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From Lovers To Enemy

From Lovers To Enemy

Dream chaser


Richie is a dreamer who never gave up his ambition of becoming a billionaire and making their family business the face of patronage in the city of Florida and across the States. With the help of his girlfriend, Kendra Wilkinson. She lost her virginity by having multiple romances with the CEO in acceptance to make an ally with Richie's Steel company by providing high added value in the form of safer and more reliable operation and improved energy efficiency. She introduced him to the CEO for an ally that made his company the face of patronage in the city of Florida and across the States. She ends up being disappointed and heartbroken by the man she sacrificed her virginity to make an ally. After she lost her virginity to the CEO. She couldn't control herself from the excitement, which lead her to have affairs with the CEO because Richie never wants to have sex with her until their honeymoon, and he break-up with her... She was traumatized and later mislay her dancing crew and her parents disown her because of her inability to get married to Richie after all her efforts. She became traumatized, derail and she suffered criticism. She vowed her life to destroy Richie's investment by breaking her heart and making her parents disown her. Her vengeance on Richie's investment is the beginning of the end.

Chapter 1 Richie.

"Sir, we are here." Zane, his driver, and personal assistant inform him as they got to the front of his company. He open his eyes and sighed before stepping down from the vehicle which the door was already open. He button his suit before taking a step towards the tall and mighty building that always had people who used to know him gasping in shock. Even those that heard the name alone gaps in awe, that's how powerful the legacy he has built in the city of Florida and across the States. He wished his mom were alive to see how far and how well he have done.

She would've been very proud of him if she were alive.

Pulling his thoughts back to reality, Richie strode into the open door with Zane right behind him.

"Good morning, sir" Unending chants from his staff ring in his head like a bell, and he just passed them like he didn't hear any of them. Well, he's not obligated to reply to their greetings.

'This is my company and I can do anything that I want.' He thought to himself while walking down to the elevator

He could feel some of them gaping at the sight of him, especially the ladies. Well, what do you expect, when he's rich, handsome, and single? He's one of them talked about bachelor in the whole of Florida. So, every woman would of course want him to be their man. But that would only be their wish, cause Richie can't imagine himself with any woman at the moment. Unlocking this heart of him would be a miracle that they can never have.

He felt all eyes on him as they walked straight towards the elevator and Zane press the 30th floor. Yeah, that's where Richie's office is located, and he loves the view the so much that he can't wait to get there.

"Zane, how is my schedule like today?" Richie decided to ask the man beside him, to which he wasted no time in replying.

"You have a 10:00 am meeting with the board members and staff of Merchant Company, and after that, you have a lunch meeting with Lady bee."

"Can I skip the meeting with Lady bee?" He sighed loudly, cutting Zane shut. He has the appetite to stomach that woman's flirtatious character. She knows that she'd never get him no matter how much she tried, yet, she would never pass the opportunity to shoot her shot.

"No sir, you can't. You have to have lunch with her." Zane insisted.

'I will just endure it for now. As soon the deal with her is over, I will get rid of her.' He thought in his head while gritting his teeth in irritation, hoping she behaves herself.

Richie momentarily zoned out again, as Zane went ahead to name the rest of his schedule, and he can feel that it was packed judging from the way it was taking an eternity to finish. His mind was occupied with other things as he continued to mention the things he would still remind later on.

The ding sound from the elevator indicated that it was time to get off and he wasted no time in stepping out as he headed towards his office.

"Good morning, sir" He heard a chant from his secretary, and of course, he just went straight to his office without paying her attention.

After a few minutes, a knock came from the door before it was pushed open after giving his permission.

"Sir, here is your coffee." Cora, his secretary announced as she walked over to his desk and placed it.

She waited like she was waiting for his order to go out. Well, he knows she was waiting for any other thing he might need.

"That would be all for now, Cora." He said to her, before grabbing the cup while she headed for the door, after mumbling a 'yes sir'

After having coffee, he was going true his mail and checking some files on his laptop. but he was not able to focus as he was thinking about the meeting with Lady bee and Kendi's trauma.

A few minutes on, a knock came on the door but this time, he ignored it as his mind was occupied with other things. The knock came harder and he couldn't concentrate but give his permission.

Zane his assistant walked in.

"Sir, the board members are waiting for you, Sir. It's already 10:00 am." He ignored Zane his assistant for some seconds, and he keep pressing on his laptop.

He was traumatized by the thought of his girlfriend Kendra Wilkinson and the difficulties his company is going through because of her. He opened his eyes and sighed rapidly before Zane.

"Zane, take these documents to my secretary and join me at the meeting." He said, before grabbing his suitcase while Zane headed for the door immediately, after mumbling a 'yes sir.

Richie, first contract with Leonardo's family. The Merchant Company was terminated because of Kendi. This time, he wouldn't tolerate that, and he pray the meeting comes positive towards the contract.

He marvels how strong Kendra's connection is to have his contract terminated in less than a week.

A few hours later, the meeting was concluded and the board members were excited because they were about to get another devious contract from Merchant Company, and a sample will be presented. But there's a condition Richie must partake in the merger.

The Leonard family asked Richie to tender a public apology to Kendra Wilkinson, his ex-girlfriend before any contract will be merged.

Zane grabbed his suitcase from him while all the staff was gaping at him with smiles on their faces, but he wasn't surprised, and he walk passed them without responding to their regards as Richie's mood wasn't too pleased.

"Zane. What do you think about today's meeting?" He asked Zane his assistant while walking to his office.

"Sir, am happy about the contract agreement to make a merge, but what about the legacy you built over the years. I mean your reputation? What will people say if you tender a public apology to your ex-girlfriend? You have built a strong reputation in this city sir, and people clamored about your company. Aren't you concerned about what people will say and look down on you lowly and snickered?"

Zane answered on a stammering tongue quivering in fear to speak to him in such a way but, Richie, feel Zane was right because he won't jeopardize the legacy he has built in the city over the years, to tender a public apology to his ex-girlfriend. But on second thought, he needed the coalition to move his company to greater heights to have power and more connection in the business world.

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Other books by Dream chaser

Amira's Divorce

Amira's Divorce



Amira Ben didn't meet her mother. She was abandoned and abused by her father who blamed her for the death of his wife, Mia Ben. Amira's mother had died while giving birth to her. Since then, she'd no nothing but hatred and abuse from her narcissist stepmother who persecute, abused, and victimized her daily without any wrongdoing. Tears become her daily food because there's not a day Sara won't make her feel pain and the memories of her mother's death giving birth to her. To this day, the memories bring her to tears and have terrified her of even having her own child. However, she took the opportunity not to fall into the wrong hand as she met Oscar who took care of her wellbeing. Oscar was handsome from the dept of his eyes to the gentle expression of his voice. Tall sculpted face, broad shoulders. He was the kind of handsome that could easily get into anyone's bones, making them defenseless. 'HOW DO I MANAGE TO GET TO KNOW THIS GUY ON MY 18th BIRTHDAY, THAT IS IRRESISTIBLE TO SOMEONE OF MY KIND.' Amira was engaged publicly in a shopping Mall. But she got divorced after several cheats from her husband. However, she was so lucky as she travel around Europe and she met a man and got engaged for the second time, but Amira walked out of her engagement party. She was terrified of having another public engagement, which meant exchanging the delights of a bride for the embarrassment of a deserter. Olivia, Amira's neighborhood had similar issues with her, as Olivia never attended her public proposal because she doesn't like being put on the spot or being made to feel obligated to say yes. And she made it clear to her fiance that she would hate a public proposal. As the very idea gives her hives and makes her queasy with anxiety, and she skipped her public engagement.

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