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The Crazy Twins

The Crazy Twins



It's all about a twin sister's that said the are bastards,that they said they are ungrateful children,but they later save their love once.

Chapter 1 Beginning of there craziness



"ELSA!!!,ELMA!!!" Get your damn asses down here now before I loose my temper on you two"...

Their mum shouted.

You got to be fast with that or else we'd get ourselves in mom's trouble' Elsa saidb to Elma who

was busy surfing the web for the answer to the assignment given to them.

Sis you know if I don't do this now, that ass hole of a teacher's gonna tell dad about it andbyou

know what that means..Elma replied

You need not to bother about that trust me I'll handle it perfectly, She said again and Elma

arched her brow.

And how do you mean?She asked.

Trust me on this, let's get going befor she call our names again, Elma said further and grabbed

her backpack.

And what have you been doing upthere?Their mom asked with a scorn look as soon as they

got to the dinningroom.

"Nothing mom, we were just preparing for school, nothing more than that"

Elsa replied.

If you'd hurry your dad's waiting for you both ,so scoop your meal in your mouth

hurriedly if you don't want him to get mad at you both.

Dad's is outside? If that's the case, I'm off, I need to do everything right just to please him from now till we get our 18th birthday done...Elma said and rushed out of the house

I'm tired of hearing his daily rants too not like we're that troublesome tho Elsa said and dashed out also.

Good morning Dad" they chorused as they enter the car. But he remained silent and didn't respond to there greetings.

Dad we're greeting you"... Elsa said and Elma rolled her eyes.

Fine, it's okay if you won't reply our greetings.

Hey you turn the music on the environment is too boring for my liking...Elma said to their driver and their dad shot the driver a glare.

Elma pretended not to have seen their father's reaction and went ahead to switch it on.

If you dare touch that thing, imma kick you out of this car withouth esitation...Hewarned

Oops! "I'm Sorrrrry" she said and took back her hand. So dad you just decided to ignore our greetings, I actually thought you've become mute overnight...She said and Elma poked her.

Dad don't mind her, she's just being childish. But I actually thought something was wrong with your hearing aid. But thankfully you're perfectly fine...She added and the driver chuckled, Get your asses out of my car this instant you bastards" he shouted at them as the car halted in front of their school.

Bye dad' my regards to your side chicks at the office. They chorused and left.

They entered the school premises and all attention was diverted to them as usual.

Hey babe, I got your message and here's her phone,I've done every changes on it I just want you to cross check everything...Jude their partner in crime said as they walked to the assembly Hall.

I trust you on every assignment just go return it before we get caught. Elsa said and patted his back.

And what changes is that?Elma asked.

You'll know soon, just relax Jude replied her with a wink




The students were engaged in different activities in the classroom including the twins and their partner in crime.

Jude was busy painting his drawing when their homeroom teacher barged in shouting Elsa and Elma's names.

Where on earth is that good for nothing twin.She barked and scanned the classroom with her eyes but everyone remained silent.

Am I not talking to human beings?She asked with anger in her voice.

The last time I checked the school didn't admit good for nothing twins to the classroom whom do you expect to answer your damn question...Elma replied and everyone laughed

"Now follow me to my office' she ordered and Elma sat back.

You aren't deaf, are you?She said and Elsa made a loud sound with her bubble gum.And the students laughed again.

Madam you didn't call anyone's name so if i may ask,did you bring your children to this room cause I'm sure they're the ones you're referring to as good for nothing.Jude said and sat on the table.

My name is Elma Taylor and this is my sis,Elsa Taylor, My friend here is Jude Carson we're 17 years old pretty and handsome teenagers. Elma said and every students went ahead to introduce themselves.

I'm sick and tired of you two.Now Elsa and Elma follow me to my office She ordered.

Now you're talking.They said and stood up to follow her.We'll be right back buddies they said

and gave a salute to their mates before exiting the classroom.

Where did you keep your own assignment? She asked Let's settle thisamicably.Actually we didn't do the assignment but I was thinking if you could help us with it.Elma said calmly.

It's high time I let your dad know about this,I've had enough of you two.She said and stood up to go unplug her phone from the socket.

Ma'am please don't do this to us,we'll be in trouble if you do so.They pleaded in pretence but she paid deaf ear.

They secretly pour the glue they hid behind them on her chair without her knowledge,she

returned and sat in it.

Please we promise to change for better,just don't let our dad know..Elma pleaded again but she placed a call to him instead.

Unknown to her,they've change the number to Elsa's own so Jude who was with the phone

keep rejecting it.

Has he picked up yet?Elma asked and Elsa chuckled. Maybe you should keep trying it till he pick up...She added with a scoff while the teacher gave her a stern look.

"Since you didn't accept our plight, I guess we'll have to do you the favour of showing your fiancé the video of how the janitor banged you two nights ago".Elsa said while on phone and her eyes widened.

How did you know about it?She asked furiously and they both laughed.

It seems you've forgotten who we are,Elma replied.

Wow you've been denying the guy of sex all in the name of you being a Virgin and the guy is so dumb to believe you, What a pity' Shes aid again.

Please don't do that,I promise to coverup for you once your dad calls back.She pleaded

Oops! Too late, he watched it already, Elsa said and stood up.Just then her phone started ringing.

He's the one calling I guess, pick it up and explain yourself. She said and turned to leave.

"Come back here, you brats" she yelled and tried to stand up but couldn't because of the glue.

Chill Holy Mary, just answer your fiancé's call.We'll leave now.

Have a nice time alone."Holy Promiscuous Virgin"Elma said caressing her cheek and winked at her.

Next time, you don't mess with The Taylors...Elsa said and stormed away.

"I'm doomed" they heard her say as they exited the office.

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