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Fearing The Mafia Don

Fearing The Mafia Don



twisted my hands and tried to loosen the bonds to no avail, I was Trapped, Trapped by the devil himself. ....................................................................................... Kate Sinclair wants nothing more than to live her life to the fullest, working as a hotel clerk she thought her life was good. But after witnessing a murder, her world comes crashing down when she's kidnapped and bought as a gift for the leader of the Italian mafia, a man who's feared by his enemies and worshiped and revered by his allies and associates, his name is Leonardo Castellano The devil in human form and now he has his eyes on her and he's determined to break her and make her is. No matter what.

Chapter 1 PART 1

Kate sat down looking at her phone as men dressed in expensive tuxedos and women dressed in elegant dress's mingled about in the lobby of the hotel. An elegant-looking woman wearing a pair of dark glasses walked toward her carrying a Louis Vuitton bag.

" Good night Ma'am welcome to the Celestial, do you have a reservation?" Kate asked politely. The woman took off her glasses and then spoke with a pompous and entitled tone of voice.

" Yes it's reserved under Smith, Layla Smith," she said. Despite the tone and manner, in which the woman addressed Kate decided to remain polite not wanting to risk her job. " Room 123 here's your key someone will bring up your bags shortly," She said.

The woman took the key off the counter glaring at her then began muttering about something then walked away without saying thank you. She rolled her eyes and then went back on her phone.

" Yikes, what a nightmare" she looked up and saw her crush Nathon the cutest guy that worked at the Hotel he was a Footman leaning against the counter and looking at her.

" How do you deal with people like that?" Jordan asked. Mia laughed " You just gotta be patient and polite," She said causing Nathon to chuckle.

" Not only are you incredibly beautiful but your wise too how are you still single," he said causing her to smile. " Who said I'm still single" she winked at him. Nathon gave her a dazzling smile in return for her teasing.

" Hey are you free this Saturday night?" he asked shyly. " I don't have anything planned for this Saturday why?" she asked but seeing his cheeks becoming crimson quickly told her all she needed to know.

" There's a music concert at six, would you like to go with me?" He asked. " I would love to go with you," she said with a smile. " Great it's a date" Realizing what he said he blushed.

" Uhmmm it's a date only if you want it to be, we could just hang out as friends if that's ok with you," Nathon said sheepishly while rubbing the back or neck. She leaned across the counter and kissed him on the cheek " It's a date" she said to which he smiles.

Later after she left work she walked down the street towards the bus station desperate to get home from the almost empty street, as the only bus stop was in a shady part of town. Mia looked around to make sure she wasn't being followed.

It was pitch black, the street lamps produced a dim light, and the street illuminated the light with a grey beam. She pulled out her phone and tried to call for a cab but there was no signal.

" Fuck you Verizon wireless" she muttered placing her phone back in her bag. She waited for about an hour and with no signs of a bus showing up anytime soon, she decided to walk.

She walked down the desolate streets along with most of the businesses closed the streets were almost empty apart from the occasional vehicle that would drive past.

As she turned into the final stretch towards her apartment she heard voices coming from the alleyway ahead of her.

Despite the repeated warning signs going off in her mind, her curiosity got the better of her so she crept silently as her heels would allow towards the alley and found the sound of the voices.

Since it was dark she couldn't make out the people talking just a faint silhouette could be seen.

" Where is the money?" One of them asked with a thick Spanish accent. " I don't have right now but please give me some more time I'll pay you back I swear," a man said timidly.

Suddenly a man stepped forward smoking a cigarette. " The boss gave you enough time to pay your time is up," the smoker said taking a final drag from his cigarette before he suddenly presses it against the man's face causing him to cry out in pain.

Isabel clasped a hand against her mouth to silence her gasp as all around the men chuckled cruelly as the man they had tied down and burned whimpers from the pain.

" Your time is up," the smoker said taking out another cigarette before he turned around and looked at his men. " Make it slow and painful," he said cruelly before he walked away as one man walked towards their victim. " No no please I'm begging you don't kill me, I have a little girl at home" the man pleaded.

" Oh don't worry we'll be paying your family a visit very soon," one man said before covering the man's head in a plastic bag muffing his screams. All of a sudden his struggling was stopped by the sound of a gunshot.

Isabel gasped out loud alerting the men that they had a witness as they began scanning the darkness for the sound of sound. " What the fuck was that, who's there show yourself," one of them said pulling out his gun.

" Shit" she swore under her breath as she dashed out of the dark alleyway not wanting the bloodthirsty goons to catch her and murder her for witnessing them committing a murder. " Stop coming back here," the one that was the leader said but she paid his order no mind as she just kept running determined to put as much distance as she can between her and them.

The sound of multiple footsteps along with a string of colorful curses and threats were hurled her way but she didn't pay them any mind as she ran as fast as she could.

After running for a couple of minutes she slowed down to catch her breath, her legs felt as if they were made of lead as she breathed heavily. " Oh my God what am I going to do I left my phone back in the alley" she looked around and that's when she noticed that she was lost.

The buildings around her indicated that everyone was safely inside the confines of their homes. The shops were closed, and not even the signs were lit up. Only a few street lamps offered and source of light of comfort as she looked around trying to figure out where she had ended up.

" I need to find someone to help before they find me," she said to her as she slowly made her way down the streets.

She shivered against the cold night winds as she rubbed her hands together trying to keep warm from the bitingly cold wind that was blowing. Looking up into the sky she saw that clouds were gathering quickly indicating that rain would be here soon.

Suddenly a pair of bright lights forced her to look back behind her where a black Suv was coming quickly toward her.

Sensing danger she turned around intending to run but before she could another Suv swung around the corner blocking any chance of escape.

Both cars pulled up on the sidewalk as men dressed in black leather jackets stepped out of the cars, all of their heads were shaved and they all carried weapons which they pointed in Isabel's direction.

Hearing the door of the Suv opening again a tall and bulky man stepped out dressed in a grey suit stepped out holding a cigarette in one hand and a magnum handgun in the other.

" Running away from us was stupid bitch" he said coldly as he looked at her intensely. Fear gripped her heart as she recognized his voice as one of the men responsible for killing the man and then chasing her earlier.

" Please I won't say anything about what I saw I just want to go home" she pleaded. The man didn't say anything after that as he stares at her, she wondered if maybe he was considering letting her go, but that's when she noticed how his eyes where trailing down her body, like he was evaluating her before he looked her once more in the eyes. " I'm afraid I can't do that princess, you've seen to much to let you go and you need to be taken care of , but killing you would be a waste you can serve a much greater purpose" he said.

" Who are you people and what do you want from me?" She asked nervously as the man stares at her and then flicked his cigarette away before he nods to one of his men. Before she could react one of his men grabs her and presses a chemical-laced cloth against her mouth and nose. She tried to hold her breath for as long as she could but was eventually forced to take a breath of chemical-laced air.

She could feel her body beginning to slow down and growing weaker with every breath she was forced to take. Instead of allowing her to fall the man that was drugging her laid her down on the ground with the cloth still against her face.

She struggled weakly against him as she fought against the darkness that was surrounding her vision. The man pulled the cloth away then stood up as his boss looked down at the drugged girl with a cruel smile on his face.

" Where the Spanish Mafia my precious flower and as for what we need you for, your going to be sold as a sex slave, see sweet dreams princess" he said and with that her vision tunneled into darkness

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Fearing The Mafia Don

Chapter 1 PART 1
