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"Everything is under the command of universe. You might be killed for betraying the laws of the vast universe, but loving beyond the law of universe is under statement. " -Zaxion

Chapter 1 Teaser



I never wanted to live.

Just like what they wished for.

I am their black sheep that brought a struggles on their neck.

When I succeeded to end my life, stars never wanted me to leave.


Because I'm BLIND TO NOTICE that I am not on the natural world.

Coz, now....

We're now ruled by A-species that brought apocalypse in each one of us.

Space butterflies.


Space butterflies.

They were just accidently seen.

Astronaut hide this as confidential cases.

In further studies, there were no details entails to name this thing.

Until, different unnatural phenomenon rapidly rising in different regions, continent around the world.

Those phenomenon were actually beautiful. That mostly attract the whole world. They were mesmerised by those beauties.

Aurora clock found in X-continent.

Bubble rose fly in the sky like a fireflies in the night sky.

Neptune Breeze sighted on a desert land of D-region.

Others were unofficially named. But they most attract the whole world in quarrel.

Those beauties were just a trap to fool a fool. Fool to its face.

" Have you seen it now, clearly?"


"Your world has come to meets its end"

"No," my Family.

" Fact slap your tongue,kid"

"No," I don't want to lose them.

" But you don't have time to be with them," *sad fakedly*

"No," he gasped and shocked to watch how his kid crumpled into pieces. His kid's bone were loudly cracking, breaking to its peice.

His eyes begun to river his tears while he saw how his son furiously thrown like a slime with no bone in the mid air.

"Please no," he doesn't want to see it anymore. It hurts him more, more than what he is now.

It rumpling his heart with a needle thrust to his core .

Chained by butterflies and snaked with a poisonous thorn. It just a miracle that he is still breathing.

When he said those words, As if time stopped in front of his eyes.

" I don't understand you, human. Your son were born unwanted. You don't even want him. Why is it now, your pleading for his life?," The voice suddenly showed up, all along, the one who always speak to him is no other than a woman.

A woman with a creepy butterfly wings. It was burn auburn wings. She doesn't have feet. Only half of her body is visible. She's more like a *mananangal* of what he have known. But when he laid his eyes on her face, his on rattle.

She doesn't have a face. Only the half of her face is present. Her lips is red as blood, and her skin is pale as milk. " Human, are--- you ---just---faking---your---emotions?"

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