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The Last Star

The last Star has landed on Earth... In human form. It's up to Nico and his friends to keep her safe until she comes into her cosmic powers. Can they keep the star safe... Or will they fail and doom earth along with the rest of the cosmos.

Chapter 1 The Arrival

Nico stood, looking at his friends knowing this would be one of their last moments together. They had all grown up in Memphis except Tyler who they had met in the 5th grade. The six of them had practically been inseparable since. Tyler was an only child whose father had passed at an early age. Mario was being raised by his grandparents because his parents were both in the military and decided that his grandparents would be a more suitable place for him to have a normal childhood. Kayla lived with her father and mother and was the smartest kid to come out of Central High.

Di, while her family lineage goes all the way back to the 1800s Memphis, she sometimes acts like she was just thrown into the southern life. And then was Micheal. Who was like the white version of Steve Urkle. The second smartest kid in the school. He often swooned over Kayla and she tried to pay him no mind. They were a group of misfits who had remained friends throughout their childhood.

Today was the last day of school for seniors and they were enjoying some rest and relaxation at the river.You couldn't tell any of them what to do in that moment. They were finally free. Free from homework. Free from teachers and faculty. Free from kids they knew didn't like them and vice versa. They were... Free. They laughed and scarfed down the pizzas and various snacks they collectively got. There wasn't any time to think about college. Now was all about having fun. Nothing and nobody would interfere with that. Nico ran to his friends and joined in on the laughter and the eating. They didn't have a care in the world at that moment. As they figured it the worries of college would soon set in but right now they had each other and there was no need for all the stress. They had ample enough time for that. They partied and listened to music for what seemed like hours. Soon they were all sitting a big blanket that Tyler had bought a long looking at the sunset. They had done this countless times before but this time... They were in awe. The colors were vibrant as if jumping out the sky on them.

"Ummm guys." Kayla suddenly belted out. Everyone looked up to see a light hurtling towards them. Run. But to where. Kayla tried to run but her feet wouldn't move. She looked around and none of the others seemed to be able to move either. Tyler started to panic. And anytime he panicked, his asthma flared up. He grabbed for his inhaler out of pure reaction to his heart beat speeding up. It was like second nature to him. Nico's eyes were as big as binoculars and his mouth was wide open. Micheal was screaming on the inside like a little kid. He wanted to pass out but his scientific mind was taking in everything. The sights. The sounds. The smells. Everything was amped up. The flight or fight response. The fear. The fear most of all.

The closer the light got to them the more it shined and blinded them. It got bigger and bigger until it was all they could see. The children knew this was it. At least they would go together each one of them thought. They could feel the warmth from the light but wasn't burned. They began to call out to each other and were happy to hear each other's voices. Slowly the light subsided. Every thing was still blurry at first. Slowly they began to be able to see again. Nico did a check out loud for every one.

"Tyler" he said. He looked around and listened for Tyler.

"Check!" He heard Tyler yell and looked in the direction and spotted his friend. Alright there's Tyler he thought. "Kayla and Di!" He waited for their response.

"Check!" Both girls yelled in unison. He saw the two of them hugging it out as if they thought they would never see each other again. Good they are alright too! He thought "Mike are you good mane." He listened for Mike as his sight was still coming back to him. "Mike... Answer me!" He started to panic and the others could hear it in his voice. "God dammit Mike if you don't answer..."

"I'm fine." He finally answered. Everyone let out a gasp of air. They started to look around for their friend. Nico was the first to spot him. But he was looking at something. Everyone ran to him. The girls let out another gasp and Tyler and Nico just looked confused. No one spoke up and said anything until Tyler said it.

"Bruh... Who's the chick!"

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