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Nancy a young single mother with a rough past gets her life back on track but a one night party in a gay club gets her hooked to her worst night mare How would she survive this as it is threatening to bring all she had built to rubbles.

Chapter 1 Ici nous commen ons

"Friday the most beautiful day of the week, I finally don't have to wake very early" Nora a little girl hollered bubbling with joy, her tiny voice bouncing off the freshly painted walls and crystal clear tiles giving a melodious sound.

"Tune it down Nora" Nancy the little girls Mom complained " Grandpa and grandma may be sleeping you know" Nancy scolded gently.

"Hmm.." Nancy took a deep breather before opening the thick oak door to an ancient, beautiful but modern looking mansion. One of the few ancient buildings that has escaped civilization.

A building that could pass as a museum and if preserved it would be a national heritage for the future generations.

This great antique like building nicknamed Clarence is the home to Nancy parents and was passed to them by their parents who was given the mansion by the generation of Stephens that birthed them and would she be given the mansion Nancy wondered as she finally got the courage to open the door.

Unlike other people Nancy was not feeling anything near happy to see her parents.

People who pushed her out of the house to save their face in the community and church.

At just seventeen Nancy eloped with her highschool lover who was killed just 3 months after she gave birth to her daughter since then she had to fend for herself and her daughter single handedly with no help from the family.

And with great resilience and tenacity she had created a name for herself in the copy writing world.

Seen as the black sheep since her teens Nancy wondered why her parents where calling her after many years, have they gotten wind of her latest achievements NO she doubted her parents are not bothered with the modern day professions and skills like copy writing, graphics designing and others.

"Mummy what's the problem" Nora noticed her mum's mood.

"Nothing sweetie, mummy just thinking" Nancy coax Nora squeezing her little palm as they walked down the long corridor leading to the main house.

"Mummy what's does grandma and grandpa look like now" Nora asked nervous to meet grandparents she hadn't meet aside from calls and face time"

"Ehm......." Nancy searched for words to describe her parents not wanting to pass the tension to her daughter " they are lovely" Nancy conjured am answer she herself doubted.

"Grand ma" Nora flew into the hands of the oldest woman she meet in a he rooms

"This girl" Nancy muttered under her breath as she shook her heads.

"Such a free spirit we got" Mr Stephen Nancy dad chipped seeing his granddaughter blend in like she has been there ever since.

"Good day mom and dad" Nancy greeted awkwardly not knowing if she should sit or stand

"You still have the guts to address me as Mum" Judith Stephens Nancy Mom spat with a venomous look that she quickly changed to a friendly one when she remembered her granddaughter was in the room.

"Nora go along with aunty Anna she would give you yummy cakes" Stephen said trying to push Nora away not wanting her to feel the bad energy

"Yay!! Cakes" Nora jumped taking the hands of the aunty Anna as they left the room.

Silence befell the room as Nancy was left with her parents.

"Ehm... Ehm.." Stephen cleared his windpipe to break the silence "sit" Stephen ordered pointing Nancy to a sit.

Judith Nancy mum glared daggers at Nancy looking like she would stand the next minute and hit Nancy hard in the face. "So if we hadn't called you, you won't come huh.."

"Relax" Stephen squeezed the hands of his wife as her heartbeat and breath was already rasp.

Nancy sat straight looking as the drama unfold many years had pass but still the same short fused woman. Nancy said in her head

"So when are you moving your things back here" Judith asked

"Huh..." Nancy gaped shocked to her wit by the question but she quickly replaced the shocked expression to a fierce one looking like a lioness defending her cubs. "I have said it over and over again I would never, I repeat NEVER come back to live here" Nancy roared like a wounded lion

Judith jumped to feet and walked to face Nancy in the quickest stride her legs can afford "you would come back here, and lest you forgot I am still your mother and can tell you what to do" Judith beat her chest asserting her motherly powers

"Mother my foot, you threw me out of this house and now I'm getting better, you come back to claim a child you chased away like flu" Nancy hammered back not cowering like she usually does years ago under her mothers wrath

"Hmmm... You can now talk back at me, wonderful" Judith clapped sarcastically "if you don't want to move in, I would use the power of the court to take Nora away, you are not fit to be called a mother" Judith threatened

Nancy expression change as her face paled due to her mothers last words "you won't dare, I'm doing well and I earn well enough to take of my daughter" Nancy stuttered her voice lacking the earlier venom

Judith smiled noticing her last statement had an effect on Nancy "you think so, how would you explain Nora injury in a park" Judith hit the soft spot again. "Such a careless mother" Judith added looking at Nancy with disdain

"That was a one off and an incident, anybody can have an incident" Nancy stammered lacking any venom.

Fear had replaced the courage she had earlier walked in with.

"An accident caused by your carelessness" Judith added not giving up

"Weren't you too careless and wicked, you pushed me out when I was still a teenager" Nancy used her trump card her mother had also been careless in the past

"Kpa...." Nancy face shook under the force of her mum's palm that hit across her face

"Enough" Stephen finally intervened tired of the ladies face off, he stood to pull his wife away.

The shock from the slap rooted Nancy to the spot as she lost her ability to move and talk for a minute before she glared daggers at her mom and then walked off.

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