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Love and Lust.

"How could you...?" asked Emiliana panting. She felt pain suddenly and held her breasts. "Are you out of your mind Emy? How dare you enter my door without knocking?" roared Jefferson looking at her in awe. He pushed Rose away from him. They were naked and on bed enjoying themselves. "How could you cheat me with my best friend!" howled Emiliana.

Chapter 1 Regrets!

Love and Lust.

Anderson Seer

Chapter 1.

Chicago 4:00 pm...

Morgan Corporation...

"Is this Ms. Emiliana I'm speaking to?" In Emiliana's phone conversation, someone announced, "This is Officer Travis speaking from South East police station!" When Emiliana realized it was a police officer talking, she immediately felt weak and immediately sensed danger. She was fully aware that she was handling a police matter. Her boyfriend, Jefferson was the first person to pop into her mind. She struggled with her throat for a while before finding her voice.

Emiliana introduced herself, "Yes, how may I serve you?" She reflected on her words and felt humiliated for talking about "helping him" when she didn't even know why he had phoned.

While leaving her office, she continued to speak with him. Her ears perked up so she wouldn't miss any word that he said. After spending a lot of time at work, she was exhausted.

"I believe that this time, I am the one who is assisting you. Do you know somebody named Jefferson? He was detained alongside us in the police station and is accused of rape! Together with the victim he humiliated, Madam Rose, a friend of yours, is present. If you know about them, I hope you'll be able to attend and write a statement for the case!" the officer remarked before ending the conversation. Emiliana was unable of walking or standing. She remained standing for a long, using a nearby post to support her frail, tight body.

She took two or three long breaths, then quickly made her way to the police station since she was eager to find out what had happened.

She stepped inside a passing cab and asked the driver to drive her to the police station. She was at the station's door in a short period. She stood there for a while, thinking back to all the times she had visited the same spot to see the same person. Talking to the police officers regarding his release from prison had been her job ever since they started dating. Because of him, she had knelt in front of police officers numerous times pleading for mercy because of the person she adored. She felt sorry for herself for the fault of having him.

She went insane when she thought about the uncountable times she had bought the police's freedom. She entered the police station after wiping away the tears that were streaming down her face.

Her first sight went to Jefferson, and her second glance went to the woman who had been sexually degraded. When Emiliana recognized her friend, Rose, she was taken aback. They had been close friends for a very long time. Emiliana was unable to directly face Jefferson. She was astonished and felt bad for him. They were each in their prison waiting for their savior to humiliate them for their sake of them.

"My sweetheart, I was fully aware that you would seek me out. Inform them that I am completely innocent! Tell them I didn't rape anyone!" Jefferson roared. Still intoxicated, he had a strong alcohol odor. He staggered in his cell. He got a warning look from Emiliana as though wanting him to shut his mouth. His ignorance of love made her feel as though he was a fool. She gazed at them bravely while trying to find her inner strength.

Rose remarked, "I'm sorry Ms. Emiliana, I never meant to..." Angrily, Emiliana raised her voice. Rose gave her an innocent, repentant expression in her eyes.

"Stop talking lady! When will you cease to pretend to be raped? You are a prostitute; something that I am extremely familiar with! How many times do you have to hear my warnings before you do?" asked an irate Emiliana. She clenched her fist and prepared to smash her jaws, but the police officers held her back.

Jefferson howled, "Trust me Emiliana, I love you and I can't..." but Rose cut him off.

"You ought to reimburse me for my pestering! Jefferson, you can't get away with it!" Rose gripped the bars firmly and yelled," I will undoubtedly disgrace you as well!" She twisted them furiously and took a step back.

She ignored Jefferson as he extended his hand in greeting. After glancing at him, she left for the police officers. They were all released from the police station after she carried out her routine daily activities. "Paying for their release." Although they appeared to be conversing and laughing, Emiliana continued to look downcast at them. She questioned how a rape case developed when they were getting along with one another.

"Emiliana, I'm sorry for my errors," Jefferson said, "I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't intend to defraud me, did you? Why do you treat me that way? Why are you acting so carelessly now?" Emiliana questioned, wiping her palms over her eyes, "What have I done to you to deserve this?" As she cried, bubbles started to form in her nose. While turning to the opposite side, she clutched her handbag in her right hand. Together, the trio of them three left.

"My darling, we will resolve the issue. I still adore you more than everything in the world, trust me!" Jefferson assured her as he drew nearer to her. She avoided his company."My darling, we will resolve the matter. I still adore you more than everything in the world, trust me," Jefferson assured her as he drew nearer to her. She avoided his empathetic words.

"Why do you need to support your position with lies when you've been acting like a prostitute? Emiliana questioned, "Why do you need to organize things when you'll just carry on doing what you always do?" Of her remarks, Jefferson felt ashamed and extended a hand to embrace her. He was thrown aside by her like some foul-smelling rubbish. Once more, Jefferson was enraged with her doings. 'What he always do!' Of her remarks, Jefferson felt ashamed and extended a hand to embrace her. He was thrown aside by her like some foul-smelling rubbish. Once more, Jefferson was enraged with her.

