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My Saviour Story

My Saviour Story

Mercy. A


This is book 2 of 'my hero is a gangleader'. Read the first book to understand the second. Chase and Ashley has finally gotten married. Chase is now the most feared Mafia. He took over Ashley's dad job and own many other companies of his own. During the years he growed to be a Mafia and now has a lot of mans in his gang. He also growed to be a business man. Let's see if they will leave a normal wedded couples life or their past will still hunt them. Publisher:i&i Publisher

Chapter 1 No.1


Ashley's POV

Two years later...

"Wow Ashley you look beautiful!" My mom said wiping her tears same as Michelle.

I walked to the mirror in front of me and gasp. Michelle is really good. My make up is perfect. My hair is beautiful. The white long dress fits me perfectly. I look so different. Today is really the day. I am so excited and nervous at the same time.

The day I have being waiting for since childhood, has finally come. I am going to marry the man I truly love.

We all graduated two years ago. Me, Chase, Michelle, Ace, and Mason. We all celebrated that day and went to the club. Chase being Chase didn't let me go dance alone coz "someone might see my beautiful body and decide to dance with me'. We had so much fun and that's the day Mason also shocked all of us by telling us he brought his girlfriend. We all laughed at him coz we didn't believe that.

But he brought his girlfriend to the club and all our eyes almost came out of our socket even Chase who always has a blank face got shocked but quickly put back his blank face. Guess who his girlfriend his?


The girl that I thought she's gonna be a Queen Bitch like Kiara coz she got everything she wants or should I say a guy wants: beauty, sexy body shape, rich, loving parents. What doesn't she have. I like her coz she's responsible, she's an independent woman.

"Oh my! Ashley you look great and beautiful!" Just the person we were talking about. Daniela walks in looking at me with wide eyes. "I don't even know you anymore!" She walked to me and hugged me.

"Thanks for making it to my wedding."

"How can I leave my best friend's wedding just for work? Nah that's not me." She said lifting her hand up and shaking it 'no' with her head. We became so close this passed years with Michelle too obviously. She is a lawyer that what she always wanted to be a lawyer and studied hard for.

"Hey Michelle! You look so beautiful too!" Daniela said walking over to Michelle and hugging her.

"You too Danny!" Michelle said hugging her back. "This dress fits you!"

"Stop that! You know we both maid of honour are wearing the same dress. So there is no different coz it also fits you."

"Okay guys it's done with the talking. We have to start going. We getting late." Mom said as we all walk out with Michelle and Daniela helping me with the long dress. Holding it a bit up so it doesn't get too dirty.

We reach the end of the long walk to the front of the Alter.

My father hands my hand to Chase's and walks to his seat. I stand at the Alter facing Chase.

His so handsome. I take in his appearance. His nose sharp at the end and his jaw line also sharp making his face more handsome. His pink bright lips calling mine to touch it. But I resist. His wearing a royal blue suit with navy blue shoes. I look at his grey eyes that I love so much and look deep in it.

"Uhm....... Miss are you with us?" The priest says. I blink twice and nodded while my cheeks turn bright red. Chase tries to hold in his laugh while my face gets redder.

We repeat what the priest said we should say. Then the part I have being waiting for comes. Chase takes the ring out from the box Ace (his best man) handed to him and looks at me in the eyes.

"Chase Martins, do you take Ashley Thomas to be your wedded wife?" The priest asks. He looks make at me and smiled which I mirrored.

"Yes I do."

I take the ring I'm going to put in Chase's finger from Michelle.

"Ashley Thomas, do you take Chase Martins to be your wedded husband?" I look around the place that is decorated with white and royal blue. My face meets Michelle and she nods for me to say yes. I look back at Chase and smiled.

"Yes I do."

"Does anyone here don't want this love couples to be together?" The priest looks around. "I ask again does anyone have a problem with them being wedded?" He looks around again.

We put the ring on each other's hand.

"You may kiss the bride."

(Huh guys.....I really don't know much about wedding but I think this is how it goes.)

After all the fun and the wedding goes as planned with wines and one large simple cakes.

We had so much fun. We cut the cake, dance as husband and wife. I am finally Mrs Martins!!! We ate.

It's now late and the sun as went down. I yawned and look around to find Chase but his no were to be found.

"I think it's time I have you all to myself, wife." I turned around at that voice and his cologne hits my nostrils. I turn around and face him.

"Yeah, we do." Before I recall what happen he carried me bridal style and puts me in his new Auto.

He opens it and drops me inside. He closes and walks the other side getting in.

"What about the others are we leaving them?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they know we need our privacy." He smirks.

I blush at the word 'privacy'. I face the window so he doesn't see me blush but something caught my attention.

Two......balls? Were thrown to the warehouse where we did our wedding. What was tha-

Than two explosion sounds comes out loud.

"Chase!" He looks at me and his eyes widen as we see the warehouse burning. "We have to do something everyone is in there!"

