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Janice's Rules

Janice's Rules



love is basically an illusion, people choose to live in it at their own risk and when hurt blame others , when solely it was their decision to open their selves. She hates the idea of love, He is a hopeless romantic, she lives her life basically following the rules, He is a major rule breaker, what will become of them when they are both thrown together by chance and forced to live together for one month? Will he succeed in making her love again, or will she drag him down with her self acclaimed logic...

Chapter 1 Well, what do you know !

Hola ric nation, here with another story JANICE RAINES RULES, just before you dive into the story proper, please the names of the characters and places were just forged and if you know any place like that, sorry its incidental.

And also the book is subject to Copyright laws, so please no copying of any part of this work, cause i will find you and you wont like the outcome, sorry but thats just it...



I'm a mess - ed sheeran

Photograph - ed sheeran

Scars to your beautiful - Alessia cara

Faded - Alan walker

Have you ever had that moment when you are in a room and it seems like you aren't there, and you keep staring at one direction but keep seeing one face, you keep trying to draw but can only come up with the shading of one name, well that's all crap like I call it and anybody who believes that crap is a douche.

Well am Janice raine and I live by rules but most specifically my four rules.

1. Don't ask why,

2. No dating,

3. No sex unless necessary,

4. Don't ever call me baby

'Ok, I don't see this conversation going anywhere, its either you like it or not' I groaned as this is the fifth shop we have been to, all thanks to my best friend Cathy who wants to impress a boy she met.

'oh come-on you aren't even trying to be helpful, all you do is complain, why not invest that time in helping me look for something nice' beamed cathy

'this is the fifth store, cat'

' I know and I still haven't seen what I like'

' it's not like you are getting married to the guy, I just a date' I shuddered as the word left my mouth, cat scowled at me and went into the changing room to try the gown she picked

'not everyone is like you jan and not everyone believes on those your stupid rules'

'well those people are dumb and the rules are there for a reason'

'yeah whatever..... ' cathy stepped out of the changing room, wearing a dark blue dress that went down to her knees. It was tied around her back and there was a belt around her waist. She looked beautiful.

' so what do you think, and no snide remark '

' whatever' I muttered

' what was that?'

'nothing, I said you look amazing' giving her the best smile I could muster

' then, am taking it'

'thank god, then we can go get lunch right am famished'

' yeah.. yeah.. don't get your panties in a twist' she paid and we left, and walked to the car, getting into the car I went to the driver seat and cathy sat at the passenger seat, I love my car so much, its name is shaggy and yes I name my car, am one of those people.

'So where to? Burger king or Elle's?"

'Elle's, I feel like eating actual food not fast food'

'then Elle's it is'

We arrived at Elle's at exactly 12 minutes which meant cathy still had about a few hours to her date. We walked in and went to seat at an empty booth, a waiter came and took our orders and left, leaving me to suffer from the torture of listening to cat pine over her date, at some point I spaced out, thinking about the script I had to submit tomorrow and how I haven't gone far into it

'hello, earth to jan'

'uhm.. yeah '

'you weren't listening to me where you, you spaced out on me, you don't do that to your best-friend when she talking about her potential husband'

'ugh' I groaned ' and that's exactly why I spaced out, you know I don't believe in all that crap, cat, and well know that.......wait did you just say potential husband'

'ha.. I knew that would wake you up for good,

She started laughing and our food came, and I started eating to stop this conversation, she was watching me and laughing quietly to herself, that devil am going to get her good. We didn't talk again and when we finished eating we left and headed to the car, and I was quiet, going towards the direction of cat's house to drop her off.

' hey come on you can't tell me you are still mad about that, you know I was kidding'

' am sorry for reacting the way I did, but you know I don't do well with people leaving, and I don't want it to seem like you shouldn't get married cat, if it comes down to that I will be happy for you but please give a sister a heads up okay'

'Yeah I know jan, you know I will never leave you right........... Except when it either you or ice-cream, I think we know the answer to that'

I laughed at that, you can't really separate cat and ice cream else be prepared for world war III, soon we arrived at her place and we said good night and I watched as she went to her door, unlocked it and enter, then I drove off, I remembered I didn't tell her something to I sent her a quick text

Have fun tonight on your date, and you look beautiful in that dress, love u.

She replied almost immediately

Thanks, love u too

I smiled and headed to the jinx a popular bar around here, I parked and went to the front door and met hulk the bouncer, we have been friends for a long time now as I frequent the bar almost all the time

' hey J, how u doing'

Same old hulk '

'still sticking to your rules' he smirked

'you know me'

'ok, have fun tonight'

He moved aside as I walked past him yelling 'don't I always', I could only hear his laugh as I kept walking into the bar, I spotted sam bartending and I walked to him and sat on one of the stools;

'hey sam, hows business'

'business is good and you jan, hows your script coming'

Sam, hulk and cathy are the only people who knows about me and what I do, I became friends with them, two years ago when cathy had decided to bring me here for my 23 birthday, and that was during the period when riley called off our wedding, so I ended up getting so drunk and dancing on the tables, it took hulk and sam to get me down as my so called best friend was recording it and laughing her ass off, and so they all pitched in to take me home as cat was also a little tipsy and we became close from then.

'not so well,I haven't even gone past the first two lines, and I already feel exhausted' I slumped on the table

'well you better get on it and fast, the deadline is in a month jan'

'Yes mom, will do just that' sam scowled at me

'fine...fine I will start on it jeez'

'good now what can I get you...the usual?'

'you know me so well'

'like I have a choice' he muttered

'I heard that' I shouted

he came back with cranberry juice mixed with vodka, just the way I liked it.

'so how is cathy, is she still going out tonight with that guy, what's his name..

I smirked 'yes she is and his name is Aaron, why?'

'nothing just curious' he half smiled

'right...' I smirked

'oh..shut up' he hit me and left, I burst out laughing, san has a massive crush on cathy but he is too shy to do anything about it, he would get so nervous when cat is around and most times stare at her, when he thinks no one is looking but I know cause I have caught him repeatedly and that was how he ended up telling me about it, it just so hard to see that cat is oblivious to it.

Few hours and few drinks later, cat called and complained about her date, I had to try so hard not to say I told you so and then she hung up, I told sam and I could swear I saw an emotion flashed through him like relief but i just ignored it, I took my keys and left.

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