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"Don't you feel the urge to get laid?" he encouraged me. "Oh, doctor. When you touch me like that..." I felt something awakened when he touched me. "Do you know incubus can bring the dead to life?" he whispered in my ear which made me widen my eyes. "What?" "Do you want me to bring back your wolf side?" he got my jaw dropped. ***************************************************** She was a billionaire and a vampire princess. He was an incubus in disguise as a molecular scientist who helped her to create the synthetic blood for the vampires to be able to live side by side with the human. Will she be able to resist falling for her handsome colleague? Or she'll reveal more secrets after their one-night stand?

Chapter 1 Prelude

Let me tell you a little bit about this fascinating story...

Anne Crane was a billionaire and a vampire princess looking for a way to make synthetic blood for vampires in the Imperial Colony which had been once an old city where vampires fed on humans for blood.

She reversed the state so the city became naturally kind for humans to live.

Love was never in her mind as she was so sure that being a vampire princess meant it legal for her to be alone forever until she met Dr. Neil Neuron who would help her formulate the synthetic blood for the vampires.

A constant temptation was all about him. There was something ancient about the scientist that Anne's crystal ball couldn't see behind his genius brain and the drop-dead gorgeous feature was.

Curiosity could kill you. But it wouldn't matter if you were the vampire princess. Especially when you found out he was also an incubus, the perfect lover for a vampire princess.

Will Anne be able to resist falling for her handsome colleague? Or she'll be revealing more secrets after their one-night stand?



Alone was all about who I was. I had been alone for more than a hundred years since the day I decided to leave my werewolf life behind. A life that was passed down to me from my werewolf ancestors.

It wasn't their fault that in the end, one of their descendants would have to bear to be cursed by the accidentally killed Trybrid that had the chance to blow its last magic before it died.

I, Anne, am a vampire now.

A curse descended on me, to be the immortal enemy of my ancestors, the werewolves. Thus, my whole family chose to leave their lives of being werewolves and lived for the rest of their lives as mere humans.

They loved me. They wanted me to be the protector of humans, their protector, so I could have a purpose for my undead immortal life. The vampire princess protected the humans in the Imperial Colony.

This damned curse. If only there was none, I could live my life as a hybrid. To walk in the daylight vampire. But then again, just like grandpa, I always thought that I wasn't born a werewolf. Hence, it becomes obvious when the curse happened.

It, I called that creature. The one attacked my great-grandmother until she couldn't shift into a werewolf anymore and died from cancer as a mere human. She was the protector of this old city, alongside with my great grandfather, Keanu Crane, who was an Empath, a powerful mind reader human who was killed by another kind of night creature. Not a werewolf, not a vampire. An ancient one that I am reluctant to say.

The IT blamed my great-grandmother who only normally killed the dangerous enemy who loved to massacre the humans. Humans were supposed to live in the future because they were the living, werewolves were supernatural, and vampires were the undead.

As I was one of the descendants of a strong werewolf clan that now already had been extinct, the moonlight still affected me in an unearthly way.

I mourned for my ancestors from this very balcony. From this used to be my great grandfather's mansion, now my castle. I had a crystal ball under the direct moonlight. The only thing that connected me to my ancestors.

I ran my fingers to the glowing crystal ball. A ball that could see anything. An inheritance from my grandfather's sister, Hybrid Crystal. A legacy to help me protect the humans. It dimmed then it was brighter back and forth uncontrollably. This meant I had my doubts, so I started asking questions...

"Am I bored? Am I even allowed to be bored O... dearest great-grandparents?"

I called to the remains of my great-grandparents that used to live in this mansion. The crystal ball could catch the memories that lingered in each material plastered on the walls, the floors, and the ceilings even in any part of the mansion including the parks and the mazes. Talking about the walls having ears and eyes, it applied literally to the crystal ball.

So, I declared who I was to be clear for the crystal ball.

"I, Anne, the protector of the future of the Imperial Colony, human will thrive just like what we've seen in grandma Crystal's crystal ball. This is my legacy, right?"

The crystal ball now became brighter, which meant I was asking the right questions. Soon, it would reveal the images of the answers after I was done asking questions.

And I couldn't complain to be alone. It had been more than a hundred years but I'm still learning to be a vampire.

No one taught me as you are all already dead as humans for leaving phasing into werewolves.

Indeed, it had been a hundred years, but I still learned to be a vampire. You left me no choice but to embrace this vampire life, and yet...

You left the legacy of protecting humans to me.

I need someone to tell me how to live this life correctly. I'm the oldest of them all in the Imperial Colony, yet I still doubt my way of living as a vampire. The only thing I know right is only humans have to be protected from predators like us.

"Yes, I need someone..."

This wasn't the era of werewolves fighting vampires who fed on humans anymore. It was the era of the predators, the vampires, who protected the living, the prey. We, the vampires, had been living from the blood of animals and the homeless humans who were willing to be our blood bags in exchange for a warm bed and three meals a day.

But they couldn't survive long because of years of they were living in the streets without the proper nutrition to swallow. Though we tried to supply them with vitamins and nutritional foods, they easily withered. At least we could be at peace knowing that they died in proper care.

We could see the smile they brought when they were buried six feet underground. Therefore, I asked the crystal ball...

"We will extinct if we don't find a way to live not depending on humans. Humans can survive without us, the undead, but we will extinct if there's no more blood to drink. I have to find a way to preserve our food without depending on humans."

-to be continued-

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