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The Impostor

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT [ SPG | R18 ] A well-known billionaire who fell in love with his lover's impostor and a lady who was an impostor with a profound hatred for the billionaire and his family. Will love triumph in the face of suffering, treachery, and vengeance?

Chapter 1 Coming Home

Someone's fake cough halted me as I was ready to kiss the guy I met on the

dance floor. I forced myself to get up while clutching the man's shoulder.

Vince irritates me to no end!

"What?" I ask, my brow furrowed.

He shattered my euphoria! That was Joo Hyuk, the sexiest bachelor in South

Korea! Oh, please!

"Your presence is important, and you will return home tomorrow,"

he said solemnly.

I believed my presence in the house was comparable to an ant? What's up?

I merely gave Vince a monotonous nod. I wanted to go home some days, but

they wouldn't let me, and now that I don't want to go home anymore, they want

me to return.

Isn't it funny how ironic it is?

I returned to my unit tipsy. Because I have limited tolerance for alcohol,

I don't consume strong liquors.

I don't want anybody to get into my heart; therefore, I have nothing to

lose. Since last week, I haven't returned any of Mommy's calls or texts.

They adopted me when I was ten years old. I didn't remain long in their

hearts since they found their daughter right away. I was first envious of

Selena, their biological daughter, but I realized later that they clothes, fed,

and schooled me, so why can't I be grateful and glad for them instead of being


I lived an extraordinary life for a brief period because of her.

When I asked my foster mother where my biological parents were, she merely

stood up and shook her head. I didn't want them to come back into my life; all

I wanted to know is where they were.

I can still feel her love for me now that she has discovered her actual

daughter, which I am grateful for. She was never able to get rid of me. Since

then, Dad and I haven't been close; he's always out of town, but I still cared

for and loved him.

My mother sent me to South Korea when I was eighteen years old. I disagreed

since I didn't want to be apart from them. They stated they wanted me to study

here, yet they still didn't want me to return home when my studies were over.

Vince encouraged me, saying, "Call her."

I smiled as I phoned my mother's phone number, finally graduating after

many years! I'm looking forward to that day!

Vince went out to get a corndog since he wanted me to have some solitude.

After five rings, my mother picked up.

"Hello, Sweetie..." she welcomed me with her sweet voice.

"Mom, I can go home. Finally!"

My shoulder slumped when I sensed she was unresponsive to what I said.

Instead, she responded with a long sigh.


"Sweetie, here's the deal: I want you to manage the real estate

company my sister left me-"

"You promised, right? You're not going to go back on your word?"

She quietly laughed. "Sweetie, take a deep breath."

I had no idea I had raised my voice against her! That's why I don't

particularly appreciate being disappointed. Seeing Vince carrying a corndog

made me cry, especially when he questioned me about Mommy's response.

Now that I'm 28 and old enough to raise myself independently.

I ended up sleeping in the bathtub the next day. I only intended to wash,

but I fell asleep. Vince is pouting on his phone since I had a good night's

sleep and was late for our flight to my nation, France. We had barely missed

our flight.

When the conversation on his smartphone ended, he shrugged and said,

"Look what you did, Andra!"

I bowed and let him rant, but we both knew his rage couldn't last much

longer, and he couldn't remain furious with me for very long. Vince is both my

phony cousin and my secretary, and he is in charge of looking after me. We were

first uneasy with each other, but now we're friends, not just friends, but best


I was dressed in a bright pink coat with a bandeau dress that fitted my

body wonderfully. I paired it with a matte black stilleto color.

"Why do I have to go home?" I inquired as we boarded the jet.

I could hear him sigh. "Because they're missing you-"

"We're both aware that it's not the case."

He almost stooped at the final line, "I don't know either..."

I attempted to put on a broad grin.

Our flight was pleasant. When we got to the airport, the driver welcomed

us right away. His lips were full of compliments for me the whole trip.

"Oh, Andra, I don't know when I last saw you!" he said


As our gazes met in the rearview mirror, I grinned. I can't help but look

at Vince, engrossed in his iPad, oblivious to the praises.

"I remember when you and Delia helped me to get a job-"

He grinned uncomfortably, his sentence unfinished. It's much better

because he's talking nonstop.

I can still recall where our house is even if I've been lost in France for

several years. So I was perplexed since we were on a different road. I didn't ask Vince, despite my confusion.

The driver stated, "Here we are."

