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I want you,I'll have you

I want you,I'll have you



"Reece Anderson!" Every girl gets wet at the mention of that name. Who is he? Reece Anderson is California's most popular rapper popularly known as RJ. He is a big time playboy and can get into the skirt of any girl in Anderson's High. Summer Wealth... not actually 'Wealthy' though. Summer is the only daughter of her single mum. She's not from a rich family neither is she poor. Summer is that kind of girl you dare not mess with. Fiery.. Feisty.. and Hot Luckily, she passed a scholarship exam into Anderson's High and things took a wild turn. Reece makes Summer his next target for a bet with his buddies but unknown to him, he is in for something he did not EXPECT in his wildest dreams!! What is it? Will Summer let Reece have his way? What will happen at the end?


"Fuck being good, I'm a bad bitch! Ugh

I'm sick of motherfuckers tryna tell me how to live! Fuck dawg..."

Summer kept singing until she was done with the dishes. She lets out a sigh and her tummy made a loud growl.

"You've gotta be kidding!" She muttered and went back to the dinning room to get some snacks from the fridge.

After eating, she decided to skate round the neighbourhood. She quickly put on a baggy shirt and pants before grabbing her skateboard.

The gateman blocked her.

"Sorry young miss. Your mum instructed me to not let you go out!"

"Are you kidding me?" Summer's eyes flashed with anger

"Young miss..." He trailed off, getting scared already

"If you obstruct my way again, I won't hesitate to break your balls. Out!" She pointed her index finger sideways

He quickly moved out of the way.

Summer is known to be a badass and no one dares stand in her way.

She flashed him a grin and walked outside with her skate board in her hands. Summer placed it in the floor before skating away

She hadn't gone far when a guy with a swollen face blocked her way

"If it isn't little miss tomboy troubleshooter" Derek smiled annoyingly, trying hard to get on her nerves

"Seems like the beating I gave you yesterday wasn't enough." Summer glared hard at him

"Oh shut up, you tiny brat" He spat. "Do you think you'd beat me up and I won't get my revenge. Who do you think you are?"

Summer scoffed. "I can't stoop so low to tell a two-faced nincompoop like you who I am. You ain't worth it!"

"What?" his eyes widened

"Yeah. Why don't you just buzz off" Summer spat the bubble gum she was chewing into her palm and placed it on his hair, spreading it all over

"How dare you!" His eyes shone with so much anger. "I'm giving you this last chance to fall on your knees and beg me to forgive you, else.."

"Else what? I'm gonna beat you again and you'd cry to your mama"

"That's it! Boys!"He yelled and five guys came out from different angles

"Since you won't bring down your stupid wings and apologize to me. I'm gonna teach you a big lesson, tiny little brat!" Derek said with a smug smile

To his surprise, Summer burst into laughter like he had just cracked a hilarious joke.

"You are so weak that you even hired boys to beat me. Aren't you ashamed to face me and run your dirty mouth?"Summer said, still laughing

Derek's teeth gritted in anger.

"Get her!"

The five boys surrounded her at once.

"Come on."She gestured them to come closer and in less than two minutes, they were all lying on the ground, groaning in pain

Derek stood there shocked and Summer turned to him.

"You're next"

"No no no. I'm sorry" Derek pleaded and started shaking vigorously like a lamb waiting to be devoured my a lion

As Summer kept coming closer he moved backwards.

"I'm so sorry. You know what? No need to apologize again. I'll never trouble you again. Please I beg you.. ahhh!!" He groaned as Summer sent him a flying kicked

She grabbed her skateboard and hit it on his head and he passed out.



"Summer! Summer!!" Mrs Wealth yelled as she went up the stairs

"Summer!" She yelled again and opened the door to see no one in the room

"Huh? Where's that silly daughter of mine?" Laura Wealth said to herself and suddenly gasped as something dawned on her

"Peter!" She yelled the gateman's name as she descended down the stairs hurriedly but being careful

"Peter!" Laura yelled again and he came in, panting

"Yes ma'am" He answered

"Where is Summer?" Laura asked with her arms akimbo

"She.. she.. "

"She what!?" Laura yelled impatiently, her face turned red, badly demanding for an answer

"She went out" Peter said

"I told you never to let her go out. You know how troublesome Summer is."Laura glared

"She threatened to break my balls and I..I..had to."Peter stuttered

"Gosh!" Laura ruffled hair in frustration and quickly dialed Summer's number but she didn't answer

"If anything happens to my baby, I'm gonna fire you. Leave" Laura commanded and Peter rushed out covered in sweats

Laura sat on the couch after getting a glass of wine from the cellar. Few minutes went by and a noise was heard outside, like someone yelling.

