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Indebted To The Vampire Prince.

Indebted To The Vampire Prince.



"You can't have me, I'm a witch and witches don't mate with vampires," I yelled angrily, I couldn't believe that I was mated to the vampire prince himself. "Oh yes little witch, I can have you and you are already mine." He said and he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. I was already feeling the effects of his touch and moisture began to gather down below and I began to feel things I never did before. I wanted him to kiss me, oh how desperately I wanted to feel his lips on mine. . . Biki's life changes after she performs a dark sacrifice without payment, as punishment she is sent to the vampire Prince as payment for her debt, but what happens when she meets the Prince and gets the shock of her life? Will the vampire Prince give up a century of feud with the witches and accept his mate or will he damn the gods and goddesses and reject her?

Chapter 1 The Summons.

"Zeelep mexeena," Biki muttered under her breath as her eyes began to glow a bright shade of green and her body turned warm.

She'd been taking a stroll with her cousin when it happened, fortunately, they were shaded from the people by the trees and grasses around them.

"What happened?" Leia asked her as soon as the green glow died from her eyes.

"It's a summoning." She groaned. "I'm being summoned back to the coven."

"Coven... that... but why?" Leia asked with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know why, but it was a serious summoning. I have to go. I think something pretty serious has happened." Biki held her cousin's shoulders and tried to comfort her.

"I'll be back before you know it, just make sure you practice all the spells I've taught you and when you're done with them, practice on your own and feel the energy flow through you, I promise you the words will come."

"Why are you telling me all these if you're going to be back soon, I'll practice but you need to come back and help me." Leia cried.

"I promise you, Viv, I'll be back." Biki hugged her cousin tightly.

She was the only family she had left in the world and she had to cross two dimensions to find her.

Biki walked away quickly, covering her head with her hood as her eyes began to glow.

She'd been summoned back to the coven where she was born and raised by a group of witches called the circle.

She was a very rare witch, a green-eyed witch, and all her life she had been treated like a rare animal that had to be protected.

She'd practiced hard under the care of the circle witches and when her training had been completed she'd taken up her duty as protector of the realm but then one day she had a vision and that vision led her to her cousin who was the daughter of her mother's sister.

This cousin of hers lived past two dimensions in the human world, it was forbidden to cross dimensions but her cousin was not the only thing that her visions revealed.

Her vision had revealed trouble, a disaster for the realms, and the person who could overcome the darkness was her cousin who had no idea of her powers.

So she'd been allowed by the coven to go find her cousin and prepare her for doomsday.

It had been hard navigating the human world, the humans were very strange people, they dressed strangely, spoke strangely, lived in strange places, and ate strange meals but she could not deny that her stay in the human world had been interesting.

She'd met her aunt and even though the woman would never know who she was to her, it was okay for her, she'd stayed with her family and had been showered with love even though they thought she was a stranger.

Biki and Leia's connection had been instant, Leia's powers also began to manifest once Biki moved into their home and it hadn't been difficult for Biki to reveal the secret to her.

Their relationship had improved and Biki loved Leia very much, it hurt her that she had to leave.

She did not know why she was being summoned but she could feel it in her spine, she knew that something was terribly wrong.


"I'm here." Biki removed her hood as she walked into the Circle's headquarters.

"Child." The witches rushed out. "You've come."

"Mothers, I greet you." She smiled at them and they smiled back.

She'd missed them, all five of her mothers, they'd rescued her when her parents were killed and they'd raised her in isolation at the Circle's headquarters.

"We don't have much time, come with us quickly." They said and she walked quickly with them.

"What is he doing here?" Her eyes flashed green as soon as she laid eyes on the man in their midst.

"He brought news."

"We can't trust him, you know that?"

"We do and that's why we put him under the truth spell." They replied and that was when she noticed the color of his eyes, they glowed a bright amber color.

He was definitely under a truth spell and now he couldn't lie about anything.

"Why are you here?" She asked him first.

"I..I..." He stammered as he tried to fight the effect of the spell on him.

"It's hopeless, Zaun, don't try to fight it." One of the witches said and plucked out a strand of his black hair.

"I came to find out the identity of the true one." He answered truthfully.

"I told you," Biki yelled angrily and held him up by his neck with her powers. "Let me just end his life right here and now."

"No, stop." One of her mothers stopped her and she reluctantly dropped the choking man down. " We have to get all the information we need from him first."

"Do you think they know who she is?" Biki asked fearfully. "I've been careful, they can't know who she is right?"

"No, I'm not sure they do, you've done your job well, if they did they wouldn't send this pig to us." Another of her mothers replied.

"We do have another pressing matter though, the book of scrolls was stolen from the circle yesterday while we were at the citadel."

"What! How could that have happened?" Biki asked angrily.

"We need to show you something." They said and led her to the ancient library.

The book of scrolls was a very powerful book, it was banned by the coven of witches and hidden in the Circle's library guarded by many spells and guards.

It contained a lot of hidden secrets and powerful and condemned spells but that was not the most dangerous part of the book, it was the key to awakening the monster and that was why it was kept secret and now it was missing.

Whoever had stolen the book must be trying to awaken the monster and that could only mean that the events that would trigger the doomsday had already been set in motion.

"She's not yet ready, I'm afraid, she's not yet ready."

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