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The Mistress

He was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life. He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love. He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil. Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim. But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Chapter 1 Declaimer And Synopsis

This is my original work. Any act of republishing, updating and photocopying without the writer and author permission is considered as stealing.

The Book completely fictional. Place, names and storyline has no relation to anyone.


he was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life.

He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love.

He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil.

Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim.

But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

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Desperate is a sentence mostly used to explain some few attempt of careless actions. Alice was no exception. She had a good husband and lived a peaceful kingdom but she was not contend and needed even though him continuously disapproved of her attempt. She still stubbornly went in search for a child and ended up with zero achievements. She involuntarily gave up the search however a woman came to revive her hopes. She followed the woman with a high hopes to a forbidden forest to acquire for a child one could tell that the forest speak of danger as the clouds bright sky changed into darkness. She was to far deep to back down. "Alice why? why? you know very well about the predicament of your actions I guess you don't want to enjoy your baby." "Come on Rebecca you worry too much nothing happen to my baby and I promise I will go see the Goddess." "When? When? When Alice? It has been seven months since you got pregnant and you have not gone to see her. This is the kind of greedy people I was talking about when they get what they want they forget how to be grateful and thankful. They forget about their own end of the deal." "I beg your pardon Rebecca!!. What do you mean by that?" Alice Shouted at Rebecca. "You have no right or what so ever to say that to me or do you think you are the only one with problems? Now let me tell you I can choose to go to the Goddess or not. It has nothing to do with you, you have helped me and I am grateful. But you have no right to tell me what is expected of me. To hell with her and her stupid exchange. What can of Goddess will give someone something and required for an exchange tell me Rebecca?"

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