"There's something wrong," I murmured in the air, my gaze fixed

on the ancient mansion.

Where is Johnson's home, which constantly leaves you speechless? Vince

must have sensed my perplexity, but he didn't bother to inquire.

While holding our baggage, the driver led us inside. Meanwhile, this house

is kind of...

"Andra..." said a soft voice, making me turn around.

"Mom..." I can now see her small white hair and her deep eyes.

Is she anxious?

I approached her and hugged her right away. I unclasped our grip as soon

as I heard her small sob. In the distance, I could listen to Vince's sigh as he

spoke to Selena's handmaiden, who was sobbing and carrying suitcases.

What's the matter?

I stroked Mommy's shoulders on both sides. "Mom, tell me the truth

about what occurred!"

"Selena ..."

With all that has transpired in the years that I have not been home, I

have become an idiot.

Our firm is now on the verge of collapsing, and Johnson is only expecting

the company I manage today, but that isn't the point.

Selena has killed someone and is now escaping to another nation. Her

father had sent her there. When I left, a lot occurred, and Mom had to deal

with it all by herself.

In my arms, she's sobbing. She was sleep-deprived. I'm so fucked up! If

only I had known. All of her calls would have been answered by me!

"I'm sorry, Mom if I wasn't there..." I sobbed. "Doesn't

Selena look after you while I'm gone?"

She wept and trembled even more. "Andra, Selena has changed. She's

connected with narcotics, a drug user..."

"What?" I exclaimed, my mouth gaping. How could a sweet young

lady become something like that? It's unbelievable! Although Selena and I were

not very close, I knew she couldn't put herself in that situation!

I softly inquired, "What happened? Why did she kill someone?"

"I don't know either; your father just told me that Selena k-killed

someone, and I have no idea how! He just sent your sister away..." she

struggled to finish.

I grabbed my phone right away, hoping she hadn't deleted her accounts yet.

"I'll attempt to call her..." I bid farewell to her before standing

and searching the area for a signal.

"Oh, she responded!" I exclaimed, and Mommy's eyes filled up

with delight.

"Selena... this is Andra."

She chuckled. "I know," she said, a bottle cracking in the

background. Is she drunk?

"Mom is concerned-" I said over the loudspeaker.

"S-So now you're home? My little impostor is now at home with my

family." She's inebriated! "Will there be a welcoming party?"

Mommy and I exchanged glances before she groaned and gently removed the

phone from my grasp.

"Selena, sweetheart..."

"Oh, my dear, mother!" she exclaimed, surprised. Are you

satisfied now? Because your oh-so-called daughter is once again in your arms?"

What was she saying? She pretended to be envious of me!

"Hey there, Andra! I murdered someone," she muttered as she shattered

the bottle, causing Mommy and me to cringe.

"Are you now pleased-"

"What are you talking about?!" I couldn't help but raise a voice

at her.

"Shut up, Andra! Don't even clean yourself up! I know you're

delighted with what happened to me today!"

I snatched Mommy's smartphone from her. I'm getting irritated! Mommy was

unable to do anything but weep.

"Please give me a reason to be happy-"

"Because Mommy's attention is now on you! All the time you weren't

there, Mom was constantly worried if you were sick! You had all her attention,

and she forgot that you're not even her actual kid! That she had a real

daughter who is eager for her attention!" her voice cracked.

Mom's calm voice echoed, "That's not true, Selena..."

"Don't lie to yourself any longer; won't you question why I'm like

this? Because of you! I don't remember you looking at me the way you gaze at

Andra! God knows how hard I tried to attract your attention, but I failed in so

many ways! I'm sick of it! Sick of Andra!"

Tears began to run down my cheeks gradually. Is she envious of me? Isn't

she aware that I'm also jealous of her?

"That's not true; I adore both of you..."

"I don't want to be equal! I want more of me because I'm your

legitimate child!" she screamed like a lion before crying like a baby.

It made my mouth open; that was terrible! That brought my mum to tears. I

only understood one of a thousand sentences she said as she wept so hard.

"I'm sorry, I was unfair."

I also wanted to communicate my feelings to her, but I didn't want her to

suffer further. I know mom spent a lot of money on my international school

tuition, and I know she just wanted the best for me, but I hope she realized that's

not what I want! Being with them as a family was enough for me.

I offered her comfort. My father entered the living room, where we were

weeping. Vince, who had a wounded lip, was behind him.

"Andra!" he said, welcoming me with open arms.

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