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Mr.Psyco And Mrs. Soft

Mr.Psyco And Mrs. Soft

Zqueen Psyco


Do not look down on this man, who has a handsome, tall and strong appearance, as a good person. Wizart, who is the CEO of a comic-creation company-has a terrifying dark side. There must be fear in him. Wizart, who does not believe in love, prefers to live in loneliness and darkness. But fate is always on his side. When his company needed a professional comic writer, Teresa, a spoiled, cheerful and gentle girl, worked for his company. After only a few days working at the company, Teresa was annoyed by Wizart's fussiness as CEO. That invited hatred in his heart to this man! Days pass without realizing it, Wizart's life is getting lonely. Teresa's presence in his life made Wizart fall in love. Wizart wants to change into a good man for Teresa to win her heart. Finally, he believes that love exists between two people who are destined to be together. The story continued until there was a disturbance that happened to Teresa that made Wizart act aggressively. Did Wizart succeed in capturing Teresa's heart? Will Wizart be able to turn into a good man for Teresa's sake? What conflict will happen that will stand in the way of their love?

Chapter 1 CEO PSYCO

Expensive leather shoes worn by a man in his 30s with a rough step towards the office. The expression on his face showed that he was angry about something. His hand was holding a scroll of a comic book and he was wearing glasses. He went there to notice many workers working there.

The glass door was pushed roughly by this angry man. His face was red with emotion in his heart. His eyes quickly looked at all the workers in the office. While the workers there just observed his arrival there.

"Hey, where....where's your boss?!" The man shouted, looking for someone. All the workers in the office were a little confused.

"Where is that damn man?! I want to see him now!!!" He said again, roaring with anger. One of the workers there quickly ran the child towards a room. Turns out he entered the CEO's Room.

Before he stepped inside, he knocked on the door first to ask for permission.

"Come in." A man who was sitting calmly on a swivel chair with both legs crossed on the work table. His eyes were closed for a long time.

Arick, one of the men who work in his company came to meet to tell you something. He quickly stood stiffly in front of the desk of the man who held the position of CEO.

"Sir, Mr. Hillary came here in a rage looking for you." He said to tell you the real thing that happened outside. An angry scream could be heard outside his office. But the man in front of him just closed his eyes.

"Mr. Hillary came in angry?" He asked, still closing his eyes.

"Yes sir," Arick replied respectfully to the calm man.

Hearing the news, the man who was just relaxing in the chair quickly opened his eyes. He quickly got up from his swivel chair and walked out of the room. He began to approach the hot-tempered man, Hillary, in his office.

"What's all this noise? Is there a screaming concert in this office?" He began to approach Hillary there.

A dark blue dress with a knee-length suit, wearing a thick t-shirt covering his neck before the long suit approached him with a smile on his face. Hillary was speechless seeing his presence in front of her eyes.

"I...I want to tell you about this?!" A roll of comic books that he had been holding since earlier was deliberately thrown to the floor with the emotion of anger. The man in front of him just laughed cynically as he watched his company's comic book thrown on the floor. What happened?

"Wow...you're so angry today, Mr. Hillary."

"Yes, I'm really angry. Why did you force my people to sell these boring comics on the world market?! My company is about to experience an economic downturn, you know that?!" Say it at a high pitch. He still smiled wryly.

"Boring? I didn't think you didn't like the comic. How do you want me to finish it?" He said, negotiate well. All his employees in the office just watched the fight between the two of them.

"Pay compensation for damages."

"Oh....pay compensation, huh? Hmm..interesting." His response made Hillary frown. It's as if he pretends to be calm and keeps his anger in his heart.

"Arick! Take that little trash can and bring it here." He gave instructions to Arick, who was standing behind him.

Arick, without delay, immediately took a small trash can to the office and took it in front of his employer. The lighter was already in his hand and he picked up the comic that had been thrown on the floor earlier.

"Okay, let's get it over with." He quickly turned on the lighter and burned the comic before throwing it in a small trash can. His eyes stared at the small fire that burned the comics produced by his company. Everyone who saw him there was shocked. Hillary just kept quiet.

"This boring comic has been wiped out before my eyes, and now it's your turn." His words had scared Hillary.

"What do you mean, it's my turn?"

Without thinking, he immediately pulled Hillary's hand and took her to the garbage can that was still on fire. Hillary is getting scared.

"What...what are you doing?!"

"What am I going to do? It was your hand that threw the comic on the floor earlier. So, this hand should burn like in the comic, right?" He threatened to put Hillary's hand in the trash can.

Hillary tried to escape from his grasp but was unsuccessful. He pulled Hillary's hand very hard. He slowly pulled Hillary's hand into a trash can with a burning fire to burn it.

"Mr. Wizart! Please...please don't do this...I'm begging...I...I won't ask you to pay that compensation again." pleads Hillary in fear of seeing his hand nearly burned in the trash can. This scary man is Wizart. A terrifying side that is capable of bringing death to anyone rude to it. His eyes widened as he waited for Hillary's hand to be burned along with his comic.

"I'll let you go. From today, promise me that you won't cause any more trouble with my company's comics. Understood?!" Wizart's harsh tone nearly broke Hillary's terrified ears.

"Yes, I understand." His answer made his whole body tremble.

Relieved to hear Hillary answer that, according to his order, he let go of Hillary's hand. Save Hillary's hand from burning because of Wizart.

"Take good care of your hands. One day, your hands will disappear because of me. Hmm?" A soft threat but it was terrifying to hear it. Wizart, with a mysterious smile, simply patted Hillary on the shoulder before leaving.

He casually left Hillary and all his employees in the office. He calmly walked out of the company without any obstacles. All his employees who bump into him are quick to say hello. Wizart left as if nothing had happened.

"Who is he?" Hillary asked in a half-whisper, watching Wizart's movements from a distance.

"He is the scary CEO of this company, sir. You should be careful after this.." answered Arick, whispering in his ear. Hillary is getting more and more scared to hear the true statement of CEO Wizart who attacked him earlier.

'I'd rather...make someone else miserable than end their life easily.'


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