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Escaping the Mafia Boss.

Escaping the Mafia Boss.

Lucy Daniels


Brought together by fate, Maya and Salvador found themselves falling for each other in the ocean of love yet could not have each other due to several obstacles that pulled them down. Due to life challenges, Maya found herself working in Salvador's company. During her stay there, they both went through different challenges that showed they could not be together. Would they bend to these obstacles or let fate decide?

Chapter 1 Her life.

Maya's POV.


I have experienced grief and the loss of someone I love. It is something I am extremely familiar with yet standing over Salvador and watching him struggle to live fills me with a different threshold of pain I never knew capable of feeling. My hands are coated in his blood and I watch as the light from his eyes slowly dim out.

"I should have told you this earlier, Maya" He says. I blink back the tears and stare at him.

"Salvador, no please. Don't say anything. The doctors are on their way. They will certainly make sure you are okay. Please..."

"Maya..." He interrupts, his tone sharp. "...I love you, Maya."

My lips part and I beg words to come out but they refuse. It is like my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. Salvador loves me. Incredible! Before I can get the chance to respond to him, loud siren sounds penetrate the air.

I lift my head to see an ambulance and two police cars coming towards us. They stopped a few meters away from us and hurried in our direction.

Quickly, they put him on a stretcher and hurry towards the ambulance. I push myself up from the ground and run towards the ambulance.

"Miss, who are you?" A nurse questions. Her arms were spread apart to prevent me from going further.

"Let her come" Salvador permitted in a strained voice. I thought he had passed out. Quickly, I push the nurse out of my way and climb the back of the ambulance. After settling on the seat, I take Salvador's hand in mind and watch as his eyes slowly shut.

A knot forms in my throat which I try to swallow. Using my right hand, I smoothen hair out of Salvador's face and watch his soft features. I've never been this scared of losing someone in my entire life. Kylin put them in this situation and Maya was certain that it would take a long time for her to forgive something of this nature.

As the ambulance got closer to the hospital, Maya's thoughts slowly drifted to how her life was before the entrance of Salvador. It was clear of drama and although she was unsure of the next meal to eat and how to pay for rent, she was not constantly in the eye of danger.


"Maya, table six wants a plate of bacon and chips and table eight wants steak, rare," Tom, the chef, says, handing the tray over to me. I accept it, nod in understanding and strut towards the table.

"Bacon and chips for you" I say, dropping the plate containing bacon and chips. The man at the table smiles at me causing a blush to paint my pale cheeks. I walk towards table eight, drop the plate and give a small nod of acknowledgement before walking back to the kitchen area.

"Business is slow today" I say, staring around the entire shop.

"Business is slow on Wednesdays" Tom points out. I groan in annoyance and cross my arms over my chest.

"I think it's a jinx." Tom laughs at my statement and flips the meat he was cooking.

"Maya, you do have a wild imagination. I need you to do me a favor though."


"Can you cover for me tonight? I know...I know. It's the third time in a row but I have something to do which is why I need you" He begs. I shake my head, thinking of the best way to reject this.

"Tom, I haven't had good sleep in many nights. I was hoping to get a few hours of sleep tonight."

"I will make it up to you, I promise. This is important for me, Maya. Please, do it for me" He begs. I blink softly and tug on my blonde hair. The corner of my lips twitch, making me roll my eyes. I am considering it. I hate that I am.

"What will I get in return?"

"20$" He mentions making my eyes pop. That's more than he earns in a week. How come he's willing to let it go so easily?

"What? Tom, what do you do now?" I can see the surprise on his face following my question but it's totally necessary that I ask.

"Nothing illegal, I promise."

That's all the information he gives me. I'm tempted to probe further but I don't want to pry into his affairs. If he wanted me to know, he would have told me. Reluctantly, I nod and agree to his offer.

"Yes!" He yells out in excitement before catching himself. I chortle at his antics and push myself down from the counter top.

"I'll be back in a few" I inform him but he's too busy to pay me anymore mind.

I make my way into the bathroom where I pull out my phone from my back pocket and shut the bathroom door. I scroll through my contacts and tap on 'mom' when I come across it. I place my phone to my ear and listen to it ring. I hear a ding sound followed by shuffling.

"Maya, how are you?"

"Hey, mom. I'm...okay. I called to tell you that I won't be coming back tonight" I inform. The line fell silent, making me dread what was coming next.

"You make it back in time for dinner, young lady" She hisses, her tone deadly. A tremor runs down my spine and my phone almost slips through my fingers but I manage to hold it tightly.

"Mom, please. I'll be paid extra for it."

"Money is not everything, Maya," She retorts.

"Everything we need requires money, mom. The rent is almost due" I state, my tone rising a bit. Then in a softer tone, I say, "Mom, I'm sorry. I know how important Wednesday nights are but I have to skip tonight. This extra cash will go a long way."

The silence on the other end stretches longer than I like. I swallow the lump in my throat and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Do whatever you please, Maya," She says before hanging up the phone.

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