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Joy Michael


"Father!!" He called but the king won't listen to him he walked into his throne as he has a meeting with his chiefs. "That's it!" He said faintly walking out he met Jing the chief Commander in army a friend he met in the woods when he was a child and took him home his most trusted. "My prince! What is the matter?" Jing asked seeing him upset. "What is the matter with you Jing? You look tensed!" He asked him instead of replying his questions. "I'm afraid my prince but there is a problem!". "Problem? There can only be one problem and that is Father not allowing me to visit Ome to check on the princess." "The princess is missing and claimed to be dead my prince and her sister has sown to use your head as a revenge she said you betray them as you didn't love the princess but only aspiring for the throne." Jing explained sorrowfully. "What? This is serious!" He exclaimed in shock. "There is a misunderstanding! So,that means princess karma haven't returned to the palace yet? "He asked feeling impatient "Exactly!" Answered Jing "How could Catherine think of such a thing? Why did she think... It's my mistake for leaving her there but I couldn't do anything!." He lamented really worried "What is the situation?"

Chapter 1 Glowing night

"I didn't realize how grown you have become these few years. Antonio said to karma caressing her ears with his lips."

Karma smiled at him in a seductive way.

"Neither have I realized how handsome you have turned out to be she smiled diving inner into the bed."

"I want all of you! "She said shamelessly.

Antonio is the prince of oxala the heir to his throne and he was betrothed to karma though,he would have been the king of his kingdom but seeing that the late king Jasper didn't bear a son, and karma is the first child and will definitely be the heir to the throne,when they get married he will rule the kingdom as the king. Although lady Misa is already there but she is just keeping the throne until the children comes of age.

" My body have longed for you ever since you left! Karma whispered gently to his ears romancing his backs"

Antonio sat her on top of his laps and kissed her passionately the kiss that comes with hunger and passion.

Karma moaned gently digging her fingers in to Antonio's hair of course this turned him on the more. Antonio's eyes burned with flames as he quickly pulled of karma's clothes and undies karma as well did same he laid her down kissing her intensely he laid her down using his fingers he carresesed her beneath he moved upwards using his tongues to carress her ears she moaned gently.

He looked at her smiling like a lion ready to devour it's prey in a good way her sucked her vagina with his tongues she moaned louder holding onto his hair.

Antonio smiled seeing she is really enjoying what he is doing he stopped and climbed down the bed karma's eyes filled with want and tears she begged for him to return.

"Antonio! "She called softly

Before she could finish a word Antonio returned kissing her with so much hunger as he has Missed her he dug his tongues and played with hers before. Karma was already dripping wet.

"Antonio please get in I might die if you keep playing like this."She said breathing non stop.

Antonio teased her a bit before granting her request he dugged his p*nis slowly then faster until they both reached orgarsm until the fourth time they didn't stop.

" Haah! They both breathed falling lazily on the bed they slept off immediatey both dressed naked."

After some time karma woke up looking at Antonio,she tapped him to wake

Gently he opened his eyes looking at her,he sat up straight placing one of his hand on his knees.

"Antonio I was wondering you know my coronation is around the corner."

"Okay!" He answered looking at her

"So wouldn't it be nice if your father come to Ome before that day in order to make our union official remember the strict custom of my kingdom."

She explained as Antonio Looked her smiling broadly.

He is excited to know that karma feels the exact same thing which he feels for her. Well, if not love or just for the sake of the throne,he is certain that he have her to himself.

Many atimes he is always worried that karma might not find him worthy once they come of age but seems this fated Union from the goddess is bigger than his fears.

"I understand karma don't worry my father will arrive in a few days time and everything will become official."

He assured her resting her head on his chest smoothly stroking her hair as they looked into the dark night.

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