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Smitten my heart

Smitten my heart

M.M Fareeda


"Become my wife and I will make your Hardin president of ABS, I will reimburse the company and it will return back to how it used to be." Elsa Jacobs, a 24 years old lady, based in LA moved to Freetown to start working as an assistant to Hardin at ABS broadcasting company this however led to a messy break up with her boyfriend, Ben. Elsa and Ben had a strong love story but they got into a messy breakup when Elsa announced her departure. Benjamin was dejected and vowed to make Elsa his again. But what happens when Elsa's mission wasn't really to work as an assistant but to become the wife of Hardin Grayson, the president of ABS only son. Will Ben give up on their love or will he become twice stronger and richer and come to claim Elsa?

Chapter 1 Breaking up


I woke up with a jumpstart saying a little prayer in my head. I rushed to the bathroom and emptied my heavy bladder. There was a sticker on the mirror that said "I'll miss you" and I already knew Cullen put that there hoping I'll see it. I sobbed quietly knowing I'll miss that little knock head.

Carefully I packed extra stuff that I might need before hopping in the bathroom. While I got ready for my trip I remembered Ben and I knew there was no going back.

Linzely's mum was to drive us to the airport so I waited for them while doing the goodbyes with mum and dad.

"We'll miss you, dear, especially your helping hand in the restaurant" mum teases me and we all laughed.

Cullen is sulking by the corner, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. I move over and pull him in for a hug and his sobs heighten.

"I'm gonna miss you El,"

"Me too, I'll call every day alright? Make sure you'll be a good boy to mum and dad they need your protection"

"I will," he smiled gaily.

"I got you something little man" I pulled out a ticket to his favorite show.

"Spider-man homecoming?!! I've wanted to watch it at the Cinema with you and mum!" he rejoiced.

"Yes dear and now you can do that with mum"

"Definitely!" His sullen mood brightened.

A knock came on the door, mum rushed to open it and saw Linzley at the door she let him in.

"Hi, Mrs. Jacobs" he greeted.

"Hi Lin, you finally came to see us,"

"Apologies for not doing that soon enough"

"Oh don't stress, Elsa told me of your visit yesterday. Do you mind having breakfast with us?"

"Our flight is in an hour and it's nice we are there on time," he said while checking his expensive watch.

Mum exhaled wanting to insist we spend a few more minutes with them but I cut in immediately.

"Mum we'll be on our way now, dad" I called him while he was busy rubbing butter on his bread.

"Oh darling safe journey to you two, call us when you get to New York"

"I will" I whisper and give him a peck.

Linzley helps me put my things in the trunk, I greet his mum as I sit behind then we drive off to the airport.

As we drove past every familiar bus stop, street, and road I was reminded of home. They were the events that filled my childhood. The times when I'd wait for the next bus at the station after my shifts at the coffee shop, taking the next turn by the free road to visit mum's restaurant probably get a free meal, they filled me with satisfaction, I remember buying the daily paper from the next street with dad were all the highlights and I'm about to let it all go.

"Are you okay?" Linzely's voice broke through my thoughts.

I offered him a warm smile to reassure him and myself that I was not about to regret my actions. "I'm fine, just gonna miss LA"

"Oh yeah? I felt that way as well when I left. I had this urge to just jump out of the car and run back to mum and my friends but the need to be responsible was greater"

"Yeah, now you have nothing to lose"

"It'll get easier El, New York is gonna be good to you I promise!" he assures rubbing my right arm.

I sigh in resignation throwing my face to the window and I see the large sign that reads "LA international airport (LAX)" our departure was meant by 10:00 am and it's already 9:o'clock.

We take our luggage from the trunk after a warm farewell plus hugs from Linzely's mum. She's teary as she watches us make our way into the airport.

Linzley leads us through the crowd and I pause when I hear someone call my name.

My heart constricts when I see who it is.


A whoosh breath skipped out of my throat.

"Why are you here? Who told you that I'm here?" I asked the moment he got to me.

