be stupid. Give me the gun."

Although that thought shivered his body and his heart started racing. How could he let her do that?

"I am not joking. If you get any closer. I am going to shoot myself."

Saying that she pointed the gun at her head.

That's when he realized, it wasn't as simple as he thought. She could kill herself and he had no one left in the world. How could he let her do that?

"Okay. Put down the gun. I am not going to move. Not even an inch. Please. Don't behave like a child."

She tried a trick and gambled on herself and there he was. The monster of her life. On his knees. Begging her to not kill herself. Why was he doing that??? Does he still love me??? She thought. No, He can't. She was recalling the torture that she was facing all these months.

"You want the keys??? Take them but please don't shoot yourself. Put down the gun damn it. If not for yourself then for our baby."

She was shocked listening to that.

How could she be pregnant???

Why not actually??? She realized. Everything was adding up. Her body changes and her diet changes. Why was she puking a few weeks back? That's why he was being so kind and polite to her after that???

"What baby??? I don't want any baby. Not of a monster like you. I would prefer killing myself and this baby instead of that."

"Please I will do whatever you want. Do you want to go back??? I will take you. I will surrender myself. But please don't hurt our child. Please!!!"

He had to beg. She never anticipated that the tables would turn like that for her. She was begging for her freedom from his cage some time ago but now he was the one ready to do anything for the child.

"I would prefer dying than giving birth to your child. I will kill him then."

He was losing himself. His nerves stopped working. He could even hear his heart beating loudly. His dream of starting a new life with her. Starting a happy life was ruined. He had to do whatever she wanted. He had to save his child.

She pointed the gun at her belly.

"Please. Please. Shoot me instead. You are going to be a mom. How could you be so ruthless???"

''Well, that is not new. I had to abort a child when you left me. The one created with love. Not with hatred like this one. This won't be difficult."

"You were pregnant??? Why didn't you tell me???"

"I was an idiot. Trusting you like a fool. I was thinking of giving a surprise to you for our wedding night." She yelled. Her patience had reached its limits.

"I am so sorry. I had no idea."

He tried to get up and get close to her.

"Stop right there. You jerk. You were enjoying your time with your Ex back then. I should have known. You used me then and you are using me now."

"Please stop this blame game. You don't know what happened to me. Let me tell you one thing."

He heard some noises after that. How someone could get to his secret place? His island was a secret. Only he knew about that.

"Save it. I don't want to hear this at all. My dad will be hearing any minute. He would treat you the way you deserve and you know the best part??? I am getting the first-row audience seat."

His game was over. Everything he planned was over just because he let his guard down. He started trusting people again. And history was repeating itself. People he loved were betraying him again.

"I guess this is it. Shoot me now. I don't want to be killed by anyone else's bullet. Shoot me. I would like to die in your hands. Please Shoot me."

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Other books by Hayat Khan

My Mystery Kisser

My Mystery Kisser



"Why can't you marry me???? Do you love someone else???" In the wedding of the most powerful person in the country. Everybody was delighted to be his guest but when his bride ran away he asked his secretary to marry him. His reputation was at stake but she loved someone else and was going to marry him the next week. she was afraid to say No to her Boss but she had to say that. "I am sorry sir. I can't tell you the reason." "Do you have any idea whom you are rejecting??? Look around all those girls in that row are willing to marry me without asking any questions. They know the perks of being my wife. Don't you want that too???" "I know sir but I am sorry I can't say yes. I have someone else in my life." she didn't know this would hit her Boos's ego. He was stubborn everybody knew that. "Now, I am gonna marry only you. call your boyfriend here. if in an hour he gets here I will let you go but if not." he smiled devilishly. ============================================================================== In the night! He entered his room and his bride was sitting in the bed. She was afraid of him and that wasnā€™t unexpected for him. She was trying to go as far away from the bed as possible and was about to fall into that heavy dress when he grabbed her. ā€œWhy are you scared of me??? I havenā€™t done anything to you. Not yet at least." He smiled evilly. She was now shaking and was reminding all those times when his boss had sex with girls all night and she was listening to their screams all night while staying in the next room. She wasn't expecting any less torture as he was anything but a kind man. She just gave up as he took off his clothes in front of him. She knew no one could save her. She was now acting like a pigeon closing her eyes so the cat wouldnā€™t see her. He got closer to her half-naked. ā€œTell me whoā€™s more important to you than me???ā€ She wanted to say her lover's name which his boss didn't let enter the wedding venue and he ran away to save his life. ā€œOkay fine. I will find that lover of yours and will kill him in front of you. I will make you mine after that. Now you are my property No one else can touch you." He held her face in his palm and brought her close to him. "Listen, wife! I would prioritize my reputation above everything so if you dared ruin that. Your grave will be next to your lover. Now!!! Come on take off your clothes. I donā€™t have time to spare.ā€

Billionaire's Untouchable wife

Billionaire's Untouchable wife



"you can't stay with her. Divorce her and Come back to me." "I can't." "Why?? Wasn't that we decided??" "Because I love her. She is pregnant with my baby." "How dare she?? That piece of trashsh. How dare she touched you?? I am gonna kill her. That bitch." Before she said anything else he slapped her hard on her face. "Be careful about your words. You are talking about my wife. Don't you dare speak like that about her?" He was now holding her from her neck. "If you ever again thought of killing her I swear I would forget that I ever loved you. Now get lost." He never thought he would say that. He was forced to marry her as his father gave him no choice. He decided to divorce her within a year. He was unaware that the person he is gonna marry is totally his opposite. She is messy, she is outspoken, and clearly has no manners to talk to anyone. He was thinking of getting rid of her ASAP. She was working in a private company and her routine was so tough that she never got time for herself. She married this CEO just for the sake of her mother's happiness. He had differences from his Dad and had a sad past. She had her own dark secrets. Falling in love with him was never a plan for her. What would they do when the forbidden will happen in their life?? Trying so hard yet getting obsessed with each other. How would they cope with their past?? What if they had to die for their love??Ā  Stay tuned for this thrilling suspenseful and Romantic Story.

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