Chase just wraps his arms around me. "We just have to wait for the explosion to calm down." Someone knocks at the window. Chase looks up while I try to wrap in what just happened. Michelle, Ace, Mason, Daniela, mom and dad, everyone!

Are all in there!!

Chase holds a piece of paper looking at it while his hand turns into fist and his face turns cold. I grab the paper from him and read it:

My revenge for all my employees await...Chase Martins.

This is just the introduction.

Greet your beautiful wedded wife for me.

Ashley's POV

5 years later...

I walked out of the room and smiled at the two guards at the sides of the door. They nodded back at me giving me a ghost smile. I walk through the exit of the hospital and made my way to my Range Rover sport SRV.

One of the men open the car door for me and I got in. After closing the door he went to the passenger seat. My driver Leo started the car. Most people passing looked at me weirdly like I'm the president's only child coz I have five guards following me wherever I go.

They don't know I'm the wife of the most richest business man that owns companies and hotels.

"Mrs. Martins, are going straight home?"

"Yes." I said before he started the car, driving to the house.

We all leave in a bigger mansion for security purpose. Chase is now a known CEO of several companies and the most feared Mafia.

Me, Chase, Michelle, Mason and Daniela stay in the same mansion with almost one hundred guards around the house. He got so many mans during the year to help him find Vincent Lucardo.

"Boss lady, we here." Leo said parking the car. I nodded at him and came out of the car, of course with one of the men opening.

I walk to the house after putting another password. I got in and closed it. I was immediately engulfed with a hug.

"How is she?"

"Still the same. She can't move, speak, even open her eyes." A tear fell from my eye. Michelle hugged me again.

"She's gonna be okay. Let's just be patient."

Everything changed since the explosion in the warehouse. Vincent Lucardo that name makes me dig my nails in my palms, makes my whole body feel venom. I just want to kill him with my own hands. That heartless bustard caused the explosion. He made our love ones die. He made innocent people die.

I just came from visiting my unconscious mom. She has being like that for five years. The doctor said she was supposed to wake up at least last year but she's still unconscious.

She was a mother to everyone. A mother none of us had. Michelle's parents were too busy with work, they don't even care if she's alive or not.

Daniela's dad is always traveling and working that he comes back home late. While her mom wants Daniela to be like her, always going shopping, drinking and clubbing.

Mason's single mom died in the warehouse. Well his dad and sister died a long time ago from some of Vincent's 'employees'. That's one of the reasons why Chase killed his 'employees'.

My dad died the same day the explosion happened. He got burnt and couldn't survive the pain. But he already gave everything to Chase

Ace died two years ago in the hospital the day we suppose to fetch him. Michelle told us the roof top almost fell on her but Ace pushed her away and it end up hitting him. After his burns where gone and his head was okay. But Vincent sent his mans to kill him in the hospital before we could reach there. It was a really painful moment for all of us.

Chase didn't take that easy. His back to the first time I met him but even worse. His being silent since the day Ace died. When I try talking to him. He sent me out of our room. He doesn't want anyone to talk to him.

Vincent broke the light bulb we fixed. He broke the light in this family that we tried to fix. Making things nothing easier for us he sends us different letters with few words some of them saying:

Enjoying the agony.

My revenge isn't over.

Can't wait to see all your bloods in my hand.

That was his last piece of letter he sent us. Chase tried everything to find him but we didn't even find any clue.

I just feel sorry for Chase. He doesn't talk to anyone but he sends instructions to his mans. We can't leave the mansion without his permission. He has a penthouse house which is our neighbour. That's where his man's stay.

I still need to talk to him about the guards following me around.

"Boss lady, lunch is ready." one if our maids Carina said. I nod.

"Tell the others the same thing." I told her. She nods and left.

"Let's go to the kitchen." Michelle said. I nodded my head and followed her. She was really sad when Ace died. She cried for three months blaming herself coz if she had seen the roof top. Ace wouldn't have reached to the hospital or if she was always in the hospital with Ace his mans wouldn't have come and killed Ace.

We reached the table and waited for everyone to come. But Chase never comes. He eats in our room. I don't even sleep in our room, I sleep in one of the guest rooms. But every night when I have nightmares I always feel him by my side knowing by his smell. His the one that takes my nightmares away. When I wake up in the morning, his not by my side again.

Paige entered the kitchen last with her long black hair and light green eyes. She is Ace younger sister. It took her years to get over her brother. She blamed Michelle for Ace death. She really dislike Michelle. But when Michelle is not around she becomes so happy and joyful. She's so happy that sometimes she lightens the mood of the mansion.

"Hi guy- Oh she's here." She said when her eyes landed on Michelle rolling her eyes.

"Hi Paige, how you doing?" I ask ignoring what she said.

"I'm better and you?"

"Trying to." I said honestly. Finding the floor interesting. "Let's just eat. The food is gonna get cold." They all nodded and set down. As we pray and begin to eat.

I look by my side hoping Chase could come down and eat with us. That was always my hope.

We hope the happiness in this mansion comes back.

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