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The Trillionaire’’s DESIRE

The Trillionaire''s DESIRE

Deborah write


"Am so hard for you right now." I said to the sexy girl in front of me. "Have sex with me and I will give you lots of money." I added, hoping she would let me have her, instead tears start to stream down her cheek, which made me felt a tug in my heart. "You owe me from last night." I said to her as she looked at me innocently. "What do you mean?" she asked in a low tone, tears still streaming down her cheek "Did you say how?" I replied to her as I groan, getting more hard as i stare at her big round full boobs. Lizzy Spencer is a definition of man magnet and had a killer body. After loosing her parents at a young age, she has been striving hard to make a living, with alot of problem to solve, but everything took a turn when she met (Don Dawson) Don Dawson, also called The Trillion Dollar Man, he was wealthy, devilishly handsome, and was a bit proud of himself. Don never believed in love, all he does is have a threesome with ladies and do away with them. Love was just a four letter words to him, he only believe in power and money, until he set his eyes on her, and she became his desire. What will happen when the trillion-dollar man finds the same girl who ran away from the club on his private suite? Will he let her go scot-free, or will he make her pay for defiling his bed without his permission?

Chapter 1 Lizzy pov

Prologue ****

I was busy on my laptop when i heard a knock on the door "who the hell is disturbing me tonight? he or she is fired." I said, and went over to open the door. Immediately i opened the door, i came into view with what i have always wished for. Lizzy was putting on a robe that showes her cleavage, a beautiful and sexy nighty that shows her boobs. Damnit, I'm sure going to spank her ass tonight, i will be her first. I knew she will come but I never expected her this early. "What's the problem?" I asked, closing the space between us, my hands caressing her face while smiling at her. She melts my heart whenever I see her. "Sir it's... it's... I mean it's its" she stuttered. "it's what Lizzy? tell me what's the problem?" I asked softly not to scare her away. "Sir it's my, I mean it's my friends they locked the doors and am all alone sir, I was feeling lonely" she said with a sad expression. 'Oh my, this sexy here is lying to me, it's so obvious she's lying I can see it in her eyes' "Do you still wanna go out." I asked her but she shook her head vehemently with a No. "You can stay in the other rooms." I said, and noticed her mood changed, she was disappointed. And in one swift, She removed her rope, before i could process it, she was standing naked, with just her panties, her big boobs pointing at me. Seeing her naked body made me more hard. And without a second thought, I cupped her boobs in my hands and started sucking on them. You want me tonight and am gonna give you exactly what you want, the things am gonna do to you, I'm going to make you moan my name' i said inwardly still sucking on her boobs. I reach for her G string, and tore them, her private were perfectly shaved. She came right inside my penthouse to seduce me tonight and she just succeeded because this is exactly what I wanted. I carried her bridal style back to my room, place her on bed. My sexy girl is stark naked. She bit her lips and trail from her upper region to her clit, her hands stop and she start to thrust into her clit. I removed my shorts, and stood naked in front of her. I climbed on the bed and start to pounced on her boobs. It felt really good, and made me want to suck her big boobs all night. I was sucking her boobs so hard, she tastes so good tonight like ice cream. I held her two big boobs sucking them so hard. She kept moaning and moaning. "Ahhhh, ahhhh, just like that." She cried in pleasure. I bit her boobs, I wanna chew all of her, still sucking on it. I lick from her upper region, down to her clit. I licked around her clit, pleasuring her as she moan. Am gonna punish you for all the hard on you gave to me. I licked over all the places circling her clit. I looked up to my sexy girl who looks so horny right now than ever smiling at her. "Do you really wanna do this?" I asked, but she ignored, rather she pushed my head back into her clit. Damn, thid sexy is so horny right now, she's so naughty, she was holding my head deeply inside her, and i kept rubbing her clit softly, teasing her entrance. She was whining her waist on my face, while i lick her clit. I will fuck her whenever I want on this vacation, when i get tired of her, I will just discard her like the rest of the girls. I inserted my finger to prepare her for my huge d**k, dammit she's so wet already and tight as fuck. She has cum several times and she's still horny for me. I will make her legs sore, after all the hard time she gave me to get her, i will punish this ass of hers. I will surely make her pay She doesn't know who she messed with, I will deal with you Lizzzy. I will toss you away like rag after this vacation'. I was thinking in my head as a devilish grin appeared on my face. "Come sit on my face." I said to her lying on the bed. She climbed ontop of me, making it easier for me to suck all her juice dry which I still can't get enough of, she continue fucking and wining on my mouth. .