Rose held her hand and murmured, "You have to comprehend him, Emmili..." She yelled at her while throwing her away as well.

"Comprehend him? Comprehend him my foot! Emiliana massaged her eyes as she questioned, "What should I understand? "

"If I had known that you had been detained for rape, I wouldn't have come for you this time," Emiliana lamented. Rose forced her to face her and hugged her while doing so because she felt at ease. She was very lovely.

Even though you may have heard that she was raped, believe me when I say that she was a stunning woman with a terrific body-and not just any great body-one with gorgeous curves and shapes.

"When your boyfriend is around Emiliana, why do you have to talk nonsense about him?" Rose questioned. After turning to face her, Jefferson grinned at her. He gave her a forehead kiss and embraced her, but she was unable to find comfort. He felt humiliated as she again threw him away.

"Yes, you desire to learn the reality?" Jefferson questioned, "So what if I had multiple affairs with her?" Emiliana stood up and grabbed her handkerchief to wipe away the perspiration that had formed after hearing those remarks.

She offered herself false optimism to comfort her broken heart, but instead, she let two lines of sour water run down her gentle cheeks.

Rose cynically remarked, "I don't think there is anything to worry about Emiliana; you know very well that you two are meant to be together and there is no way that I will ever intervene in your affairs." She was content in her heart that she was in upheaval.

"I love you, and we are soul mates, as you are well aware," said Jefferson and sighed.

Even though he was depressed and had a dull face, he added, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

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Other books by Anderson Musyoki

CEO's Contract Marriage Worthy To Keep

CEO's Contract Marriage Worthy To Keep



Warning! Mature Content! “I believe I have the mandate to behave whatever stupidly I like!” his eyes became larger as he yelled, “Are you going to control me against the damn truth?” Melinda disregarded his absurd outrage as she veered around to face him and laughed. “No… Cody, you are free to behave as oddly you choose, but not in front of my clients!” she continued wiping the counter and muttered, “Let's talk about it in private, like two adult creatures…” She had long apprehended when his tantrum reached a breaking point during their relationship, particularly when he began to rake his fingers through his hair. “If that daughter is my child, I am authorized to see her, spend time with her, provide for her, and most notably, be her father, you know that Mel… Even the law permits that precisely…” his voice quivered as he murmured. He shoved the front counter's bars while balling up his palms into fists. “I'm sorry, Cody, I'm not allowed to answer that. Besides, I am entitled to custody of my daughter, whom I raised alone for over one and a half years. I at least don't fear people like you do! When you realized everything, do you recall how you flew out of the city?” she questioned, tears stinging her eyes. To prevent her tears from getting widespread among her clients, she wisely swept them away. “I need you to tell me, Mel! It's a mess to hear something essential from others like rumors... Do you know I possess the… if that is undoubtedly my daughter? Trust me, if I'm the biological father, I should have known straight after you realized you were pregnant with my child!” he roared back, grabbing the diners' full attention. “Mr. CEO, for now, you have no authority over my daughter. As soon as you disregarded me and fled the city, your rights vanished along with you! Have I not just reminded you of that?” she muttered, unflinchingly, trying to divert the engagement of her clients, “How was I supposed to let you know I was pregnant when you cowardly feared the obligations?”

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Love and Lust.

Chapter 1 Regrets!



Chapter 2 I cheat but you are mine!



Chapter 3 Fake immortal affair



Chapter 4 Love Wickedness!



Chapter 5 All Men are Demons!



Chapter 6 Love and desire



Chapter 7 One-night stand



Chapter 8 Secret desires!



Chapter 9 Truthful Lie!



Chapter 10 Doomed wish!



Chapter 11 Almost Fucked Up!



Chapter 12 Wounded Heart...



Chapter 13 You Fooled Me First!



Chapter 14 Confused Desires, The Confession...



Chapter 15 Begging For Love!



Chapter 16 Great News; Trouble Beginning...



Chapter 17 Sleep With Me–Win The Prize!



Chapter 18 The Strange Rescue...



Chapter 19 Red Snagged In The Trap!



Chapter 20 Nasty Woman



Chapter 21 The Man In The Cloakroom!



Chapter 22 One Man's Meat, Another One's Poison



Chapter 23 I'll Teach You A Lesson!



Chapter 24 I'm Sorry You Loved Me...



Chapter 25 The Lesson Learned!



Chapter 26 Don't Get Married to Rubbish!



Chapter 27 The Spectacle Diamond Design...



Chapter 28 Who Plagiarized The Diamond Jewellery Design



Chapter 29 Emiliana, You Are A Failure!



Chapter 30 Phoney!



Chapter 31 The Great Battle.



Chapter 32 Another Rescuer!



Chapter 33 The Crush After The Fight
