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The sinking soul

The sinking soul

Bigail white


This story revolves around a boy Jasper. His life from teen to adultand how he was shuffled in between his divorce parent. His sexual escapes and love life.

Chapter 1 A breakthrough

So many people often assumed that, people who are born with a silver-spoon lacks nothing! their life is filled with fantasy.

This motion is the reason people like Jasper often live a feign life style in other to maintain the standard that the society has placed them.

growing up as child is an exciting story, But not for Jasper. He was never allowed to explore his childhood.

He's parent had him in their late forties. his mother Cynthia tried her best to make his childhood a memorable one.

But instead Jasper wanted something more than just being a wealthy child.

he love to be set free, to go out with friends like the children at his Neighborhood.

Jasper and his parents who both works as Diplomat relocated to Zuma city when he was an infant.

He grew up bonding more with his Nanny Helen.

Helen was a citizen of Zuma and have work with three different families as well, she did her work wholeheartedly that she became the most sorted after nanny.

To her there was something about this particular family. they provided jasper with every single thing a child could ask for. But what the didn't no know was a deep vacuum they have left in their Child heart.

even though the parent kept singing to his hearing that they are too old to give him all the affection he wanted, that never quench the craving he has for a memorable moments with them.

Jasper was home-schooled and only go out for sports activities half a kilometer from their apartment three times a week.

thanks to advanced in technology. all manner of video, and visual games were at his disposal.

this continued until Jasper's uncle was able convenience his mother and he could finally moved to boarding school.

Jaspers father Chief as popular called was a handsome looking man. His hair was wavy Hercules gold,a rooster piecing eyes, with a well defined eye brows.

A falcon nose, doomed cheekbone, an Atlas shoulder above his Olympian's chest.he always wear a rapscallion smiles.

He was a temptation to behold! Yeah!

Jasper parents had the most exhausting couple relationship due to their carrier. one could imagine how such beautiful couple that should never be apart chose to be this way.

Jasper knew the moment things began going sore with his parenting.But he can't tell what could happen the next moment or what or who could be the cause of their internally but obviously conflicts.

He wondered what would happen to him if his both parents should ever separate.

He felt his life was gradually taking a new dimensions already.

He was the one that first pick the call and gave his mum. But since that unfortunate events happened his beloved Mum is gradually loosing her Joy.

She looks more sad than happy, she kept to herself even more. My Dad stopped coming home from business trips. And whenever he comes he horridly Left.

It was on a Sunday morning, after the long summer break I spent with my uncle, which wasn't funny at all. The cool breeze of winter seems to be approaching, as the birds could be seen in the air rejoicing. One could tell the look on my face was different from the usual days as my grandma broke the silence,

"Jasper, aren't done packing? You've been staring at the mirror for an hour now". But I guess no one cares about me going to a boarding school after all" I murmured to myself, but to me, it's like leaving a prison for the first time, moving into the world where I could be free to do anything most, especially my dream girlfriend whom I keep promising a lifetime together in an enclosed door.

"Coming granny" I replied with a sigh, indeed I am digging into the world gradually. My uncle was already exhausted by my actions, but who cares, I'm happy.

"Get in the car and put on your seatbelt"

uncle jack commanded, but who doesn't know that! I smiled and did as I was instructed .

on reaching the school premises Mum called to ask of my wellbeing, just then my gaze went straight to a beautiful girl I dressed in black shorts and a white t-shirts.

"Wow!could this be it, my long-lost dream" I said, lost in my thoughts.

"Young Man! are you ok?" My uncle asked in amazement, just then I noticed that our car was parked aside the road and my mom had been screaming my name on the phone.


"Ouch" I screamed, her voice was as loud as that of a microphone.

"Sorry mum "I said in a shy tune.

"Son you know how I feel when you make me scream right?" she asked

"Yeah Mum"

"Alright sweetheart tell me when you've reached okay, bye"

"Ok mum, bye" I said excitedly.

"Umm, kid, are you done talking?" uncle jack asked

"yes" I replied

"And did you tell her we've arrived? " He pressed on further.

"Please we've not spoken for a while now,

let's not spoil that fine tradition, please" I spoke with fright uncle jack was never a man to joke about.

As we drove through the school gate, Just then my gaze went to a cute dog" cool! I said, It was standing opposite our direction, the way it wiggled its tail at me, made me feel as though we've seen each other before, I'll name you spark. I've always loved pets, most especially dogs, they're my favorite.

"Thanks" uncle jack appreciated the security.

As he drove off, me and spark eyes were positioned at each other, and it felt like he kept saying" please don't leave me, we belong to each other" then I replied I'll come back for you"

As we drove further, l glanced at the beautiful landscaping on the street that leads to the main entrance, at first, I didn't believe they could be real palm trees. The trees were neatly trimmed and there was no trace of debris, however. As we drove pass, I can feel they were waving at me, I feel like even the nature want me to breakout already.

want me to breakout already.

