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Tribute to the Fallen

Tribute to the Fallen



Adam Smith, Ceo of Smith enterprises, New York's most eligible bachelor, was having trouble sleeping since a few weeks. The sole reason was the increasing work load. His parents suggested him to get a secretary. Even though he didn't need a secretary but after a few days of nagging with his parents, he decided to let it be and find a assistant. Rejection after Rejection, no one seemed to be perfect for the position until a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl walked in for the interview. The first thing any interviewee would do when they meet their interviewer is to greet them with respect but instead of that Kathie Patterson decided to spank Mr. Smith's ass. Surely an innovative way to greet someone and say goodbye to their chance of getting selected but to her surprise, she was immediately hired as Mr. Smith's assistant. Even though Adam Smith had his worries about how she would handle all the work as she was a newbie, all his worries faded away when she started working. Always completing the work on time regardless of all the impossible deadlines. An innovative mind to come up with such great ideas. She certainly was out of this world. And the one thing Adam Smith didn't know about Kathie Patterson was that she indeed didn't belong to the earth. But if she didn't belonged to earth then who was she? And most importantly what will Adam do when he get to know about it?

Chapter 1 A normal day

I stepped out of a black limousine car perfectly dressed in a black tuxedo suit as the guard opened the door for me. I adjusted my clothes properly as the CEO of Smith Enterprises company. I shook my head with a sigh as I stared at the company building. A black briefcase was in my hand.

"Good morning sir," one of the staff greeted with her head bow. I nodded at her with a soft smile, though I was maintaining the strict and stoic expression of a CEO. As a CEO of any company you don't have to be open with your staff. You have to be strict with them sometimes. She collected the briefcase from me with a bow.

"Good morning sir," the staff in the company chorused. I smiled broadly at them, acknowledging their greetings.

"Take it to my office," I said, and she nodded her head. She walked away to my office with the briefcase. I walked toward the CEO's private elevator. I pressed some button on it and walked into the elevator.

Ding ding. The elevator sounded as it took me to the fifth floor leading to my office. I walked into my office and sat down on the swivel chair. I spotted the briefcase lying on the couch in my office. I shook my eyes with a sigh as my eyes landed on the files and documents lying on the transparent table. It was pretty much. The work was really much.

I went through the files and documents and shook my head with a sigh. My day is going to be as hectic and hard as it used to be since I became the CEO. Going through the files, I jerked my head with a sigh. The files and documents really matter a lot. I picked up a blue pen and signed the necessary documents which required my signature. I went through some of the files and signed my signature on the files, approving some of the business meeting schedule that I had with some of the tycoons and influential business partners.

I walked out of my office to the conference hall. I'm having a meeting with one of the best companies in the country. We are having a huge collaboration with the company which will have a great impact in the country and would result in a positive boost of our goodwill. The collaboration would promote the company to a higher level so I had no alternative than to accept it. I have to make my parents proud and happy for me. I would make sure that they won't regret ever handing the company to me.

I walked out of the company in the middle of the night. I placed my hand on my forehead as I felt a sting of pain in my head. I wasn't surprised anymore because I do have this kind of headache every single day in the company. It has been like a daily routine for me for the past few months. The work has been piling up a lot lately. Would my day be any better? I thought to myself and shook my head with a sigh.

My parents were also worried about how I overworked myself concerning the company. The weather was cold and chilly, there weren't many people outside. I brought out the car keys from my pocket, and the car beeped as I pressed a button on it. I dropped the briefcase beside me in the driver seat, ignited the engine of the car and drove out of the compound speedily.

Getting to the mansion, I stepped out of the car with the briefcase in my head. Everywhere was silent and dark, the only source of illumination was the lights around the mansion. It was only the sound of cricket could be heard, and the chirping sound of the lovely birds. My legs made an echo sound as I walked into the house. I shook my head with a sigh as my eyes landed on my mother who was lying on the couch in the guest room, patiently waiting for me. She was deeply asleep and I wouldn't want to disturb her. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead and ascend the stairs, leading to my room.