"Can you please calm down, ma'am?"Peter's voice sounded outside but it seemed like whoever he was talking to isn't ready to calm down.

"What's going on?"Laura asked when a woman barged in, pulling a young guy in with her.

Laura gasped. "What happened to his face?"

"Shut up! Just shut your mouth up! Are you seriously asking that question? You should have learnt to train your daughter well before opening your mouth to talk rubbish!" the woman yelled furiously and Laura lost it

"How dare you walk into my house just to spew rubbish?!"

"Your stupid daughter had the guts to beat up my son, huh? Tell her Derek, didn't she beat you till you passed out?"The woman asked Derek who nodded in affirmation

"Oh really? Why didn't you also tell your mum how you hired five hoodlums to beat me up? Why didn't you tell her, huh? You had the balls to walk in here with your mom like homeless churchmice and insult my mom" Summer said, walking in majestically while chewing gum..as always.

Derek shivered hearing her voice.

"You..had...the...balls!" And with that, Summer pounced on him and started punching him hard

"Summer!"Laura yelled

"Hey! Get off my son you stupid little girl"The woman yelled trying pull Summer up

"That's it. If you don't leave that guy alone, I'm gonna ground you for six straight months" Laura threatened and Summer stopped

She stood up and kicked his almost lifeless body on the floor.

"If you know what's good for you, get out!"Summer pointed at the door

Derek gathered enough strength to stand up before pulling his mother out who reluctantly left but not without cussing Summer and her mom

"What kind of child are you? Why do you always do this?"Laura asked

"Mom, that guy started it! He..." Laura cut off

"Enough! Just go to your room" Laura said

"Mom.."she tried to protest

"I..said..go!"Laura ordered and Summer stomped her foot in annoyance

"Was that for me?"Laura arched a brow but she already rushed upstairs

"Oh Lord! Please deliver me from this child" Laura sighed


"Ohhh yess!"

"Go harder!!"

"Oh my f^^king lord! That's the spot!"

"Ohh.. ahhh shit!!"

"Reece.. oh my gawd! Oh my momm!!"

Screams rented the room as he kept slamming in and out of the girl's wide hole. He pulled out of her and released on her face.

"That was sweet!" The girl smiled bitchily and Reece smirked flipping her over. She went on all fours as Reece fucked her in doggy style

"Ohhh shit!! You're so huge!" She screamed as his member penetrated deeply into her ass.

"Moan my name bitch!"

"Reeece... Ohhhh!!"

Reece smirked and went even harder on her, almost tearing her wide hole apart.

"F^^k Reece, I wanna cum!" She cried and Reece gave her a cold glare.

"Don't you dare!" He hissed and grabbed her big boobs, squeezing them from behind.

He released again on her butt and the girl chuckled.

"Why don't I give you BJ?" She asked seductively. And without waiting for a response, she grabbed Reece's long member and began sucking it, licking every inch of it.

"Ughhh." Reece lets out a deep groan of pleasure. He grasped a handful of her hair and thrusted his member deeper into her mouth, down her throat and almost choking her with it


Reece quickly pushed the girl away and quickly put on his shorts. He opened the door to his mom standing there with her arms akimbo.

"Why are you sweating badly?" Reece's mom, Hana asked suspiciously

"Nothing" He said

"Nothing?" Hana arched a brow. "Or you busy choking someone's daughter with that rod in between your legs?"


Hana pushed him aside and entered the room fully. She checked his closet and bathroom but found no one.

She turned to leave but heard someone breathing heavily and the sound was coming from...

She looked under the bed to find a girl laying there.. stark naked

"What in the world?"She gasped and turned to Reece, who was looking elsewhere while scratching his hair like he isn't aware of what's happening

"Reece.."She called

"Mmm?"He hummed and turned to look at her

"Ma'am, I..I.. can explain" The girl said, clutching her clothes tightly as she came out

"Explain? Are you insane? Get outta my house!!" Hana screamed at her and she ran out

"Mom..?" Reece said but Hana shut him up with a slap

"What the fuck, mum?"Reece seethed with an angry face

"Is this what you want to keep doing with your life!?" Hana yelled

Reece stormed out of the house angrily without a reply.

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