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Heart on a sleeve

Heart on a sleeve



You're blocking my path, move, she said. Just one Kiss. Come on you know you want to. Rolling her eyes, she ducked under his arms and walked away with a smirk on her face. Your brother catches us and that will be a problem she said as she walked out the door.

Chapter 1 Meeting his brother

Breanne and Jake had just welcomed a very handsome baby boy, Jardin into their family. They were both unmarried but was still excited to become parents. The marriage would come with time.

Breanne had met most of Jake's family and was excited to be introducing their loving baby to his family. Jake's mom, Claudia and his father Jared, were just as excited to meet their grandson.

On their way home from the hospital Jake realized he had to work overnight. He asked Breanne how she felt about being home alone with their new born baby since this was their first time being parents. The doctors had told them about post partum depression before leaving the hospital and he was concerned for both his child and Breanne. Unsure of how to feel Breanne asked if their was someone who could stay over and help her while she adjusted to becoming a new mother.

Jake asked how she felt about staying with his parents for the time being, but they had just moved into their new home a few days prior to her giving birth. They had everything set up for baby at their house. She didn't want to feel like a burden to her in-laws either so she declined staying with them.

Breanne was exhausted after having just given birth and fell asleep while they were still trying to figure out what to do. Jake decided to call his mom and try to find a solution to his current dilemma. After explaining his situation, his mother also agreed with Breanne because her and her husband had to work, and would not be home to care for their grandchild or Breanne.

After talking for some time they both had found a solution for the time being.

Breanne woke up just as they were arriving at their home. Jake looked at Breanne and realized she looked confused. She looked back at Jake and asked "who's that man on the porch? Are we in the wrong place?" The man on the porch lifted his head and their gazes locked. A wide smile spread across his handsome face and Breann's breath caught in her throat.

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