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#Steamy #Rated 18. " I want you"Jason whispered into Alicia's ear with a husky voice as he pushed Alicia down on the bed. His breath fan her delicate face and her lashes flickered sending sensational wave down her spine. Her body heats up under him as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. " I want to go deep inside you. I want all my length inside you Alicia" Jason enunciate each words seductively with his voice deep and husky and Alicia felt her knees going weak. Alicia gulp down the lump in her throat and before she could think of anything, his warm lips claimed hers and his warm strong hands slipped under her dress. She's Alicia, the girl who was married to an ugly old man called Mr Gilbert because of wealth by her greedy mother. What will happen when her step son Jason crush on her in the midst of her jealous co wives and under the roof of her husband? Read Family Affair to find out.

Chapter 1 Warm my bed

The bar was bursting with people of all heights and genders. Teenage girls were seen sitting on the legs of boys and smoking cigarettes.

" Bring a cocktail please", one of the ladies said, and Alicia, who was wearing a long white shirt and black pair of trousers, quickly nodded her head and quickly got a cocktail for the lady.

" Here you go" Alicia said calmly and smiling warmly at the lady who was popping a smoke in her face.

" Get out bitch " she scoffed, and Alicia scurried back to attend to other customers.

This is the BST bar, where most of the adults, teenagers and old men and women drink their ass off.

Soft music was playing in the background and it took Alicia a lot of courage to accept such behaviors and scenes. Most of the ladies who were half naked bounce their butts on the males as they dance to the music in the background.

Suddenly, the club went into a frenzy as a tall figure who was wearing a trench coat with his chest bare walked into the bar.

" Who is he?" Alicia was forced to ask Juliet, her colleague, who was squealing beside her.

" Don't tell me you don't know him Alicia?" Juliet smirked, tugging on Alicia's sleeves.

" I swear I don't know him" Alicia replied with all sincerity and turned to look at the hot guy who had just entered the bar and their eyes met. Alicia didn't get to see the color of his eyes properly and looked away pretending she didn't see him.

" He's Jason, the hot guy in town. He had just arrived from the states a few days ago" before Juliet could complete what she was saying, Jason interrupted her with his enticing cologne and when Juliet's eyes met his, she collapsed on the floor. Jason was not surprised because this wasn't the first time women had fainted at his sight.

Fright was written over Alicia's face when she saw Juliet on the floor. Is he some kind of evil guy? Why is Juliet on the floor? These were basically Alicia's thoughts.

" Warm my bed tonight" When Alicia heard that devilish but enticing voice, she raised her head up and looked at him with disdain in her eyes.

' is he crazy now? Asking me to warm his bed', Alicia thought to herself as she looked at Jason with anger written all over her face.

" Ask your mother to do that for you" she sneered, and the people around who heard what she said gasped. They were already jealous of her because he asked her to warm his bed. But now that they hear her response, they wonder if she wants a death wish.

Jason's face turned grim. How dare she talk to him that way? telling him to ask his mother to warm his bed. With his eyes still fixed on her anger-written face, a smirk appeared on his face.

" I'm not a mother fucker. You're fired", Jason sneered and walked away, not forgetting to picture her face in his memory. No one has ever turned him down. Maybe losing her job will put her in her place and then she will consider it next time.

Alicia was surprised when she heard what he said and before she could react or think of what to say he, already disappeared into the crowd.

" Alicia! are you crazy? How dare you turn Jason down?" She heard the voice of her angry boss who was storming towards her and then she realised she had just pissed two people off.

" He was asking me to warm up.." Alicia's voice trailed off when her boss raised her right hand, signifying her to stop talking.

" Take your things and leave". She felt a pang in her head when she was asked by her boss to leave. She wanted to say something or probably explain herself, but her boss wasn't having any of it. She picked up her bag sadly and went home.

Sitting at her window and looking outside the garden, many thoughts ran through her mind. This is how she sits every evening, to the extent that the window and the garden have become her best friends and comforter. She finds solace anytime she stares at the beautiful garden and this is where she comes to every time and every time she goes through that pain and humiliation of her parents. That pain when your dad tries to force himself on you. She told her mom about it but she always shut her up with a slap claiming Alicia is possessed by an evil spirit.

" Mr. Gilbert is coming tomorrow. You should get ready. You have been sleeping around with the street boys, so it's time for you to finally get married before you paint this family black and blue. " She heard that familiar voice that was so cold to her at the door.

She quickly turned her head back to look at her mother who was standing at the entrance of the door with her hands on her waist. Alicia's face turned into a total horror as all the colors drenched away from it.

Mr. Gilbert is one of the ugliest old men in town. He had five wives, of which three of them were of the same age as Alicia, according to rumors. He is wealthy and that's why most of the ladies are married to him.

Her mother believes Alicia caters for herself by sleeping with bandits in the streets because she works as a sales girl in one of the bars in the street where she earns a little cash, but unfortunately she got fired a few days ago.

Her mom and her elder sister actually believe that she does a bitchy job there and is not a sales girl.

A moderate girl from a dignified home wouldn't work in such a bitchy place, but what would a girl like Alicia do when she had searched the whole town for a job with her low class certificate and no one was willing to offer her any job?

She gladly accepted the position of a sales girl at the BST bar even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

Sanitary pads are very expensive and she has to buy one for herself because her mom has never considered buying anyone for her since she turned a teenager.

Sometimes Alicia would have to sneak into Nickie's room to steal some for herself, since she had many of them in her room.

Marrying an old man like Mr Gilbert was the last thing Alicia would want to do. She had always dreamt of marrying a prince charming like the prince in the Disney movie Cinderella. She hasn't even thought about marrying an old ugly man someday.

" I don't want to marry an old man. He is ugly and has five wives and a lot of concubines", Alicia replied with her pale lips and a frown on her face.

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Other books by Elizabeth Isaac

Pregnant for the alpha

Pregnant for the alpha



Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes" "Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes. I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation. "Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked again and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor. "An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha? All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene. "Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face. " I don't really know" she said turning to face me. "Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand. " Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand. "  Why should I be worried about the  child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm. " Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal. "What do I do now?" I asked looking confused as I ran my hand through my dark hair. "Find the alpha" she said and I felt dizzy. Ariel a half breed of werewolf and human got entangle with Lucas Graco the alpha of the Alusca pack. She was set up in a hotel by Liz who's a white wolf in Escavor pack and someone who has wanted to destroy Ariel relationship with Ethan an Omega and the heir to the Escavor pack. Lix took Ariel nude pics with the strange man in the hotel bed and sent it to Ethan. Things started hitting up when Ariel finds out she was pregnant and not knowing who she was pregnant for between the two wolves because that same day she slept with Ethan in the morning and Lucas Graco the strange man in the evening. Who owns the pregnancy.... Find out by reading pregnant for the alpha

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