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Tiny line between hate and love

Tiny line between hate and love



Mandy Edward, the second daughter of a multi millionaire business tycoon who never get satisfied with his wealth, she had dreams of a perfect relationship that will end up in happy ending with her one true love Noor all this change when she is force to marry the son of her dad best friend, the mask man, Lauren Daniel, the president of la la entertainment, who no one have an idea of his true face, he is not just a cold-hearted, hard, merciless, brutal and a beast as everyone regard him, he is also in love with another Leah.

Chapter 1 Beauty and the beast

Hey dad!

Mandy said immediately she enter pecking Mr Edward, her dad, who is sitting opposite his beloved wife Susan Edward while Sharon is right beside their mother, she is heading upstairs when Susan's voice come behind her.

Go shower and head down stairs. That was Susan words to Mandy, she turned and left the living room, after shower, she slip into her bathrobe, tie her into a ponytail.

she also sit in a single couch separate from the others, ought Edward is the only one that love her and treated her like family, at this point the man is going to break his beloved princess heart, he is going to hurt her feelings with the words he is about to say.

Mom, I'm here now. Mandy said as she place her legs on the couch.

Not me, your dad. Susan said, Mandy move her gaze from Susan to Edward her dad.

Ahem! Edward clear his throat. The thing is, you remember Mr Daniel my best friend, the CEO of the Daniel Multi Purpose PLC.

Of cause, the father of the boy who everyone in city called a ghost that no ever seem his face?

Mandy explain, Edward just nodded. How could I forget him? The one time that you brought me to his mother's party, he was the only masked man there, we all know that he is ugly that is the reason he prefers to go on masked.

Mandy said, Sharon smiled, this sister of hers, is not only stupid but naive.

It's a good thing, you know him, our main topic is the masked boy. Mandy eyes go round the three in a blink and then rest back on her father.

I and his dad, my best friend, I have decided to cement our relationship, we plan on doing bigger business to earn more money, I could get richer but only you can do it.

I don't understand.

Promise dad, you will do anything for him? Edward change the topic, he knows Mandy couldn't say a word to denied him anything he wants, that is how much she loves her dad, if it's for his happiness.

I promise, so what am I to do? Do you want me to work in their...

No, I want you to get married to the masked man....

Mandy stand in her foot in a second, her tears drop, she can't believe what she is hearing from her dad.

Yes marry him and make dad rich, if you marry him, he is going to give you half of his empire and make me rich.

Dad, you already have money, you are a multi millionaire...

And he is a billionaire, I need all the money in the world, don't you think it's not a bad idea if I have more money and end up the richest man in the whole of Singapore like him?

Dad, you know I can't, I am in love with Noor, you know he is the only man I love, I can't love another, why don't Sharon get married to him, after all, she is older?

Are you nut? Sharon voice echoed in the living room. You should be happy, Noor doesn't even have a coin in his account.

You love money, you should jump at this because they have all the money, you dream of.

Sharon loves money, she always wanted to get married to the son of the richest man in the world, there is the big opportunity for her, her breakthrough, getting the life she always wanted, among the two daughters of Edward, she is the most money conscious one, she loves expensive things and lavish life style but she doesn't want to marry him.

I don't want him. Sharon yelled again. You don't want him? Is there something I am not getting here? Mandy asked her.

It's simple, I don't want to get married to an ugly duckling; a cold-hearted man; and a merciless person, I will just wait for his handsome cute younger brother.

Oh! The true is out, so because he is ugly and cold-hearted I should be the one to dive into it? Why is it always me? Why do I have to always sacrifice?

Mandy shut up for once, you will marry that boy for the family happiness. Susan said, this woman doesn't have an iota of love for her, she have asked her dad a million times, if she is her mother, he always give same answer that, she is but all the loves, Susan had is just for Sharon.

Dad, I beg you please don't do this to me, I will...