Chapter one


"Lizzy, get your butt off the bed and pick that damn phone." Kylie yelled in my ears causing me to jolt out of sleep.

I rolled on the tiny bed and stretched my hand to grab my phone from the vanity table close to the bedside.

I checked the caller ID, It was a call from my Aunt, Kat.

"Hello Auntie" I pressed the phone to my ear to listen to the soothing voice of my mom's younger sister who has made it a point of duty to always check on me.

I live alone in this city and it gets tiring sometimes. My two friends, Kylie and Coco were one of the reasons I haven't given up on life.

"How are you, Lizzy?" She asked in a worried tone. "Did you get a job yet?" Her tone was more exasperated now.

She always worries about me and I have told her countless times that she didn't have to.

Well maybe its her responsibility, I'm her sisters daughter, what more do i expect.

"Not yet, Aunt." I responded dryly.

I hate to talk about where I work, I mean, who would be so proud to tell the world that she works in a bar where she serves horney men, who does nothing than rub their cock for pleasure.

"I get it, dear." Auntie Kate heaved a sigh over the phone. "hopefully, you will get a job soon." She was such an optimist, and that was one of the many reasons I love her so much.

"I have a business meeting to attend,i will be coming over to your state this afternoon." She announced and I shrieked. I have missed her so much and can't wait to see her again.

"Alright aunt, i wish you a safe trip." I said, and we hung up.

Immediately i hung up, i shot a deadly glare at Kylie and Coco. "Why do you guys keep yelling my name? I thought the roof was on fire..." I rolled my dark orbs at them.

"I think you should change that annoying ringtone of yours. The sound is deafening." Kylie retorted.

Her pretty brown eyes grew large as she gawked at me. "We have to go out guys, we have to check out a few more job vacancy, We can't just stay home sulking all day. We have to work!" She reminded us and We all nodded in agreement to Kylie's words.

"And you, Lizzy." She jerked her thumb at me. "Don't forget you're getting your pay today. So, get your ass off that damn bed and get ready for the day, It's going almost nine in the morning." Her tone was authoritative.

Sometimes, I wonder why Kylie was in our midst, Though she is one year older than us, and yes, she acts like it. She is always there to advise us on things to do, she just stands as a mother figure to both Coco and me.

I bobbed my head and straightened up, I got out of the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

I got in and filled the bathtub with warm water before slipping in. I sat in the bathtub and grabbed my carrot soap, I heaved a sigh as I thought of everything that has been happening lately. I muttered a few words of prayers to God -I need him to come through for me now. I gently rubbed the soap on my sleek white skin, down to my face and every other necessary part.

I pulled the shower and let the water pour on me. I felt the impact of the water as it ran through my skin -it was warm and soothing.

I got out of the bathtub and ambled back into the room with my towel tied across my chest. I grabbed my lotion from the mirror-table and rubbed it on my body. I could feel my crazy friends eyes on me.

"Cat got your mouth? Why are you staring at me?" I demanded.

"Can't take my eyes off your sexy body." She said jokily, but I didn't laugh at it. She does that always and I almost mistook her for a lesbian, but she proved me wrong when she introduced us to Hanson, her boyfriend.

Well, I wasn't convinced though. She could be dating Hanson and still be into girls, Who knows?

"Where exactly are we going after I leave Parkgo?" I asked them. Parkgo is the clubhouse where I work, after resigning, I asked that Parker, my boss, pay me and he fixed today for the payment.

"I read about a hotel online, oh my God! How did I forget the name?" Kylie racked her head as she tried to recall the name of the hotel she claimed to have read about online.

"Hmm, I will look into it when my phone is charged. But they need workers, a hotel attendant." She squinted her large eyes and smiled revealing her one-sided dimple.

Kylie was beautiful and tall, she could have easily passed for an A-list model if life hadn't taken its toll on her.

"The Trillion Dollars Hotel," Kylie suddenly snapped her fingers at us.