" Could this be it?" I said in a whisper, as though waiting for an answer. As we approach the car pack, we were given another slip, which carried our parking number.

" Wow this school indeed is a secured one a well organized" I said in amusement.

If it were left for me, I would say they are not as protective as my mum, Many say that being a man means freedom, but not for me.

Life for me was like hell before the cock Crow twice am already at school and before the closing bell rings am already at home.

I'm like a bird that can't leave its cage, my Mum is so protective that she can't let me speak, I'm only allowed to participate in sport activities only during school hours. I love basketball. It helps me overcome the depression that sometimes wallow in.

I also love parties, seeing beautiful girls send this chives down my spines. Mum could be annoying most times, but when she's around me, I feel cool and confident.

Mum being a semi - housewife and my dad haha he never shows because he's a very busy man, ugh this isn't funny am like a puppet, and it's not like I eat what I want.

"Good day Sir, " uncle jack greeted the principal.

I immediately snapped back from my deep thought.

"Just allow me a minute to get this....." The principal spoke from beneath the table.

"Aha so who do we have here"the principal said trying to sit on his chair that was as huge as never.

"Gosh, he's so fat "I said, forgetting my manners.

"Jasper!"uncle jack called my name to bring back my attention.

"Please excuse me "I tried to change the topic.

"You may be excused "the principal responded swiftly as though he wants to leave his premises.

"I apologize for his mistake Sir" uncle jack pleaded.

"No, it's ok, he should go get a fresh air" the principal interrupted.

"Phew, I'm saved" I murmured and Left the office.

Outside the office was a big field, maybe a football field, I kept walking round as many thoughts kept banging my brain, just then I accidentally bumped into someone and caught the being with my left hand.

Wow, it's a girl, and she's so beautiful, I felt like grabbing her and giving her a nice kiss to perfect my dreams. We stared at each other for a while.

"Can you please raise me up when you're done thinking" the girl broke the silence?

"Oh so sorry" I apologized with sincerity, as I made her stand.

"Never mind, I guess you're coming to our school, right ?" she questioned.

"Urm, yes I am" I answered, trying to leave.

"Well, am courage" she said smiling as she requested for a handshake.

"Wow courage, such a pleasant name am jasper great to meet you" I responded and accepted the handshake. I'm going for Breakfast, do you want to come along...no hesitation, but just as I was about leaving my uncle interrupted?

I hope this school will give you all the discipline you need? I didn't even answer him... I kept walking behind him until we got to the principal's office.

young man! standing before you is your house keeper! I quickly glanced at him, jacked my box and walked after him.

Be a good boy were my uncle's last words to me.

Uncle Jack is my mum's senior brother and when it about Academic he's going to take you to the root!

My did trust him for nothing. Mom has all the faith in him because he is a bookworm and when it's study time its serious time.

One thing I have always loved about uncle jack is that of his life, he's always serious, smart, good-looking and in all he loves sports, sports, sports just like me and not just that he always find time to make it up to me rather than my dad who appears once in a blue moon.

It's my second day at school, and it feels like a year already, at 4:30am the morning bell rang so loud that I couldn't hear a single thing for a while


"Wakey sleepy" Pius my ultimate roommate tried to wake me up, but was to no avail because I was already deep in sleep.

"Get up you lousy puppet" Pius mumbled

"Urh, just give me a break" I answered arrogantly. Just then, a knock was heard on the door.

"Ohh no" Pius said in whisper.

"What's wrong" I asked suspiciously.

"It's the house prefect, and if he finds us still on bed we are done for it" Pius answered with a frown.

"Well what are we waiting for" I tried to boost the spirit. The knock was heard again and this time around we've already finished our chores and done dressing. Oh my gosh, wasn't that so surprising, I felt like I became flash all of a sudden. At that time, it was already 7:00.

Once we got to my class, already I felt like a celebrity. On the other end, I needed a divine intervention to survive some set of angry looking bullies...

Newbie! Screamed one of the bully crew, but I stood my ground and never made a scene." Don't touch no girls, and we ain't no problem"

Pius signalled me to a seat, which I quietly sat. I noticed the girl's continuous staring, and it's. Makes me nervous.

I'm courage remembered me? A familiar voice said. Hey Jasper, I said, staring at the beauty before me.

Courage is the hottest girl in my class if not the whole school, but unreachable.

She's fierce and commands attention when she talks or walk. Rumors had it that she might have been in secret cults. But who cares, whoever she is, I'm ready to sail with her...

Excuse me! She returned with her bag, and that is how she became my seatmate.

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