"Your mum. I know that they are angry with me. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have shouted at you, I shouldn't have ignored you when..." he paused- holding my hand softly, he caressed it for a while but stopped midway as a robotic voice in the airport rang out loudly.

"The first flight is about to take place. Please get ready. Get ready and set,"the robotic voice rang out of the other side of the airport. I shook my head with a sigh. I heaved out tiredly and heavily.

"I'm sorry. But I have to go," I said coozily, pulling my hand away from his grip.

"Please don't leave," he muttered with a sigh, holding onto my hand.

My heart pounded heavily against its cage as I walked away from Benjamin, I felt the whole world crumble on me as I took a step away from him.

I pulled my hand away from Benjamin- who held my wrist firmly like I'm going to leave him in any minute. I wish I could still stay longer with him, but I don't have a choice. My career is my priority, I can't give up on it just because of a relationship that is shaking already. I can't lose two things at the same time.

I carried my bag with the black luggages. "Please don't leave me,"he said with a weak and faint look. I stared at him weakly, turned around and walked away

My butts met the seat and I laid quietly, "Please don't leave me,"his head kept replaying on my head. I tried to take it from my hair- but the more I tried the more I kept remembering him. I can't stop thinking about him. It seems like I'm badly obsessed with him. I stared at the side mirror of the plane, and smiled softly. I laid my head on the backseat, and later slept off.

I woke up with blurry and heavy eyes as Linzley patted my shoulder gently. I shook my head with a sigh. I stared at him with heavy eyes. He smiled at me with a cute smile as I raised my head from his laps.

"What happened?"I asked with a sigh.

"We are in New York City,"he said, and my eyes widened in happiness. Wow! I'm extremely happy. I'm finally in my dream City- I had always dreamed of living in New York City.

"Landed in New York City at 5 hours and 35 minutes. Departure time."a robotic voice rang out loudly in the airplane. I shook my head with a sigh.

"Let's get going,"he said, and winked at me.

"Yes, you are right,"I said, and stood up from the chair as I pulled the seat belt from my body. I shook my head with a sigh. I took my luggage from where it was packed- and walked out of the airplane just like Linzley.

"hmmm"I moaned out as the cool and warm breath of New York City brushed my teeth. I breath out loudly, spreading my arm widely embracing the scent which finds its way toward me. Linzley also walked toward me. A black Camry car drove and parked in front. I stared at him with a confused look, and he winked at me. I shook my head with a sigh.

I walked into the same car as Linzley - with the bags and luggages. He crooked his hand into mine. The driver ignited the engine, and drove off speedily. I shook my head with a sigh.

"Here we are,"he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up as the car parked in front of a beautiful apartment. He pushed the door of the car open, and I walked out of the car.

"This is Clarissa's house,"he said, and I smiled softly at him.

"Okay bye. I would come back and check up on you later. I have something important to work on,"he said, and I nodded my head gently.

"Okay no problem. Take care,"I said, and bade him goodbye. He nodded his head before the car drove off.

I knocked at the door, and the door pulled open with a loud squeaky sound. A smile crossed my face when her head popped out-She let out a squeaky sound when she saw that it was me. Her eyes trailed down to the heavy bags on the floor, I had already told her that I'm going to squat with her until I find a better job.

"Would you keep staring at me? Or open the door for me?"I asked, and she smiled gently.

"Oh! I'm just excited,"she said, and pulled the door open widely- granting me access to her room. I walked into the house. She smiled and pulled me into a warm hug.

"I thought you'd never do that."

"Wow! You look more stunning and beautiful,"she said, complimenting my beauty. I smiled softly.

"You aren't looking bad either."

"So how is LA? Hope is fine?"she asked, taking my bag from me.

"LA has been good even though it wasn't in my favor,"I said.

"So how's Benjamin?" My face became sour and pale the instant those words left her mouth.

"What do you have at home?"I asked, trying to avert the question. It was obvious that she noticed it, but she decided to shrug it off. Maybe she thinks that I'm tired, because the Clarissa I know never gives up easily.

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