"Yeah, I remember it now." She giggled.

"Goodness, You must be kidding. How the fuck do you want us to work there? That hotel is big, a five star hotel and the biggest in the country. Even the workers who work there are classy, not wenches like us." Coco berated and huffed a sigh to calm her rising nerves.

"Agreed but you don't have to refer to us as wenches. Those people who work there aren't as good as us. If they can get a job there, what's stopping us?" Kylie protested. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Kylie is right, We have to aim higher. I mean leave this local vicinity and look for better jobs. You can still be there doubting us, but my dear, I am already envisaging how hot I will look in that hotel attendant uniform." I fanned myself and flushed hard.

I am dauntless and won't let Coco's low-standard ideas kill my big dreams.

"Let's believe in ourselves. We are good enough." I urged them with my eyes.

"Sure Lizzy," they agreed. I smiled and sauntered into the kitchen to get something for us to eat before storming out of the house.

I already figured it would be a long day -we had to fill our tummies as we roamed the streets.

I made a few toasts and headed back to the room, I offered to them and they took a piece each. I dropped the plate on the center table for easy access.

"So what more do you know about the hotel?" I asked through a muffled voice as I chewed my toasts.

Kylie looked up at me and smiled.

"A few things like, it's the best in the country, You have to count millions of dollars before lodging into the hotel. And their workers are beautifully paid." She shoved the toast in her hand into her mouth and nodded her head as she chewed on it.

"We need to hurry up, I am sure there are hundreds of applicants just like us."

"You're right, Kylie." I agreed. "I will just go to Parkgo and see Parker for a few minutes, then we head over. I think Parker is shutting the bar soon. He has family issues and his wife insists that they move over to France. That's his problem though, I hope he solves it."

I huffed and picked another piece from the plate.

I finished with the food and sauntered into my closet, I got a blue dress and a white pair of sneakers. I wore the dress and checked myself in the mirror, satisfied with how it fitted my curves and not showing too much skin. I slid the sneakers on, and grabbed my tote bag.

I have a slim upper body down to my tummy and my hips were a little large, but very moderate for my weight. Did I mention that my breasts are not slim though? They are firm, round, perky, fleshy and a beautiful sight to behold, I will say I have a bigger boobs. Same goes to my ass, they attract attention wherever I am -my friends call me the sexiest and I honestly see no reason to doubt them.

After I was done, my phone beeped and it was a text from Parker. I read out and smiled.

"Parker is waiting for me, he wants me to come get the money." I informed the girls and we hurriedly dashed out of the house.

I was taking slow strides to receive my money from Parker, a lot was going through my mind as I set out on the road.

Different men stole glances at me -or my body. Well, I wouldn't blame them, because my curves were too much for a twenty-three years old and the firmness of my big boobs, moderate ass, and tiny waist was enough to make any man look again when I walked past him.

But I didn't care about all that. I had so much more to worry about than some men gawking at my banging body. Getting a job was a top priority for me and I must do all within my powers to do that.

I got to Parksgo a few minutes later. I walked towards the counter and saw Parker emerging from the inner room.

A smile curved his lips when he sighted me. He said a few words to the girl at the counter and he moved closer to where I was standing.

"Good morning," I greeted the white-haired man.

"Lizzy," Parker shot a smile at me.

"I appreciate your efforts and I wish you the best in life." He fumbled his hands in his pocket and brought out an envelope.

He passed it to me and I took it with a smile on my face.

"Thank you very much, Mr Parker," I said, and we chatted few more words before i turned on my heels and left.

Immediately i step out from the bar, my gaze landed on a figure, making me fall to the ground.

I quickly looked for a spot and hid while i watch him converse with the man he was standing with.

Why is he here? Is he coming after me? Is he here to kill me too? No it can't be, it's been a year plus now, he can't possibly be here to get me, he must have forgotten about me, but what if he's after me?

I turn to him, and this time, he was shaking his hands with the man.

They shook hands and he got into his car and drove off. I heaved a loud sigh i never knew i was holding.

Immediately he was out of sight, i ran as far as my feet could carry me, not minding I'm on the street.

I stride into the grocery store to grab a few things we would be needing at home.

I need to get home home quickly, I can't let him find me, i don't want to die.

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