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Naughty Laia


Once can't be enough. It will never be enough!!!!. Fate never played fair when it came to love. Separated from her mate due to an ancient curse, Aurora becomes the cruel and merciless princess who reviled in blood shed all hope seems lost for her as the vampire Kingdom watches the princess ruin ancient traditions. Albeit unknowingly Mirabelle, far away from her mate, lonely and poor, vows to make a name for herself and return one day to exact vengeance. Two years later, a vampire Kingdom is almost wiped out due to a bloodthirsty and vile princess and a sensational model rocks the human world. Fate begins to pull it's strings and two lovers are reunited. A happy ending seems to be in the works for these two but every action has a consequence and for the war, it brought a grave calamity upon them. An ancient foe long thought dead, arises and things may not be as they seem..... Read to find out more loves... 😌🌹

Chapter 1 TAUNTING

*********Aurora's POV*********

"Being a princess had never been easy. Much more being a Vampire princess, it was exhausting. Watching people, fake smiles, boot licking, drama and theatrics and the most annoying part of it all, royal gatherings just like this one where politics and all sorts of things were discussed. Glasses clinked, blood wine was sipped, chattering, tidbits of conversation, nobles sucking up to each other. So familiar and yet so tiring. I badly wanted to leave but it was tradition. A princess never misses a gathering except when absolutely necessary. Urrgh inescapable and boring. I needed some form of entertainment". I turned around and saw a servant walking past then I smirked. "Time for some fun" . He was human thus an easy prey.

I signalled him to come over as I took a glass from his tray and sipped from it.

"Hmm this wine seems a little bit different from the others don't you think???". I asked the servant. He trembled in fear before replying "y..... Ye..... Yes your highness. If you say so your highness". Ha now it was time to taunt him. "But I just didn't say so, I believe so" he looked so confused and I was enjoying it "o......... Of.... of course your highness.The wine is very nice". "You lowly servant what makes you think so, or have you ever tasted the royals blood wine before hmm" I asked as he shivered with fright. "Noooo your highness, I wouldn't dare, it's treason". "Then why would you say it tastes different and even agree with me or have you indeed committed treason". I sensed his discomfort as I laughed inwardly. Humans were so weak and pathetic.

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