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I have no word to say about me, it looks like i am a lost soul fighting for his way back home, things never go the way i wish for but yet ends up suiting the situation i am in, my life has always been music, the piano is like the air that i breath, though it brings me joy, but it also brings me pain, which always struck me much harder than i expect.

Chapter 1 School Resumption

" And now for the last performance of the day, a talent that we always have to Cherish in our life, a thing that always takes away our sorrow, brings us pain and joy, always keeps us company whenever we are lonely, music, can we put our hands together for Ben" the crowd in they hall started clapping, not all of them but just few, or can I say even fewer than few, the school resume today and almost half of the school attended the opening day.

I started looking around the crowd of students that attended, I spotted the girl of my dream the girl i have always been wishing for, she was also clapping but by the look of things you can tell that she wasn't clapping out loud like the few others. She seems to be in a conversation with the guy I have always seen as the villain in my life or can I say in my relationship Hunt. Deborah has always been around me she is my best friend right from sixth grade, she has a natural blonde hair with an emerald eye, whenever I'm around her, I can't just get my eyes off that full lips of hers, she has a pointed nose and a well-placed eyebrows on top of her eye, I can tell that almost every guys fall for her eyes the way she looks, she's so charming, the best advice I can give to a guy is for him to avoid looking at Deborah's whenever she is asking something from him because he can never escape from her charms. The guy beside her is Steve. Steve has always been the brain when it comes to solving issues, he has been the one on top of our class right from our sixth grade, probably the smartest Guy in the school and he turns out to be Deborah's boyfriend, they have been dating each other for forever right now, though I am Deborah's friend, I can tell that he despises me being around her as well as me being emotionally hurt whenever i saw him beside her. The thing i hate most about him is that, he is perfect. Steve has always been the smartest Guy in our class and when it comes to physiques, he is tall and muscular with broad shoulders, if you happen to stay behind him on a line, you won't be seeing anything that is been done ahead of him, he is just like a wall placed in front of your face showing, end of the road. it turns out that he is also the school team football captain, he has always been perfect there. I have always been against him all the time, wishing for his downfall. the truth here is, you shouldn't pray for someone's downfall but not when he got the girl of you dream, you would always be wishing to see them quarrelling with each other, you will always be praying for them to break up with each other so that you can have the opportunity to get your girl by your side but i don't think that i will ever get Deborah even if she is single, there are many more hot guys out there ahead of me looking to snatch her away from Steve but i don't think that too can ever happen. Every girl enjoys being around a smart guy like Steve. They truth is this also, if i happen to be a girl and i happen to have someone like Steve as my boyfriend, i am definitely not letting go, i can even go into a fight just to keep him with me but right now he happens to be also dating the smartest girl in the school, the girl of my dream. My dad always encourage me never to lose hope in a fight but that doesn't mean that I should go into a fight which I know that I would probably be the loser, I am not looking down on myself but come on this is Steve, I can never win, students around the school sees me as the dumbest guy in the whole school who only knows how to play music, I have the feelings that Deborah still stays around me only because i can play the piano. She once told me that she feels safe around me, that i was the best guy she could stay around with but i really don't believe her, that ain't true, she is just joking around with me, i can tell. i am tall too, just like Steve but very slim just like a skeleton, i even feel disgust to myself yet i still can't do what Steve can do. i admire steve like my role model, most students do too but yet, i can't do what he does, i don't even have a single strength to hit the gym, not even once in a week or month or even a year. my Dad taught me how to play the piano when he was still alive and that particular music is what brought Deborah close to me as a friend but since then, we have always been friends nothing more. No lady would choose a skeleton as his type, not to talk of dumb one like me, oh my God, i am really finished.

I came and sat down on the stool with a piano placed in front of me, most of the students where laughing out loud, i don't think i can even hear what i was about to play, even our social studies teacher who just called me out to present for the students seems absent minded as he was now having a conversation with a fellow teacher beside his sit, students were also chatting with each other, it seems like i am going to play for no one right now but that is not going to make me stop, if i was brave enough like i wish inside of me, i would man up and shout what my mind is telling me right now ( Deborah, this is for you), no, i can't do that, what if it backfires me, she might even decide never to come to me again and it would be over, no, i am not risking our friendship right now, this is just the school Resumption day and i believe that i am going to create a great memory for every student right here right now. I believe that the song that would suit this particular moment is the song by sonny and the sunsets. I took a deep breath and exhaled as i start pressing the piano, following with the beat of the song am about to give then. It's just the beat that i am still starting but i am starting to get lost in it already as i shut my eyes close

( when i was just a kid)

(they said, " kid, don't you cry"

(i am older now

(i say, it's alright

(every tear rolling down

(is a lesson learned

(are you too old to turn?

(are you too young to burn?

(too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

(now i sit by my window

(watch the sun go down, down

(and i see all the people

(walking around and, round

(every tear rolling down

(is a lesson learned

(are you too old to turn?

(are you too young to burn?

(too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

(too young to burn

(too young, too young

I noticed that every where was quite as a grave yard, oh my God, did everyone left the hall without me knowing, i am really embarrassed right now, i am really scared right now, i am not brave enough right now to open my eyes right now because of the silence every where. i just happened to come out in front of every students and teachers and disgrace myself in public, what would Deborah think of me right now, she would probably be ashamed of ever coming around me, she would be regretting why she ever get to know me. i just ruined the image of me and my best friend. i heard a thud on the floor, it's probably the sound of a pen. the sound came from a distance but i can tell because of the quietness everywhere. i gingerly opened my eyes as i started hearing a round of applause from everyone. everybody was on their feet clapping for my performance, even Steve was also standing and Deborah too. I still can't believe that all this was for me, the dumbest guy in the school receiving a round of applause from everyone, even from the teachers who acts like i am invisible to them. I have the feelings that this my last year in school would be my best.

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