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Secret of Evangeline

Secret of Evangeline

Ayinne Eiram


Just how far can you go to get what you want? Are you willing to be lost in the darkness in order to do so? Will you have the courage to gamble your life in order to achieve it? A life full of mystery, is this the life where she was meant to be? Face hardships from her young age, the girl meets the demon princess and ends up having a contract with her. Wanting to find her family, she did everything she can do in order to find them. Even if it means that she must defy many things. But is it really her family she was looking for? Or is it herself that she wants to find?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Walking around the world. I think I have to go. I've been walking around for hours. Guess there is nothing more to do... As I spread my beautiful white wings and began to jump, I fly high in the air. The wind is smooth. It feels so soft. Part of the things why I love this wings.

" Why did you leave me... You promised to stay. You said we will be together forever! Why did you leave me alone. Love, I can't live happily without you. Please, Don't go without saying goodbye. I want to see you... I want to hug you and lock you up in my embrace just like what we always do... even for the last time? Love... just one last time. I... just can't... I can't believe you are gone."

I saw a man kneeling beside a tomb. It looks to be newly created. Not to my surprise, there was a girl was beside him. Wearing pure white dress. The only thing I can say is that... What a beautiful soul she is. I do have wrong guesses some times. Well... Looks like my work is not yet done.

I celebrated too early huh

"Plea- please. Just one last time. P- ple-ase love. I want to hug- you and say good-bye. Please . Please.!" He shouted crying.

Facing the ground. The girl was crying too. The aqua green eyes of hers is letting the tears go down to her rosy cheeks. Wearing a white dress, her feet is wearing nothing for it never touches the ground. She hug the man from the back. Even if she can't touch him or even feel his warmth, she kiss the deep blue hair of him.

'Sorry L-love. Love I'm so sorry. I don't want to go but it is not as if I do have any choice. I don't have any other option than leave this world. I -want to hug you... walk with you.. talk to you for one la-st chance but... I know I can't. You can't hear me. I'm so sorry lo-ve. I'm sorry"

I'm wrong. I thought I don't have any work for this day but I am wrong. I let out a sigh and took balance to stand straight not far from them. The flapping wings surely causes some air to be released.

"Now by the power you lend me. " I look up in the sky and closed by eyes. I smiled

" I will use it now. Can't I?"

I teleport near them. The girl saw me.

" You want to talk to him one last time..." I asked with a sweet smile in my lips.

" Don't you?"

She let go of him and stand in front of me, wiping the tears she had produced.

" Of course, I do! Who are you? Can you help me? I'll do any just please give us chance to talk to each other and see each other. Please... I beg of you..." she kneeled as tear drops fall in her eyes.

Weird but, she can't touch the ground. Just like any other ghost.

"If you say so. Now talk to each other for one last time" she smiled and go near the man. I sway my hands and the bow appeared in my sight together with the arrows. I took two and the color of it turns blue with white.

Means that whoever good things desire will come true. But it would just last till they fulfilled what they want. Looking at them, is it bad for a demon like me to wish for their happiness? I smile and headed home.

Indeed, maybe I am the weird one.

In my house from the underworld. With Sakura all around it... I sat in the bench feeling relieve that once again... I did something great. I am demon... Who would ever think I will help humans. Even I wonder how this kind of thing is possible.

No one ever dare to think of it. But not him. He is really a weird one too. That presence that was residing behind the clouds. I can say that he is really great and amazing. He really is something.

I closed my eyes and feel something touch my nose. Now what may it be? I wonder...

As I open my eyes, I then saw a butterfly. White butterfly. It fly up and down and turns into a soul.

" Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help ...-" I smiled and stand up fixing my black suit.

" Fallen. And I am the kindest evil. It is my free will to do that dear soul. " she smiled back.

" Thanks a lot angel of darkness. You're really kind for an angel. Thanks" she bowed.

" I'm a demon" why do they always think I'm an angel. I am nothing but a kind demon. Right? And the most pretty one. Flaming in gorgeous. I smirk.

"You are?!" She said with disbelief as her hands are both covering her lips.

"I am. The only demon with the angel heart... that is what he said. Well, but for me, I am but a demon who defies demons. Now, now, let us end this chit chat and let's go to the heaven's gate. Shall we?" She nodded and in one blink, we were there. I don't know if she will enter that gate of fall in hell. It is up to her. But... I believe she would enter nonetheless.

I just go home and I fly to enjoy my way back there. Teleporting is nice but... flying is much better. It... makes me feel free.

'Do not forget the contract fallen. You are now a demon and will never be able to die because you are immortal. Just remember don't do anything that will ruin the image of us devils.

We are death causer, we are evil... the contrast of live. So now go and nourish your abilities fallen.' I remember what my demonic dad said once.

I surely did ruin their image, right? but the hell I care? I'm evil to those who deserve it and kind to those who need help.

The sun go down as the skies get dark. It's beautiful. Darkness is really amazing. Stars with different color twinkled above. Indeed, it is true that the darkness is a beauty. That the darkest night produces the brightest light.

"So, what should I-"

I stopped as I felt something strange. This... was different than what I have felt before. Not having any idea, I, the princess of this land underneath... fall on my knees as the hurtful feeling tainted my heart. I can't breathe...

[Fallen, I have warned you but you never listen to me]

"Sh- shut up..."

I stated, hardly having a hold on my words.

Indeed, demons are fed up with evil doings. We live and get stronger due to that. What I did is contrary of it. Which means that... what will happen to be is also a contrary of getting stronger.

"Princess fallen, the great demon king is looking for you"

And there I saw various of demons surrounding me. Just as I thought... they would come after me.

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