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Just a night

Just a night



Kylie and young 24 years old lady. She lost her father at a very tender age. And since then,her mother has tried to bring her up alone, but fell sick along the way. Leaving Kylie with no choice than to work hard to get her mother's medications to keep her life. She lost the only job at the cafe, where she works and had to find herself a new job at a rude billionaire house. She tried to cope with the billionaire, just so she could always buy her mother's medications and also save up money for her mother's surgery. She planned working in the mansion for just a few years, and get her mother's surgery money. But something happened along the line. And they had a one night stand. Will she just ignores the fact that she was hurt by how she was treated by the billionaire the next day and leave him, or still stay?

Chapter 1 The beginning

The bright morning sunshine shines beautifully outside, lighting up the day and making the environment warm and sweet.

Kylie was all dressed for work as she walked over to her mother's room.

"Mum, I'm off to work." Kylie said, as walking over to her mum to kiss her goodbye.

"Okay dear, bye then." Mrs Brown replied.

"Have you taken your medicine?" She asked.

"Not yet but I will." Mrs Brown replied and Kylie walked over to her drawer to pick out her medication, she opened the pack and saw it was totally empty.

"Mum you are out of medicine and you couldn't tell me to get you another." Kylie frowned.

"I plan to tell you when you get back from work, you are running late already." Mrs Brown said,

"I know but I can't be comfortable at work when your medicine is finished, I will be right back." Kylie said and rushed out of her room.

She walked into her room and opened her drawer and picked up all the money she had left and rushed out to a nearby pharmacy to get the medicine.

She got into the kitchen and picked up a bottle of water from the refrigerator and a glass before walking into her mother's room.

"Mum, here is your medicine and a glass of water, have it." Kylie said as she took her medication.

"Mum, I have to go now, I'm so late now, I packed up your lunch, you can microwave it when you are hungry." Kylie told her and gave her a kiss. Before waving to her and walking out of her room.

Kylie hurried to the road and waved down a cab which she got in immediately. She really hopes in her heart that Mr Kevin wasn't at the cafe, because she knows she was very late and that means trouble for her.

"Kylie is late again and this time there will be no Mercy, I'm going to fire her immediately when she steps into this cafe." Mr Kelvin said within himself.

He was standing at the reception waiting patiently for her to arrive. He can't take her late coming anymore,so either she leaves his Cafe today or considers his proposal. He thought and waited patiently for her.

"Good morning Lisa." Kylie greeted her friend smiling .

He sighed and cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Young lady, Park up your belongings and go home, you are fired." He yelled from where he stood.

"Sir please, I'm really sorry, it wasn't my intention, I had to get my mom drugs before coming to work, I'm really sorry sir, I won't be coming late again." she pleaded

"I won't repeat myself." Mr Brown said and walked over to his office without saying anything further.

Kylie went on her knees as hot tears clouded her eyes. Lisa walked over to Kylie where should was kneeing and ask her to just go and packed up.

"Lisa what I'm going to do now, I don't want to lose this job, I really need this money." she cried.

"It's okay Kylie, just pack up and wait patiently for him outside he might change his mind ." Lisa said,

"Ok but are you sure about that?" she asked.

"I can't say I'm so sure but let's just hope." Lisa said,

"Hmm," Kylie exhaled. "I really hope he changes his mind, because I can't bear to be jobless right now." Kylie sighed.

"I totally understand, dear." Lisa said, and Kylie walked away.

She went to the place where she had kept all her working stuff and packed up all her belongings before walking out of the cafe. She went out and waited outside patiently like Lisa advised, if Mr Kevin would change his mind and call her back in.

Kylie waited for hours outside, if Mr Kevin was going to come to call her back in but there was no sign of him. She dropped her stuff on the floor after a while because she was already getting tired of standing outside and was about to go in, to tell Lisa she was going home. But she saw Mr Kevin walking out of the cafe, and got happy thinking he was coming to her. But he passed her without saying a word to her and went into his car and drove off.

Kylie sighed disappointed, realizing there was no hope again and she had really lost her job. She walked back into the cafe to tell Lisa she was going.

"Here take this." Lisa handed $100 to her.

"But you need it too, you shouldn't be giving it to me." Kylie said,

"No Kylie you need it more, I know you have to get mum some drugs and also get something for you guys to eat." she replied

"Thanks alot Lisa, I really appreciate this." Kylie thanked her.

"You are welcome dear, I will search for any available job for you as soon as possible okay." she said,

"Okay, I will really appreciate it thanks bestie, I have to go now." Kylie told her.

"Okay dear, tell mum, I will come and check up on her soon." she said,

"Okay I will,bye dear." Kylie replied, waving at Lisa as she started walking out of the cafe.

"Yeah bye see you soon." She waved back at Kylie.

Kylie walked out of the cafe and picked her belongings outside and started walking home. She would have taken a cab home, but no, she doesn't really have any other money on her. She has used the very last money she had kept for them to buy some food stuff to get her mother's medications that morning. so it would be best if she walked home and saved the money Lisa has given her to get some food stuff. She continued walking for a while before she finally got to her place. She sighed and hoped to get a new job as soon as possible because she needs to be able to provide for her mother's needs.

Mrs Brown was sitting in her room when she heard a noise from the sitting room. It was like there was someone in the sitting room and she knew she was the only one in the house. Kylie had gone to work and she wouldn't be coming back until a few hours later. She got scared, and she gently wheeled herself towards her room door and locked it up. She picked up her cell phone and dialled Kylie's number.

Mrs Brown could hear Kylie's phone ringing in the sitting room. "I guess she left her phone in the sitting room," she thought and just then she heard a knock on her room door. She kept calm and tried looking for somewhere to hide when she heard Kylie's voice.

"Mum opened the door, it's me, Kylie," she said. Mrs Brown was calm at first, and listened carefully if it was someone else trying to copy Kylie's voice.

"Mum, are you in there please open up." she said, again, and this time she became convinced it was actually Kylie who was at the door. She immediately felt relaxed and wheeled herself back to the door and opened it.

"Mum, you scared me, I thought something had happened to you." Kylie hugged her

"Nothing happened, I thought it was actually a butcher." Mrs Brown replied.

"OH okay." she sighed.

"So Kylie did something at work? Why are you home so early?" Mrs Brown asked.

"Well mum, Mr Kevin fired me and right now I'm jobless." she replied sadly.

"You don't need to worry, I never liked that pig before, he is a very bad person, I have already asked you to quit working for him but you didn't listen." Mrs Brown said,

"But mum, that was the only job I had. How was I supposed to get your medications if I quit working there?" she asked.

"You would have gotten a much better job by now, if you had quit. Since he asked you to date him and you refused, you should know he won't leave you in his Cafe for long." Mrs Brown pointed out.

"Okay whatever, it's fine, I will go and search for another job tomorrow and I really hope I get a good one soon because I'm totally broke right now, I don't really have any money to get your medications again and also you buy some food stuff in the house." she said,

"Don't worry about that, you will definitely get a much better job soon okay, so you don't need to worry." Mrs Brown assured her.

"Okay mum, I have to go and prepare lunch, I will see you soon." Kylie said, and walked out of her room.

"You are fired," Kelly yelled at his cook, who just walked into his sitting room.

"Sir , please I'm really sorry, my daughter was sick, I had to take her to the hospital for a proper treatment." She pleaded on her knees with tears but Kelly was not the type of person that was moved by anyone's tears.

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