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I twisted my hands and tried to loosen the bonds to no avail, I was Trapped, Trapped by the devil himself. ....................................................................................... Kate Sinclair wants nothing more than to live her life to the fullest, after winning a trip to the beautiful island of Sicily she thought her life was good. But after witnessing a murder, her world comes crashing down when she's kidnapped and bought as a gift for the leader of the Italian mafia, a man who's feared by his enemies and worshiped and revered by his allies and associates, his name is Leonardo Castellano The devil in human form and now he has his eyes on her and he's determined to break her and make her is. No matter what.

Chapter 1 Part 1

Kate's Pov

" Would you hurry up with my items!" A lady who looked to be in her mid twenties wearing a black dress snapped at me as I finished putting her dresses in the shopping bag.

" Here you go Ma'am have a nice day" I told her with a fake smile plastered on my face. She huffed in annoyance and hurried out the store, while another lady quickly took her place.

I quickly checked out her items which were fifteen in total, took the money from her then bid her goodbye.

On and one it went one customer after another, and as I glanced I saw three dozen more looking around the store and plenty more who where entering the store in order to take advantage of the 70% off sale.

The rest of the afternoon passed with me handling and checking out items while dealing with one customer after another while listening to the gossip and chatter all around me.

Are you ready for your break?" My friend and co worker Julia asked.

" Finally at around 4 p.m. the shop closed temporarily for the workers lunch break. " are you ready for your break?" My friend and co worker Julia asked.

Hi guys because of the rewrite and deletion system I can't delete this old novel but check out the new one it's call Fearing The Mafia Don thanks and I hope you guys enjoy the story.

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