Stop with your drama, you will be getting married in a fortnight. That was Susan's words, she knows her tears will break Edward's heart and he might change his mind, the marriage proposal wasn't for Mandy but for the almighty Sharon, the girl, who always get what she wanted, the queen of the family on a norm, Sharon will never let Mandy get married before her, talk more of marrying the son of the richest man in Singapore, Sharon is just too selfish.


Mandy stop making your dad feels bad, you will enjoy it, in the end you will thank me for it. Edward last words was that, he stand leaving Mandy and her mother and elder sister behind, seeing that she can't do anything again, she wiped her tears leaving to her room.

I just can't wait to see the most beautiful girl in campus get married to a beast, like beauty and the beast.

Mandy could hear their mocking words from upstairs, as they laughed at her, when she get to the room, she throw her stuffs from the table, she wasn't hurt because the boy is ugly but the fact that she is in love with another and not that boy.

Must it always be me. She yelled, as she stare at the dressing mirror, Mandy is a twenty two years old girl, the second daughter to Edward a multi millionaire business tycoon, a beauty to behold, she always wanted to be a beauty pageant but her elder sister also want to be one, so she drop the act just for her sister even with her beauty, she is still very simple, she is in love Noor, her campus broke boyfriend, she is love by her dad but her mom not at all, Sharon on the other hand is as beautiful as Mandy but not always satisfied with what she had, everything Mandy likes she likes, every good thing, she always want first but this is the first time, she rejected something for Mandy.

Edward is coming down, Susan and Sharon are still laughing over the issue.

Mandy marriage is like kissing a frog, the princess and the frog

You two stop it, if you still make this a muse, I will be force to drag you into it after all, it's you not her.

Edward said and dart out, he doesn't want to be there, when his beloved daughter walked downstairs in pain, he knows Mandy and Noor are inseparable but what can he do? He is greedy, always wanting more.

Darling, what did your friend say? Daniella asked Daniel as he get off the phone, she knows that Edward was the one on the phone.

He said that, Mandy is the one available, so our daughter in-law will be Mandy not Sharon.

It's not bad, the two girls are beautiful, so it's perfect. Daniella try to comb the situation.

You think so? Daniel asked her, she run her hand on his cheeks.

Yes, it's fine. That minute Larry and Lisa walked into the living room of the Daniel's Mansion.

Have you two lost your manners? Daniella asked, since the two are staring without greeting.

Sorry dad! Good day dad!

Larry said, Lisa also greet. What is it? Daniel asked.

Dad, you should know, is it truth that big brother is getting married to some stranger? Lisa asked.

She is no stranger but Edward's second daughter.

Dad, you should know that Lauren will be mad...

Of cause, I will be mad, dad how dare you? Lauren had just pull the door, in his anger he forget to wear his mask, exposing his handsome gorgeous face, no women will see him and not get madly in love with him, at twenty-four, he possess such a perfect physique, he also have all the money in the world, been the heir to the Daniel's wealth.

Is that how you talk to your dad now? Daniel asked him. You don't tell me how to talk to you or what to do with my life.

You are my son, every money you think, you have, I made you who you are, you are getting married in a fortnight, I have no time to battle words with you.

Edward, you are...

Edward punch his face, that was the first time, he raise his hand on his son.


Lisa called, the eighteen years old girl, love this brother of hers, she doesn't want anything to hurt him.

The next time you used my name again, I will kill you and if you don't agree to get married to her, I will disinherit you.

Edward walked passed him without another word, Edward is a man of his words, if he say something, he live by it, he could be cold and hot at same time. Lauren eyes are all red with anger, he stare at Daniella like he is going to kill her.

Don't look at me, I didn't talk your dad into it.

I have a girlfriend for crying out loud, so give her to Larry or your husband.

Stop it bro. Larry said, he sighed and walked passed the three.


Shut up, your dad had made his decision, you know he doesn't listen to me, so talk sense into that brother of yours, if he still want this luxury. Daniella also dart out after her last words.

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