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Werewolf Prince Love Story

Werewolf Prince Love Story



Lycaon is a werewolf prince who lives in the hate of the wolf race. His stepbrother and stepmother were always trying to kill him. To survive he disguised himself as a stupid prince. Lycaon can turn into a full wolf when the full moon arrives. Where his mystical power reaches its peak. While in the forest, Lycaon meets a beautiful girl named Lucrezia Borgia. An ordinary and beautiful woman. He fell in love with the girl at first sight. What will Lycaon choose. Pursuing his love or will he choose to continue his dream as the ruler of the wolf race?

Chapter 1 Werewolf Prince

A sharp-eyed woman was dealing with a pack of wolves. His face was illuminated by the moonlight that emerged from behind the black clouds. The smell of wet earth wafted up and someone came up to the woman with a look of judgment in her eyes.

"Are you sure that this plan will work?" asked the stout man, two heads taller than the figure he had just called mother.

The flash of his eyes seemed to count the number of furry and fanged animals in front of him. There are about fifteen wolves ready to pounce on anyone who will be their target this time.

"They are from the border. You know for yourself that no one can match their group so far."

The woman crossed her arms, her smile contained many meanings.

"After all, they only need to take down one stupid werewolf. Isn't this too much too much?" This time the corners of his lips tugged, a condescending smile.

"I told you not to underestimate Lycaon too much. He may look stupid on the outside, but he's still a prince."

"Lord?" He put on a thinking face. "Stupid Prince, you mean?"

Seeing his mother who was difficult for him to tell, he only let out a long sigh.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry. All this time he escaped from us only because of his good fortune, not because of his strength."

Lycaon, the Prince they had called out earlier was the figure to be targeted tonight. The mother and daughter pair were Lycaon's stepfamily. A pack of wolves from the border are predators that don't have Packs, they live freely and are scattered. The border is a place that becomes their base if they get a mission.

Like a hitman. They only carry out their duties if someone 'hire their services'. Of course that pack of werewolves had above average abilities. Wolves are free, without rules and a fixed leader in the area, making them trained in fighting skills. Only then can they survive.

One of the werewolf group transformed into a tall man, black hooded and of medium stature. He greeted his master by bowing his head.

"He's Luke, their leader on the mission tonight." The woman told her son.

"Not bad either."

Satisfied with her son's assessment, the woman smiled.

"Okay. We'll see how good these assassins are."

After receiving an order from Luke, they finally went to their destination to meet Lycaon.

The moon forgets itself in perfect shape. It will be a tragedy for a pack of wolves who will face a werewolf prince he gets betrayed by his own family.

On the other hand, Lycaon was currently behind the castle, in the direction of the forest while gazing at the full moon. The rain had stopped since 30 minutes ago, the dark clouds in the sky as they moved away from the full moon.

The man wearing a silk robe closed his eyes and felt the rush of blood moving so fast. His chest rumbled as the veins in his hands began to bulge. Fine hairs begin to grow around the face, neck and hands.

The full moon phase is the time the figure will show a side of the wolf that doesn't know of the extraordinary power behind it. Within seconds the flash of his eyes turned sharp, pupils characteristic of furry and fanged beasts. A howl from his mouth, broke the silence and tranquility of the forest behind the castle where he lived.

It wasn't long after that Lycaon felt his instincts at work. This full moon rush instinct is much sharper 3 times than usual. Within hundreds of meters he could sense an imminent danger. Still with a strong body, Lycaon jumped over the iron guardrail that was twice his height.

"Is a wolf killer?" He muttered. "What are they--" Before he could finish his sentence, a wolf jumped at him from behind the bushes.

Lycaon who had expected the surprise attack easily dodged. The howl was heard again. This time it was from the wolf that had attacked earlier.

"Three...." Lycaon glanced to his right with calculating eyes. "Seven?" He could hear the hooves of the killer wolves in the distance.

"Damn, fifteen!"

Lycaon prepares for the next attack. The first wolf lunged again, but this time he was caught off guard until his arm got a slash from the enemy's claws. This must be because his attention was drawn to a pack of wolves hiding in dispersal. Yes, Lycaon could sense bad energies that were at a considerable distance and place away from each other.

"Do they intend to attack in turn?"

There was no trepidation on his face, he just smiled when he found an incision in his arm. He touched the wound, then in a few seconds the wound was back to normal.

"Ah, fine if that's what you want." He said lightly, not forgetting his trademark disdainful smile.

Lycaon doesn't need to change form completely.

"They're just lifeless killing machines. Cheap wolves like you guys just need a little bit of a touch from me." He then laughed, the kind of laugh that seemed to indicate that he was satisfied.

"You won't get what you want! Go on, you ugly wolf!"

A fierce battle ensued. Lycaon uses dodge techniques in the first few minutes, then switches to attacking the opponent mercilessly. He hits, bites and rips the body of his prey, even though he is currently in human form. Before he could finish his first opponent, another wolf came. This time there are three. Seeing that Lycaon grinned viciously.

"You've seen my prowess, huh?"

One on one made Lycaon feel a little offended. That meant this killer wolf underestimated him so it only took out one member to attack him.

Lycaon admits that the attacking techniques and speed of his current combatants are enough for him, but that doesn't mean they can reach his weak point.

As one wolf attacked, Lycaon slashed its neck with sharp claws in hand. One attack came from another wolf and he dodged with just one move.

"Idiot prince he said?"

Luke snorted sarcastically. He didn't care who he was going to attack, whether it was a prince or even a king. It's just that, if you get the wrong information from the tenant, it can make it difficult for him. At least he could predict what weakness his target had. He acknowledged that their current opponent was a prince called Fool who possessed extraordinary standards of ability. Iya even had a hard time seeing the downside to the fighting style of someone called Lycaon.

Meanwhile, Lycaon who had overthrown 14 werewolves was now walking towards one of them. He crouched down with his arms resting on one leg, then he pulled the head of his now human opponent. I'm not going to ask a second time. Once you dodge or don't answer on the count of three, I'll slash your throat.

" She smiled sweetly. So, Sweet Child, who sent you?" 3 seconds passed and there was no response from the dying opponent. You seem to have given up before the war, huh? That's fine then."

With his eyes still open and a sweet smile on his lips, Lycaon sharpened the claws in his hands until they were three times their normal size then in an instant blood spurted from the lower neck.

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