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Rudina is from a prestigious family, her parents are Alphas of the clan who values their reputation more than their children. Rudina was downgraded, bullied, maltreated and mistaken for an Omega all her life because of her powers. Her parents were fed up and threw her out of the house, her boyfriend cheated on her with her sister, which broke and devastated her. Rudina struggled so hard to survive, discovering her identity as an hybrid, she kept a low profile and lived among humans, hoping not to ever find her mate. She hates them so much, it makes her blood boil. To her horror, she finds out about her mate, the most brutal monsters on earth. SEVEN of them filled with lusts, forbidden desires and they all want her in their bed.


I hate my life, I wish I wasn't born with this curse, but born as a normal wolf and then, I can be part of the pack without being ridiculed.

"You bitch." She snarled. "How dare you?'

She walked closer to me and gave me a sound slap across my face, flickered at me, but I just stood there like a doll and did not say a word to her.

She was an attractive lady in her late twenties, more than five feet tall, light Gold hair, piercing black eyes, pointed nose, she had this oval shape in her complexion, flawless skin, she had all the right curves in the right places, had tattoos on her back as well and she was an Alpha. I heard she was the daughter of an Alpha, who was my mate's father's best friend. She was quite attractive and I partially envied her because of my mate.

He knew a good thing when he saw one. No wonder, he was obsessed with her.

"Get out of here,' Morgana shouted at me. "I don't want to see your disgusting face in front of me and leave my fiance alone, discerning you alone is getting on my nerves. "How many times have I warned you to stay away from my husband?' She yelled and pushed me to the ground, hitting my butt on it, as I winced in pain. I could feel my eyes welling up but I just stood up from the ground with my tattered dirty clothes on me and stared at her.

"Why are you staring at me with those evil eyes of yours huh.'

"I'm not meeting your husband or neither am I getting close to your man. I don't have such intentions, Morgana." I simply stated and received a hot slap across my face and I quickly held my cheek. They weren't even married yet and she was already claiming him and besides, he doesn't give a damn about me.

"How dare you call me by my name, are we now on the same level for you to utter my name out of your filthy mouth now? Are you nuts, are you stupid? Is your brain leaking or something? Have your evil eyes showed you something else huh."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry, what?'

I swallowed. "My Luna." I gave a slight bow before her, I heard her scoff and I closed my eyes shut.

"Don't call me "My Luna" because I'm not your Luna but the Pack's Luna, do you understand me."

"Yes, Luna.' I said with my voice cracking and getting teary at the moment.

"The next time I see you, sniffing around my husband and trying to use your scent to make him come to bed with you, I will plug out your eyes with my claws, understand me." She snapped.

"Yes, Luna." I replied.

"I hate you." She uttered with scorn. "I wish you were dead."

"I hate you, too.' I wanted to say, but I went mute. Only the moon goddess knows what will happen to my life. If I should, let out such a statement in front of her, I will be hanged on a pole with the pack throwing stones at me till my death comes to take me away because I insulted my Luna.

Witch. Not my Luna, the pack's Luna and I wouldn't be able to defend myself because I can't shift into my wolf form or neither can I use my powers too.

My name is Athena Adawulf, I'm eighteen years old and I'm from the Bloodstone Pack.

I lost my will to live, lost my powers, when my parents died.

However, I've experienced shifting into my form, from an early stage. Werewolves' transition commences at the age of sixteen, which is usually painful, meaning that our bodies are sophisticated enough and are able to take what's coming through us, to be able to accept our form. The transformation is usually intolerable, ripping through each and every corner of your body, bones will painfully begin to crack, twist and turn to adapt to the morphology of a wolf. The eyes glowed yellow as it widens, the skin begins changing into furs, the ears get more bigger and pointed than usual, at that time you can hear whatever people say from meters away and can also hear and feel anyone's heartbeat and you begin to hear multiple voices at the same time making it more painful to withstand.

That shifter's rage begins to increase.

The teeth transform into fangs, the hands and feet turn into paws and the hands turn into Claws. The tails bud out from behind and your nose pushes out like a beak and the color of its fur changes depending on the wolf's abilities and fully transforms into their werewolf form. At times, those shifters are locked in the dark and chained to the wall for the protection of the clan. If you aren't strong enough to withstand the pain, that shifter could lose his powers or go out of control and begin to attack anyone that comes in their way because, in that stage, they don't recognise anyone or even their families, that's why a first-time shifter is always locked in a room or worse, they could die, if they can't take the pain. That's why, before that time comes, they train so hard both mentally and physically, so they could be able to withstand the pain and survive, which usually happens on full moon. After experiencing the transition, the shifter will be free as a bird and could change to its form whenever he/she feels like shifting and it also involves our emotions as well.

My first adaptation was at the age of fourteen and my pack were surprised that I was a bit early. It was so amazing, my parents were happy for me when I conquered the pain and came out of the room successfully but I was so different from the rest of the clan and strange, but some of the leaders weren't too happy about it and they knew I was going to be powerful but they feared me greatly, because to them, I was abnormal.

To the clan, I was a curse to them because I was so different from the rest of them and that made me cry my eyes out every night. It was just so painful and it hurt so deeply, I never made friends or interacted with anyone, no one wanted to talk to me.

My eyes were yellow and blue, it was unusual for a wolf-like me and I could do things ten times more than the other clan and rumors began to spread that I was a curse that was sent to ruin the pack.

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