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Royal witches

Royal witches



This prose tells on witches wizards powers and all sorts you never knew exist It happens that celestial is a royal witch but is born into a normal human family What happens when she turns eighteen What happens when she has to leave her family and twin sister to find her life. Well find out in the story your self Do enjoy.xoxo

Chapter 1 Introducing the Waynes

Life has been feeling so stuffy lately,it's like everyone is on edge expecting a new dawn or something rather fanimorous(out of the world). Smiling at my silliness,

i remembered how Canaan had always formed words himself and used them around the house,while mom scolds and says he is confusing grandpa,the poor man did suffer a little with him around till he left for overseas. Yeah Canaan is my brother,older with three years.

The best big brother you can wish for.That's where I learned to form my own words,give it a meaning and adhere to it.Fanimorous is one of the words so far.

I have Dad,mom,Canaan,grandpa and as much as I want to skip the name,Christian.Many thought she is a boy hearing her name until they meet her,I wonder why mom was so picky when it comes to giving names tho.

When mom was pregnant,she thought she was going to have just one baby,even up till when she was laboring,it happened that Christian was delivered but something caught the nurse's eyes,yeah that's me.Oops there's still a baby in there,and that was how mom had both me and Christian.so I am basically the last child of the family.

Surprisingly enough we didn't share the same placenta.how funny,but still we look so f**king alike.if I was to commit a crime she could pass for the punishment.But she despised me,that,I know,everyone else might not but I did.And I didn't waste time in reciprocating the feeling.it was very bad of me tho,but I had tried coping with her,lately I just feel I can't keep up with the attitude so I decided to retaliate but in a mild way.

I just wish she could be more sensible.of course she is,but not on things responsible. My parents never showed any form of partial love to any of their kids and that is one thing that brings joy to my heart,still I can't seem to phantom what problem Christian has with me,so much for having a twin,an identical one at that.or could she perhaps wish she was the only one born,could she hate me for sharing the womb with her,yeah it's not like I tagged along but this damned second of mine makes it seems like so.

Other twins ain't what I shared with Christian,so much she detest being referred to as celestial twin sister,oh my! what a human,I was clouded in thoughts of my own,I deliberately let my self drown in them.I kept hearing my name echo in my head as it came repeatedly. CELESTIAL!,I finally fluttered my eyes open to meet the questioning gaze of Christian,talk of the bitch. What,I snapped, I have been calling your name for the past two minutes,you heard but pretended you didn't,how much of a p**sy hole can you be Lesti,she said through gritted teeth. Ignoring her I asked "what do you want chris"?.mom said to run down the street and get the packed gifts for the birthday I unfortunately have to share with you tomorrow,she said. Same here,tell her I will go get it ASAP. She turned and left after a couple of minutes,obviously she didn't think that I was also unfortunate sharing a date of birth with her.honest,I didn't mean what I said but sometimes she needs a taste of her cocaine. Turning eighteen tomorrow,it's just like a normal day to me tho,even if on the inside,the house if full of life and buzzing with presents and cakes of different layers.

of course it was the Wayne Twins birthday.the twins of the fourth richest business tycoon in Mozambique.but I don't seem to fancy all this attention and honor money and fame draws unlike Christian who would die just to live a rich life over and over,lavida-loca as I always called it. I went into my room ignoring mom who kept shouting and scolding the helpers,using that,I managed to sneak into my room without being noticed,I didn't want to answer to moms questioning on why I hadn't run the errands she gave. I wonder why she couldn't send one of the helpers,this better not be what am thinking.

Christian had been anticipating for this day,it as if she is the only celebrant.silly me doesn't even care if I shared my date with the queen of England,it's just a day,I would always say,nothing special,it's the same 24hours people,c'mon.But mom will just ignore and still set up the whole building as tho a wedding was to take place.

Mom can be sweet and at the same time,you do not want to know.like I would say,having her with my dad is like a blessing.not many men are lucky to have an understanding wife to support them financially and emotionally. Even when things get hard.she sticks by us no matter what.which makes me wonder where Christian got her genes from,a little from mom but the rest,where?.

Going into the big shop,I noticed a guy,by the birth of Twins!,I swore.what human is this,is he even a human.how so,tall,slender,the perfect body.I wondered in my head till my eyes moved up to his.....oh my! That wonderful structure,from his lips up to his nose then his eyes.golden brown? I sure haven't come across anyone with such eyes I must say. Still admiring this beautiful creature,I felt a pair of eyes on me,by the birth of twins!

He was staring back while I took in his beautiful features.he caught me. I looked away sharply and proceeded towards the shop attendant.got the package and left hurriedly.what is wrong with me? Admiring an angel like and getting caught.

I drove back home with mixed feelings,it felt as tho I knew this guy or we will soon get to know each other soon.why this feeling? Letting the feeling aside I decided to think about the party ahead.

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