I walked into my room and switched on the lights in the room. My room lit up with golden lights. I heaved out a sigh of relief and pulled off my clothes. I dropped the briefcase on the table. I was left with a white singlet which exposed my perfect and muscular abs. I do work out and have some exercises during my leisure time but it seems after I became the CEO I wasn't given any chance to do exercise or work out. I'm always busy all day. I walked into the bathroom and had a quick bath.

I walked out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed and good. I walked to the wardrobe and brought out my pyjamas. I put it on and brought out the Apple laptop in my briefcase. I sat on a chair with the laptop in my lap. I operate on it, performing some certain work which is to be done tonight. I looked up as I noticed a presence in my front. It was my mother, it seems she has been standing in front of me for a while but I was too engrossed in the work to notice her.

"Good evening mum,"I said, and dropped the laptop on the table. Covering the distance between us, I pulled her into a hug.

"Evening mum, even though this is almost 12 am,"she said with a worried look, and I sighed.

"Why are you like this? You should be sleeping," she said, sounding sad.

"I'm sorry mum but I have to finish off this job right now. It is very important," I said, and she shook her head negatively.

"No, don't give me that. Even when your father was the CEO he never overworked himself like you are doing," she said, sounding somehow angry and annoyed.

"I'm glad that you know that your son is hardworking and not a lazy ass,"I said, but she looked at me with her expression void and blank. I couldn't read through her expression. She does give me this look whenever she isn't pleased with me.

"You are right mum. But the work is too much recently and I have to finish it off," I said, and she shook her head.

"That is the reason why you should have an assistant who will assist you in some certain work. It will ease the stress of working yourself out," she said.

"Okay mum, I agree with you. I would get an assistant,"I said, and she smiled at me. I agreed instantly without giving it any thoughts because I didn't want to make her stay another night waiting for me. Her idea is nice and good though. I was too busy and occupied to come up with a thought.

"Thanks son. I should take my leave but you should sleep. Leave whatever thing you are doing right now,"she said, and I let out a sigh in defeat.

"Okay mum, I would do as you have told," I said, and planted a kiss on her forehead. She shook her head with a sigh, and walked out of my room. I shook my head with a soft sigh, and sat down on a chair. I faced the laptop and operated on it.

The next morning, I woke up to the bright morning of the day. It was a pleasant day. The chirping sound of the birds echo heavily everywhere. I rubbed my eyes with my palm. My eyes were heavy and my vision was blurry. My body was aching. Yesterday was really stressful and hard. My day was really bad. I lifted up from the bed and did a silent prayer. I climbed down from bed and put on flip flops. I pulled off the night pyjamas and dropped it in a clothes rack. I walked into the bathroom.

I switched on the shower. I ran my hand through my long hair as water flowed down to my face. Then I brushed my teeth before switching it off and shoved myself into the jacuzzi tub which had been filled with warm water. I grab a fragrance soap and scrub my body for a while before rinsing my body. I stayed beneath the water for like almost an hour. My head was hurting in pain. I stood up from the jacuzzi with water dripping from my body, reached for a white towel beside me and wrapped it around my waist together with my chest region, walked out of the bathroom with a huff sound. I walked toward the wardrobe at the left side of my direction, pulled it open and brought out a red wine tuxedo suit and a black pair of shoes .I slammed the door shut and put on the clothes which fitted me perfectly.

I adjusted my clothes and walked out of my room.


Driving to the company in a black Lexus RX car. A cup of coffee was in my left hand while driving the steering wheel with my right hand just like I do everyday. I'm addicted to the style of drinking coffee while driving. It has become a part of me.

It was a pretty normal day. Everything was going smoothly, different people going to their various workplaces. As much as everything seemed to be good and smooth, there was something odd about it. The sky darkened with heavy thunderstorm in the sky. It is really strange. It wasn't in one of my daily loops. I slowed down the windscreen of the car and looked outside as I sighted a blue unknown light moving down from the sky to earth, to my direction precisely at an unimaginable speed. Before I could think of turning the steering, I heard a huge sound at the front of my car. It caused an earthquake. Feeling anxious and scared, I walked out of the car to find out what fell in front of my car.

I was shocked to discover that it was a young lady. Oh my God! I looked around to see if there were any buildings nearby. To my utmost surprise you couldn't find any building around.

Where did she fall from? Did she just fall down from the sky?

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